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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 20 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Well I'll be honest, turning up at Spec Ops today with more guns than I could actually count (probably nine) was a stupid, stupid, STUPID idea.

    That reminds me of a chap who used to play at a site in Kent where I marshalled; he would regularly turn up at the chrono with a ridiculous number of guns and a story about why they all needed chronoing.

    He was a lovely chap; I must try to make contact with him again to see if he is still playing.

  2. 9 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:


    Would you fecking believe it.....  I sit at my kitchen breakfast bar to do most things including working on my pews.  I don't watch TV, but have a tablet on said counter to watch my plex server or YouTube etc..... This is charged through a quick detach magnetic charging cable. 


    Guess what managed to catch, mid flight, the tiny spring? 


    Yep.... My tablet's charging magnet.  I was wondering why the battery was draining 🤣🤣🤣🤣.   

    Well, that is a result!

    On 30/06/2023 at 21:57, gavinkempsell said:

    I bought a RIF from the sites classifieds which I'm very happy with, I knew it needed some work & I figured it would be a good first attempt at disassembly, tidy & rebuild as it would be a wall hanger anyway (unless it turned out awesome of course), anyway... it needed a few parts which were very nicely supplied by another site member, they arrived today & as I'm an eager beaver I set about 'fixing' my toy after I got home from work.

    I'd already stripped it before sourcing the parts I needed and noticed someone else had already been in it's guts to 'upgrade' or 'repair' it in the past. Looks like they'd replaced the piston spring with a longer/stronger one and the spring guide was either the wrong one or the threads were stripped so the whole spring assembly was wedged in with a metal plate cut to size.

    I've now got an almost complete & almost built Honey Badger that will probably have a fairly hot FPS except for one little issue... the spring, sprung all the way across my mancave and disappeared behind some shelving that I can't be arsed moving at the moment, not a big deal as it was meant to be a wall hanger anyway but... the butt plate screws into the bloody spring guide & three guesses where that is???

    Looks like I'll be moving some shelving in my imediate future... DOH!

    We have all done something similar; assuming that the spring guide is a standard one, they are cheap to buy.

  3. 8 hours ago, EDcase said:

    Duno about Lancer Tactical.  Anyone have any experience with them?

    I have a Lancer Tactical LT-12, which I bought second hand a couple of years to see if they were as bad as they were supposed to be.  The gearbox is standard and actually pretty decent, with a QC spring that can actually be changed without removing the gearbox from the receiver.  It has a rotary hop that is not as good as the ZCI version but does the job well enough, especially when paired with a ML Macaron rubber and nub.

    Except for the outer barrel, the externals are entirely plastic, albeit of decent quality.

    I would rate it as being somewhat better than a basic G&G Combat Machine at a much better price.

  4. The lad arrived home last night, having spent two weeks in Scotland doing section, platoon and company attacks interspersed with time on the range (he is now officially a marksman) and other shenanigans.

    This morning we set off for one of our favourite sites, Tower Airsoft, which normally pulls in about 40-60 players.  On arrival, we were surprised to find only a very few people present, with attendance eventually rising to around 24. However, Miguel and Luke dreamed up some excellent games which made the most of the site's features and worked well with that number of players.

    For us, this was ideal as it provided plentiful opportunities for sneakiness and working our way around flanks.  Personal highlights involved some very effective use of "poison gas", working our way around the village to attack the defenders in the rear, being part of an epic defence of the village in the reverse of that game and, in the afternoon, sneaking up behind the opposing team as they assaulted the castle in the last leg of a fallback game.

    Overall, it was an excellent day, with some great play by both teams.

    A very young lad on our team was notable for his enthusiasm, ability and brilliant sense of humour.

    We are planning one of our occasional trips to Dragon's Lair, which is also in Essex, next Sunday.

    Weapons used:
    G&P/Hurricane kit SR47
    DBoys AKMS
    Milbro M1911 Classic CO2

    The lad:
    G&G GR4 G26
    G&G CM16 SRL (well, it was when it was bought!)
    ASG Commander XP18 CO2

  5. 8 hours ago, John_W said:

    As the owner of  Kriss Vector, I need a very specific size of Battery, and my preference is 9.9 LiFe.

    I have a large number of "notify when in stock" alerts on Component Shop  and various others.

    I keep checking back and these batteries have been out of stock for over two years now. Could they not update their websites? Very frustrating...

    I am not sure what you are complaining about.  You have alerts and the websites are showing those batteries as being out of stock.  What do they need to update?

  6. 6 hours ago, Rojus J said:

    Looking to buy a electric ppsh, any brand, any specifications, please message me here, two toned or not/ modified etc, send a picture and offer it [email protected]

    Welcome to the Forums.

    You need to place an advert in the Classifieds, where there is a "Guns Wanted" section.  However, you will need to make a few more posts before you can do so.

  7. 11 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Yeah I've resisted the temptation to do it before, but the guns rate of fire has dropped recently (not by much, but enough to show up when testing using my chrono)... I'll swap the motor first

    That is the best thing to do; stick a decent motor in there and see how it goes.  If you changed the spring to a stronger one, that could explain the reduced ROF.

  8. 36 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Luke at Negative Airsoft has just published an upgrade video of an M906C


    He gives it big love



    I think mine has definitely started to run at a lower RoF than it used to, really time to get a replacement motor in, and by the contents of this video I should crack open the gearbox to check the o-ring and piston etc are all ok



    I'll need some Brave Pills, nurse

    If the power is ok and it sounds reasonable, why open it up?

  9. 32 minutes ago, Speedbird_666 said:

    Small CQB sites can work - it just depends on the numbers, how they've handled the layout/cover and the rule set they employ for the games.


    Might get pretty boring after a visit or two though.



    Indeed; it all comes down to how it is run and how well they manage to keep it interesting.

  10. 5 hours ago, BigStew said:

    UKAPU does need to step up to justify it's existence, but to all those people complaining that they have all that money in savings, for a nation wide representative body 20k is nothing. To actually be effective they should have reserve fund multiple times that. If they were to actually have to fight a legal case or fund a white paper that money could be spent in a matter weeks, hell cost of lawyers could burn through that in days.   

    I am not complaining about them having all that money, other than it apparently having been in a rather vulnerable PayPal account.  What I was wondering is what an organisation that seems to do virtually nothing to support airsoft as a hobby plans to do with that money.

    I completely agree that £20k is nothing for a nation wide representative body.  However, UKAPU is not functioning as a a nation wide representative body, as can be seen by reading through through the AGM and Management Meeting minutes.

    Would airsoft in the UK be any different if UKAPU did not exist?  I suspect that the answer to that is no.

  11. 2 hours ago, ghostwalker said:

    Saying that.

    I just looked at replacing the selector switch itself as it's in pretty bad shape. Only in stock one I for d was in Canada for $17 I'm ok with that. Not so ok with them wanting $100 to ship it though. Might try and see if the tm one can be Jerry rigged to fit instead or if vfc get back to me about sourcing a replacement 

    This one in the USA has it in stock; no idea about postage though: https://www.classic-airsoft.com/vfc-selector-switch-assembly-for-417-series-airsoft-aeg-rifles-products2677647.html

  12. 11 minutes ago, Jacob Wright said:

    Good afternoon,


    Just to provide an update following our meeting on Thursday evening - apologies for the delay.


    A date for the AGM has been set, and once the press release has been finalised this will be circulated to all members and via social media.


    The current chairperson has stepped down, and caretaker chairperson, vice chairperson, registrar and press officer have been elected. These positions will be re-elected at the AGM. 


    The new vice chairperson would like to apologise to members for not being able to be a part of our management meeting, but we are looking forward to them attending our AGM.


    At this time, I have taken over the role of press officer. I look forward to being able to share more regular updates with our members and the wider Airsoft community going forward.


    As always, please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

    Thank you for the update.  That is all very nice, but what is UKAPU for?  What is its purpose?  What does it do to represent or promote UK airsoft?  Does it still have in excess of £18k sitting in a PayPal account?  When will the minutes of the 2022 AGM and the associated accounts be published?

  13. 6 hours ago, ghostwalker said:

    Cheers. I have ordered one and just hope customs don't decide to jump on it 


    I had seen it but my tired brain saw yhe price jump from £7 to $149 and had a fit. 

    Hong Kong dollars can be rather frightening.

  14. 6 hours ago, AirSniper said:

    Flat is 3.7v any lower you risk damaging the cell, I have seen people run theirs down to 2.9v and wonder why the cell is stuffed.

    I have had a cell overcharge which I wonder why it didn't go chernobyl, when I measured the voltage it was 4.6v. Took that out of service right away.

    There is only a narrow 0.5v charge range on these things. So a C20 should take very little time to charge.

    The Nuprol charger I use is the 18W or 4.29 amp charger, from flat (3.7v) they take 20 minutes (average)

    What is the the capacity of the battery (mAh) and what amperage are you charging at?  Charging at 1C or less will massively improve the life of batteries.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

    It seems like a case of you don't need UKAPU until you really need UKAPU, so thanks for supporting it.

    I am not sure why one would really need UKAPU.  Are there any known cases where their intervention has saved an airsofter from potential imprisonment or similar?  Have they ever influenced legislation or government policy?

  16. 14 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

    There are no shenanigans going on.

    I agree; however, they seem to be sitting on a relatively large amount of money, most of it possibly still in a rather vulnerable PayPal account, that does not seem to be being used in any constructive way to benefit either airsoft or UKAPU members.

    I cancelled my annual donation this morning, mainly because I have no idea what UKAPU does that benefits the hobby.

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