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Posts posted by proffrink

  1. Supporters can now sign up to be granted 'Spam Flagger' powers. If this doesn't get enough participants then I'll broaden who's eligible to get these.


    2 hours ago, Speedbird_666 said:

    Ooof. Another morning of Spam. I've reported eveything I could find again.

    Registrations are suspended but unfortunately these were accounts pending verification. There will likely be more, but I have run through the list of verifying accounts and deleted anyone overly suspicious.



    23 hours ago, SBoardley said:

    “New members” joined 5 minutes ago….

    I believe that this is because the forum counts your sign up date/time as being from when you validated your account, not from when you actually filled out the registration form.




  2. New registrations are suspended until this can be figured out. Clearly the question and answer challenge has been solved and shared somewhere.


    47 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

    Looks like it's time for keyword or national/regional IP blocking.

    Unfortunately most are smart enough to use a VPN. Keyword blocking is something I'm trying via Cleantalk, but for whatever reason it doesn't appear to always be working.
    These spam posts are usually deleted within an hour but some are done at 4am when no one with current moderation powers is around.


    New moderators: it's one of the options that I'm looking into now. I'll post here with an update.

  3. 1 hour ago, alxndrhll said:

    As someone that used the classifieds a lot I wouldn't personally think it's necessary to be mandatory at all, as mentioned throughout the thread it's commonly known that the safest way to protect yourself is how you pay. Ranging from bank transfer/PayPal F&F through to PayPal G&S and/or collecting the item(s) in person at an agreed location.


    It's seemingly hard enough for folks to follow the rules currently in place, let alone adding more... and then the burden of having to moderate that. I've gone through the classified rules below and highlighted in red the ones which are already not followed on a fairly regular basis. No shade at the mod team at all, I'm aware it's a lot of traffic to try and stay on top of... it's purely to illustrate a point.


    Forum Specific Rules (action will be taken against your account for disregarding these)

    1. Failure to comply with the rules will result in you receiving a ‘Forum Warning’. Warnings start with the verbal kind and steadily increase in respect of seriousness/repeat offences right through to a ban and deletion of all posts and topics along with your user account. Find out more about ‘Forum Warnings’.
    2. All sales / trades must take place between two adults (i.e. over 18 years of age).
    3. All sales and swaps must use the sales template. Add additional information to let buyers know your trade preferences or location for collection. This will help sell your gun or gear as listing without pictures rarely sell.
    4. All sales must have an asking price. The price must be in UK Sterling £.
    5. All sales and swaps topics must have a picture, all pictures must be taken by the seller (adding a piece of paper with your forum name and date helps, but is not a rule). Do not use a retailers pictures - take your own.
    6. You must have access to the item that you're selling. You cannot be selling items that you do not own, are not able to post immediately or being sold on the behalf of someone else.
    7. You must include a picture of every item that you are selling. It is not acceptable to just show a box or use a stock images. Pictures must be visible in the listing (whilst we do allow links to other forums, simply placing a link instead of a picture is not permitted).
    8. Do not list the same item twice simultaneously. I.e. don't 'double list' an item.  You cannot have an advert in both Sales and Swaps section for the same item, just select "For sale or swap" for advert type.
    9. Once your item(s) is/are definitely sold/you've found the item you're looking for (even if the sale happened elsewhere), please mark the advertisement as 'complete' by visiting the listing and clicking 'Set as Complete'.
    10. Second hand airsoft-relevant items only. No selling/swapping of any other items, this includes offering items such as consoles for trade. There are no exceptions to this rule.
    11. No sales of knives, real guns, airguns, or any item of any description that readily fires metal munitions, metal munitions themselves, or any other weapon of any type, aside from IFs and RIFs within the legal limits. The following limits are on all sales with no exceptions:
      • <370ft/【𝟭𝟭𝟯 𝗺】s for full auto systems with a .20g BB (1.3J is the legal maximum)
      • <520ft/【𝟭𝟱𝟴 𝗺】s for semi auto systems .20g BB (2.5J is the legal maximum)
      • <520ft/【𝟭𝟱𝟴 𝗺】s for single fire systems .20g BB (2.5J is the legal maximum)
    12. You must communicate with your buyer/seller once a transaction is initiated (i.e. ignoring their PMs or topics asking what's going on with a sale/purchase).
    13. If you complete a trade/sale of any kind via the forums, please leave feedback for the seller/buyer, this allows us to see who we can trust or who we need to keep an eye on. You may leave feedback by going here.
    14. Any suspicions about the item(s) or seller should be sent via PM to a Moderator. Use the "Report this advert" link at the bottom of the listing and include a message (this will flag an issue for Moderators to look at).

    Just seems like an unecessary addition which won't stand to curb much of the 'dodgey' activity, the bulk of which in my experience happens in PMs in response to wanted ads rather than classified listings themselves.



    I was the seller of the item, all prices I provide in listings are inclusive of postage and G&S fees. When a buyer chooses to pay via F&F due to my feedback reputation it's appreciated but by no means pushed, or even mentioned on my part for that matter. Every item I send* is sent with tracking and the appropriate amount of compensation on it to ensure coverage should it go missing. With full transparency being that the buyer couldn't have possibly known that at the time of sending funds. Apologies to @Kriszif they feel I've overshared here.


    *Where possible, PF48 with £150 compensation is as good as you can get on RIFs if you're abiding the 'prohibited items' rules laid out by the various couriers... assuming my information is still up to date here, which I believe it to be. For the most part I tend to arrange delivery/collection in person for RIFs in lieu of being able to provide adequate compensation coverage.


    Aaaaanyway, this isn't about me as a seller, just highlighting that not having G&S doesn't necessarily mean the buyer, seller or both are entirely up shit creek is something goes awry courtesy of outrwonderful postal service... depending on how the seller sends it.


    TLDR - I don't think it's a necessary change, but I'll follow it should the rules be updated... as I do with all the existing rules.

    They certainly need rewriting to be more simple. The bits about UK law don't need to be in the same section as the headline rules.

  4. The problem is deeper than making 'complete' listings show as 'sold'. I don't want expired listings to show as 'sold' (which is what this would do). Many people dig through old advertisements and send messages to sellers looking to buy items in the hopes that they may still actually be available. I currently judge it as the lesser of two evils that we might find a sale for our listed items that we've not been able - or forgotten - to relist. Even many months after the fact there is a lot of potential for niche listings to find a buyer.


    I understand that this can be annoying for sellers who do stay on top of relisting their items.


    What would be required is the ability to show hidden, 'expired' listings and for users to easily mark their items as sold, withdrawn or otherwise even after they are 'expired' (this may already be possible). Additionally some kind of timer on 'expired' listings moving from simply marked 'expired' (perhaps for 7 days) to hidden by default (as mentioned).

  5. On 24/02/2022 at 23:42, Skullchewer said:

    So apparently Royal Mail have managed to lose my patches twice.


    Have you received these yet? I've sent out three waves since your post. Sent you a PM in case.



    On 11/02/2022 at 14:18, MagpieTactical said:

    Is it buying patches that show you as a supporter of the forum? If so, is it an annual purchase required? 


    Edit: because I used to show as a supporter, and now I dont

    Buying a patch doesn't make you a supporter I'm afraid. We culled a lot of the group too of people who hadn't signed in for some time, but I wouldn't be able to say if you're in that group or not as there aren't any logs. Supporters are selected by existing supporters every few years but it's just a meaningless title of recognition for being a long term contributor.


    You should get a marker under your name to show yourself as a patch owner. I'll see why this isn't showing up (possibly the plugin was out of date and therefore disabled).



    On 11/02/2022 at 19:26, Shamal said:

    Haha afuk are easily bought lol.


    Don't remind me about the Novrisch background mistake I made :(


  6. 2FA via Google Authenticator is now enabled. You may set this up here: https://airsoft-forums.uk/settings/account-security/

    This will remain an optional - encouraged - choice, but it's there nontheless for those who want it. It's only currently configured to prompt when changing certain account settings or when logging in from a new device. New users will be informed of this feature when signing in for the first time.

  7. After attempting to implement two different 3rd party antispam measures, leaning on IPS's supposedly 'very good' antispam system and generally restricting post counts and interactions on new accounts to a minimum to keep spam down it's still obvious that spam is getting through (and in a particularly obnoxious way).


    Admitting defeat, I've enabled the question and answer challenge spam prevention on the sign-up form with two questions currently in the rotation. You've probably seen this a lot on other forums, but in case you aren't familiar the Q&A challenge is simply a single question posed to prospective new joiners that they have to answer correctly in order to sign up. Typically these questions are themed so as to fit that of the forum and confound spammers who probably don't even know what your forum's primary subject is anyway.


    I'd like to get this to five questions total and can't really think of anything else that fits the criteria below well so I'm hoping that a few of you can help with suggestions: Please do not post your suggestions here, but instead PM them to me*. I'd rather these answers aren't indexed and easily searchable on our own URL. Free patch (posted) for the 3-4 that're picked.



    • The person signing up might have very little knowledge of airsoft at all
    • Questions should nevertheless probably be airsoft themed to reduce overlap with these spammer's general knowledge
    • Answers to these questions should be short as they will be checked against a list of appropriate answers with no human in the loop at all, so if they have to answer with more than one or two words it's probably not going to work


    If you want to see the existing questions, here they are:


    Not necessarily attached to either question (particularly the second).


    *I've enabled post approval simply so that one of you doesn't accidentally spill the beans on a good question.

  8. 6 hours ago, Albiscuit said:

    And there is a huge interest for early edition games and models with some original models selling for stupid money. I cry at the amount of stuff my mum must have chucked out when I moved out and what its now worth on ebay and the sales channels.

    Also lots and lots of companies making and people 3d printing proxy models means getting into the hobby now can be cheap as anything. I know people who have printed whole armies for next to nothing and only needed to buy the rulebook to play.



    I've been playing around with the Sonic Mini 8K this week. Providing the model sculpters themselves can keep up - as they have been able to do already - these machines will probably exceed the quality of the GW cast resin minis (but be shy of the injection moulded classics) whilst being about 80-90% as durable. You're not going to see this from many quarters yet though as most are only just moving to 4K from the old 2K machines. Resin is also silly expensive for many.

  9. I'll put up a poll for this soon and we'll see if it stays or goes.


    17 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


    Not for peasants.





    But... yes, yes it's all rather silly.  I assume/hope that it was just a checkbox on an Invision update. I'd be happy for it to be unchecked, and never spoken of again.  Quantity is not quality.

    Yeh, it was a checkbox. I think we've all had a chance to experience it by now though.

  10. Hi, sorry about this and that you have all had to wait for so long. I have just cleared all of the backlog of patch orders today.


    Not much of an excuse, just busy enough to not check the section in the backend that contains all of the orders and emails not being sent to me when someone has ordered a patch (now fixed).


    You should all have yours by tomorrow (or the day following at the latest).


    My apologies also for the lack of responses to your mentions in threads. If you wish to get a hold of me please don't hesitate to use the forum email or PM me. I typically check both of these at least once a week but both do get a fair amount of spam. @Jedi_Master got a message to me earlier last week.

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