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Zak Da Mack

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Everything posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. http://www.facebook.com/groups/33515471031/?ref=ts&fref=ts This is the facebook page for that site in Neath, which unfortunately is the closest one they have to Pembrokeshire. It looks very good, I want to go there. http://www.youtube.com/user/mattplaysairsoft?feature=watch This guy does recordings at Neath. If you want to have a look
  2. Yes, because glasses aren't made to deflect bb's so you should get some decent airsoft goggles/glasses. Probably, goggles as they will be able to fit over your glasses. Here is a good website for surplus stuff with lots of camo types. They also sell some eye protection aswell. http://www.military1st.co.uk/ DON'T be cheap when it comes to eyewear!
  3. Have you got any sort of loadout? Or will you be running round in a pair of jeans?
  4. Trying not to biased But if it was me, id go for the G&G
  5. Loving the cybergun AK, but I've heard bad things about cybergun. But they rebrand most other guns so you don't know what to expect. Also, it seems a little bit too hot for most airsoft sites as they usually only allow a max of 350fps for AEG's. On the other hand, the G&G is supposed to be a very good brand. And that GR15 raider looks lovely.
  6. Personally, I'd go for an AK, because its my favourite looking gun and is probably the most different to what everybody else uses. But that's just my opinion. The M4 has the biggest range for customization though if you want a lot of different attachments on your gun.
  7. Depends what sort of role you would like to play, it's completely up to you. There are loads of different styles of weapons to choose from and you can always upgrade them to make them better. If you see a gun that is black, most retailers will get it two toned for you. General rule: Never buy a gun that is under £150 as they are usually not very good. If you're not sure about a gun you like the look of, just pop a post on the forums and someone will answer your question.
  8. First of all, welcome to airsoft! Looks like the closest airsoft site to you is all the way over at Swansea http://www.airsoftmap.net/Skirmish/ - This website contains most of the airsoft sites in the UK. Also, to own a RIF (black/camo gun). You need to have a UKARA defence, which you can get by doing 3 airsoft games in no less than 2 months or no more than 12 months. So you might have to get a two-toned gun. Or you could rent a gun at whatever site you go to for 3 games and then buy a gun. Whatever suits you best. I hope this clears up things for you
  9. Actually, I found some Flecktarn camo tape on Amazon for £9. http://www.amazon.co.uk/MFH-FLECKTARN-CAMO-FABRIC-TAPE/dp/B003WJEFL6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1362231405&sr=8-1 The woodland camo tape on my gun is actually latex, so it sticks to itself and not the gun, so I can just slide it off when I have to. Talking about your gun sleeve idea, I actually like the idea of that and I might try that. I actually have a Flecktarn shirt in my wardrobe somewhere, so I'll use that but thanks for offering
  10. Sorry for long reply, I was thinking about buying some Flecktarn camo tape. The amount of people who said they noticed me because of that gun
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