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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 4 hours ago, Alex Evans said:

    So I'm getting around 270 FPS but the hop just doesn't seem to be good enough to get it that range. So I was looking to upgrade the hop and the spring however I'm honestly not fussed about 270fps as that's still more than manageable. Do you know what type of hop it would be compatible with or is it proprietary one?

    It is a proprietary two part hop (separate feed tube). https://www.zerooneairsoft.com/products/Tokyo-Marui-Plastic-Hop-Up-Unit-for-Type-89

    The sector gear is made of pot metal and is also proprietary, having an extra cam to enable the burst function; the cam for the COL is also in a different position than usual due to the unique gearbox design with its vertical sliding trigger switch..  That makes increasing the power somewhat risky as the sector gear is prone to shredding itself if pushed too hard.  Element used to make an improved gear set, but I have not seen one in stock for years.

    This is a good guide to the idiosyncrasies of the Type 89: https://tacticalparts.com/blog/resurrecting-the-champ/

  2. 8 hours ago, FMairsoft33 said:

    Hey guys, just thought I'd add that Lowa EU is doing an insane sale at the moment, I just picked up some zephyrs for around £50 when they are usually about £160. I have heard lots of good things about the zephyrs and lowa as a whole so it is worth looking on their site. I will add the sale is only on the eu website lowaeu.com.

    Have you received the boots?  The site is flagged as potentially being dodgy with the company being based in China.

  3. 20 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

    I expect that you know it far better than us.  It was a first visit for us, and since we can get to Glencoe in the same time, I think we'll be heading north again if we bother what with all the pewing and biking this year.  My wife likes to return to The Old Country in summer too.    


    We did find solitude beside the Dart though. 


    Beautiful!  We were on the high moor hunting tinnners' huts, kistvaens and anything else that took our fancy.  I think we saw about eight people over three days.

  4. This is what I gave sent them:

    Dear Sirs,

    As a member of UKAPU, I am deeply concerned that you have failed to abide by the latest published version of the Association's constitution, in that you have failed to give members the 28 days written notice of the 2023 AGM that is required by the Association's constitution.

    I understand that the AGM is due to take place at 7PM on 22nd June.  

    I note that the latest published version of the constitution states that one purpose of the AGM is to elect the Executive Officers; the constitution states that nominations must be made to the secretary in writing at least 45 days before the date of the AGM.  You have not notified members of this, making it impossible for members to nominate Executive Officers.

    Therefore, I am calling on you to cancel the AGM on 22nd June and rearrange for a date that will enable you to:

    1. Notify members of their right to nominate Executive Officers and allow them sufficient time to do so bearing in mind the 45 day cutoff.

    2. Notify members of the date, time, location (if physical) or access arrangements (if online) at least 28 days before the date of the meeting.

    3. Inform members that they can raise any matter at the AGM, provided that they give the secretary at least 14 days written notice.

    I await your response.

    21 hours ago, Jacob Wright said:

     I believe the references to 'proposed bans' etc relate to the VCRA 2007 bill. @Cannonfodder if you would like I will try to find more information relating to this.

    But UKAPU was founded in 2009 or 2010?

  5. 10 hours ago, Jacob Wright said:

    AGM is booked in for 22nd June at 7pm.


    I hope to be able to share more information following this, I know previous AGM's have had members join, and I don't see we they won't be able to this year either.

    I would point out that it is a legal requirement to give members written notice of an AGM.


    Members have an absolute right to attend, raise issues, ask questions  and vote.  Stating that “I don’t see why they won’t be able to this year” makes it seem that they are there on sufferance.


    As a member of the association, I will be writing to the committee pointing out that they are in breach of their constitution and requiring them to give all members 28 days notice of the AGM.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jacob Wright said:

    AGM is booked in for 22nd June at 7pm.


    I hope to be able to share more information following this, I know previous AGM's have had members join, and I don't see we they won't be able to this year either.

    Surely members should have been sent an invitation to the AGM?

  7. i would be interested to know how many players are signed up to UKAPU and what percentage of them have received help from UKAPU.  Also, when was UKAPU founded?

    I suspect that this group may have provided more good advice on import and customs issues than UKAPU.

  8. What power and range are you getting?

    I built one from a collection of parts a few years ago; they are "interesting" internally, with so many potential failure points and unique parts, which is why I sold it on as rapidly as possible.

    Mine was shooting at about 0.78J and reaching out a very good distance.

  9. 2 hours ago, Emergencychimps said:

    Covid put my stag do back by about 18 months, congrats on the wedding! With the right person, marriage is awesome. 


    Other sites you might want to check out:


    • Airsoft Plantation,  big site, well run, lots of players, some great set piece areas on site,
    • Airsoft Tower, next door, same people as Airsoft plantation, smaller site, smaller player numbers, (hear good things),
    • Camo Airsoft on canvey island (not been, very close cqb site),
    • AWA Herts (standard woodland skirmish site not far from bishop stortford),
    • Splattoon, mixed paintball site with a very unique shipping container area. Not very big and they get some high number (for the size of the site)
    • Gunman Airsoft Tuddenham, mix of woodland and urban, (I think one of the best and consistently good skirmish sites ever been to and they are getting better and better under current management team).
    • Gunman Airsoft Battle lakes (wasn't a fan of the site pre gunman, havent been since it has been taken it over, might be better now). 

    I would also recommend Airsoft Plantation and Tower Airsoft; both are great sites that are extremely well run.

    I was at Battle Lakes a week ago; it has definitely improved since the Zed days.

  10. 3 hours ago, Lozart said:

    All these tales of peoples grandfathers that served in WW2 is making me feel old!

    One of my grandfathers served in the Royal Navy in WW1, seeing action at Dogger Bank and Jutland.


    One of my great-grandfathers served in the Second Boer War and in WW1, ending up in Salonica.  I still have his mess menu from Christmas 1918, when he was still in Salonica.


    Going back a bit further a relative was at Rorke’s Drift, winning the VC, while, even further back, another served in La Legion Irlandaise (later the 3e Regiment Etranger) in Napoleon’s army, rising to the rank of Chef de Bataillon and being awarded the Legion d’Honneur in 1814, although he never received the actual medal as Napoleon abdicated and the Bourbons returned to power for a while.

    I just remembered another relative who went to America in 1861 to fight for the Confederacy (Boo! Hiss!).  Having managed to join up, he was captured and sent back to England, where he got on another ship and went back again.  According to family legend, he was again captured and, this time, was held prisoner.  He was pardoned after the war and one of my cousins still has that document.

  11. 11 hours ago, Impulse said:

    Just came back from a weekend of Gunman 'Namsoft up at Eversley Alpha and it reminded me why I do airsoft and why I love this hobby so much. Got a lift up with the usual pair I go airsofting with, one of whom is a pretty avid camper so it was as comfortable as it really could be camping in the woods and ended up having a great time. Met up with a bunch of people, old and new faces alike, and we ended up camping next to our resident @Tactical Pith Helmet and his family.


    However, it was a good time in a strange way because I didn't actually play much. I had rampant anxiety on the Friday night as Friday was a sweaty day due to the heat, having a wander around the site to get the lay of the land etc, and my mind was constantly like "hey, your heart could start doing its weird stuff again" even though I'm pretty damn confident I solved that problem. This meant I didn't get a wink of sleep and thus I couldn't play on the Saturday as I was absolutely drained as soon as I got out there, then on the Sunday I realised that being 20kg heavier (again, this was caused by my heart thing earlier in the year) and wearing pretty heavy, thick, all black kit in this weekend's weather was a recipe for disaster. I just... couldn't play, no matter how much I wanted to. It was truly disappointing! "So how was it a good time?" I hear you ask. Well, the social side was fantastic. I absolutely loved chatting with everyone, talking k98s with TPH and just seeing airsoft how it should be played, and I'm not talking about the filmsim roleplay parts; there wasn't rampant cheating, or people throwing their toys out the pram (too much) or people yelling about getting overshot. It was just a good weekend of BB wars and I was all for it. Also Josh, the organiser and owner of Gunman, is a joy to be around. That man has boundless energy and always loves for his games to just be a good time. I'm not the biggest roleplayer, for example, but that's never been a problem. As long as my kit looks good and my weapons are period-accurate, I'm never made to feel unwelcome just because I don't yell "GO HOME GI" at the top of my lungs (though it was very amusing for the otherwise silent forest to be punctuated by such yells that I could hear across the entire site while I was trying to sneak up on people).


    Fun parts where I actually played were fun though. I left my guns in our regen and took a radio that I tucked into my trousers, heading to a US-held area. I told them I needed to pass through the village and they searched me, but they didn't find the radio so I headed on through and... proceeded to relay their numbers and positions to my fellow freedom fighters. Then on the Sunday I managed to stalk through the bushes and take out four Americans with just a pistol by shooting and then moving.


    However, my 1911... in the words of Darth Vader, "you have failed me for the last time..." It just wasn't performing great, even though it was perfect weather for gas pistols. I've tried to make it good, but this was the last chance I was giving it, so moving forward I will run the AAP (it's converted to a Ruger .22) and the mac11 as a backup secondary (since the mac10 was used and they look the same, just slightly smaller)


    The really good things that came out of the weekend were:

    • Social
    • Josh being Josh
    • Reinforcement that my heart thing is solved because it didn't happen on any night and every day was full of stuff that would've normally set it off, just my mind was telling me "oh but it could" all through Friday night
    • Top quality airsoft for the 2 hours I played
    • Learned that I need to revisit my kit for Nam games to make it a bit more practical
    • Gave me a kick up the backside to lose weight and get fitter


    I'll let Mr. TPH give you a more accurate rundown of how the games went, but even from the perspective of me, a person who had basically everything conspire to stop me from playing, the weekend was fantastic and I'm already looking forward to the next one.

    Many thanks for the entertaining write up.  How many people typically turn up for these events?  I recently played one of their days at Battle Lakes and was surprised by how few players were there; given the size of the safe zone, it did not seem that they were expecting many,

  12. Having collected the lad from University on Friday, this morning we set off for Airsoft Plantation, equipped with water bottles laced with screech and, in the lad's case, a Camelback.

    Around 170 players were present on what was a very hot day.

    The first game required the attackers (us, being the blue team, in the first leg) to collect two smoke bombs from the DEA base and the new village and transport them to the village where one bomb had to be set off in each of the two double storey buildings.  Our regen was on a marshal 30m behind us, while the defenders had one life in each of DEA base/new village/the firebreak/the village.  Out attacks seemed to go rather slowly, with us eventually setting off both bombs in what seemed like a very long time.

    After a break for drinks and ice lollies, the game was switched around.  Our defence of the DEA base and new village seemed to collapse really quickly due to some brilliant flanking moves by the red team.  However, we held them at the firebreak in a series of extended engagements, during which the SLR once again proved that it is not the ideal weapon in dense undergrowth.  Unfortunately, the lad was grenaded by fellow blue players, who were only 3m behind him; well done chaps!  Eventually falling back from there, we fought an all round defence of the village until being overrun; to my surprise, the reds had taken longer to complete the mission than we had.

    After more drinks and ice lollies, we played a game which required both teams to transport their VIPs across the mortar pits to the safety of a marshal who would be located where the other team had started from.  Each player except the VIPs had two lives, while the VIPs had infinite regens on the marshal where they started from.  I am not sure what happened to the red team, but we pushed forward and got our VIPs to their objective, while they did not manage to do so.

    Following lunch, which involved more drinks and ice lollies, we played a domination game across most of the scrubland part of the site.  This was a challenging game, partly due to the heat and partly due to the nature of the AP site, which lends itself to sneaky infiltration tactics, with groups of players popping up in unexpected places.  The QBZ97 proved its worth in the scrubland, being much easier to manoeuvre than the SLR and more than capable of holding its own in the open.  At the end of the game, we held two points, while the reds held three :(.

    There was another game after this but, along with quite a number of other players, we decided to leave due to the heat, especially as the lad was developing a headache.  Despite that, it was a typically excellent AP day!

    Weapons used:
    Ares SLR (morning)
    Real Sword QBZ97 (afternoon)
    Milbro M1911 Classic

    The Lad:
    LCT AS VAL (morning)
    JG BAR 10 (afternoon)
    ASG Commander XP18

  13. 6 hours ago, Pupa2794 said:

    @Cannonfodderit's just an anecdote but last week me and the Mrs took a motorbike through Europe.

    We had an attempted bike jacking/robbery in Brussels outside our hotel by a gang of morrocans (the police chatted with us afterwords) with a machete very much involved.


    We were exceptionally lucky that Belgian plain clothes police were there, and were armed, and don't fuck around. 

    Bloody hell!  The wonders of enrichment.  Thankfully, you were both ok.

  14. 2 hours ago, Ebeneezer Goode said:

    and the descent from liberty to totalitarianism quickens.

    Very unlikely in the UK; totalitarianism does not tend to happen in countries that do not take their politicians seriously and which recognise them for the incompetent, greedy, egomaniacal bastards that most of them are.

    We take the piss out of our politicians far too much for anyone to get into a position where they can create a totalitarian regime; Mosley was probably the biggest internal threat to our democracy in modern times and he failed in part because he was widely lampooned and derided, but mainly because we do not really 'do' totalitarianism.

    As for Covid, the response to that was probably basically correct, albeit with several mistakes, acts of stupidity (eat out to help out) and utter corruption and cronyism from the ruling party.

    Unfortunately, climate change is a real thing, regardless of whether individuals "believe" in it; we really do have to change the way we behave if we want to leave the planet in a reasonable state for future generations.

    As to whether they are going to "come for our guns" at some point, I suspect that they probably will eventually.  I have always been somewhat surprised that owning RIFs is so easily tolerated in the UK and will be somewhat disappointed but not particularly surprised when they do.

  15. 4 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

    Ooh, a duel, what we going for? Slapsies? Handbags at 20 paces?

    It would have been the traditional way: throwing blancmanges at each other from the baskets of hot air balloons.  It is how I repeatedly duel with my mortal foe, Roger the Welshman (that isn't an instruction).

    2 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

    Game of good old fashioned Mercy? 


    I was champion at that. 




    Anyway, new boots arrived and fit nicely. 


    Problem is.... The boy got tackled at school yesterday playing American football.  Ie when I grew up "sissy rugby", and occasionally, rugby league with body armour. 


    Anyway.  The big softy had a bad sprain to his wrist and the doctor said no airsoft or drumming. 



    Now I could be a big meany pants and go alone, but I'm not that much of a barsteward. 😜

    I am pleased to hear about the boots.

    Go and play, and tell him what a brilliant day you had :).  Hope he recovers rapidly.

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