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Everything posted by MrTea

  1. I used the thicker stuff in Halfords, the velcro in the while/black box.
  2. Well. Things didn't go as planned... I sat down today to start work on the DMR. I cleaned the gearbox shell and everything in it. Replaced the bushings/bearings with the nice new bearings from AK2M4 and reshimmed. The etched shims make it really easy to tell what you're using. The extra 0.5mm in bearing height didn't cause any issues with the selector plate so i'm happy about that. Compression set changed and is fantastic. Interestingly, the DMR version of the Masada has a quick change spring where I don't think the Carbine versions does. The spring guide I ordered is a non-quick change one so i'll sort that whenever, it's a 2 minute job to get to. Fuck ambidextrous selectors. I got it working but it can fuck right off. Test the mosfet to make sure it's seeing the different selector positions. Bingo. Pop the new motor in and gently bend the motor connections----SNAP. Ah for fuck sake. The little spade connector for the positive tab snapped rather than bending. Thankfully there's loads of spare wire for me to put a new one on tomorrow once i've paid halfords a visit.
  3. I use this battery however it's showing as no longer available so you may need to take the dimensions from this listing and use others on Amazon. If you have prime, you can order them with free delivery and their returns (if it doesn't fit) are super easy. The Strike Industries stocks are hard to find in stock. The main retailer won't ship to the UK from their shipping options and I can't find it anywhere other than Brownells who are asking £79.90. Specshop.pl are asking €93.75. I have a Strike Industries stock in my spares box. I'm surprised owners aren't trying to sell theirs at a huge premium. So you have mil-spec and com (commercial)-spec. Krytac, I believe, is mil-spec. Here's a comparison of the two. To fix any inaccuracies in measurements I use the 'soft' side of velcro on my buffer tube and force the stock onto it. Here's a couple pictures of my Krytac LVOA-C for reference. It wobbles a bit from left to right, only slightly but it doesn't "rattle like a MF". I had to do the same on my Specna Arms Mk18 custom build.
  4. Christ, that's some riser!
  5. Strike Industries Mod 1 (or it's knock off equivalent) stock might interest you. I hated my Krytac stock so I just swapped it to a Magpul CTR Style stock. Only annoying thing was having to find a battery that'd fit the buffer tube. I bought an Amazon special 11.1v LiPo and have since used that for my M4 style rifles as they all have CTR style stocks on them.
  6. When I was looking into LPVOs for my DMR I found a lot of people use red dots alongside LPVOs (usually on the top of the scope rings (in airsoft)) because they're faster to bring on target in close quarters (than a 1x LPVO) and can be used with both eyes open which can be an issue with magnified optics like an LPVO alongside the requirement for proper eye relief/eye box alignment. Flip up iron sights are unlikely to work because they'd be blocked by the mount like you said. You can get some scope rings that act like an iron sight on the top but at that point you might as well use a red dot.
  7. I got lazy and just bought what appears to be a legit (or at least uses the original design) HK MP5 sling but it's not as fast to adjust as a regular 2 or 3 point sling that you'd use on an M4 for example as you need to pop the 'slider' into that bit near the magwell if you don't want to drop it and have it smack you squarely in the nuts.
  8. Guys please! Fire your stuff nowhere near your setups. I test mine in an empty garage with a mesh net wrapped around the chrono until it literally blew the zip out and i'm figuring out a new solution that can withstand 500fps.
  9. OOF. Was it a ricochet or did you pull the trigger while it was pointed at the monitor? Regardless, why are all of your setups so cluttered? There's more than a few pics posted recently of peoples setups and they're all like this. It's agonising.
  10. MrTea

    low fps issue

    For reference; my custom Mk18, when playing outdoors, will last about 3-4 hours on a 1500mah 11.1v LiPo with a mix of semi and full auto fire. Usually run through about 10-12 150 round mid-caps. It's an Amazon special to boot to fit my stock tube. When playing indoors with it, it'll last all night in semi-auto without the LiPo alarm from the MOSFET coming on. I think there's something wrong with the battery. No way should it die that quick.
  11. You need regular airsoft magazines. Low/real cap, mid cap or high cap, it doesn't matter. There's loads of them available from a bunch of retailers and they're pretty cheap.
  12. Looks cool. Why wouldn't you recommend the site though?
  13. At £100 you can definitely pick up Warrior Plate Carriers if you're patient enough. If you're lucky they'll even come with all or some pouches.
  14. Was I one of the only people told to minimise neck/head movement when assisting any kind of vehicle incident and to not remove helmets? What the fucky wucky? I thought this was common knowledge but I guess not.
  15. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    Selling my EmersonGear Fast PJ Helmet and cover. £25 inc. postage and fees. Postage to UK only.



  16. Yup. I've got a Perun Hybrid ready to go. I was interested in testing, what I assumed to be, a useless throwaway comment in some corner of the internet.
  17. If they're as good as they appear to be in the videos, i'll snap your hand off for some magflash rounds. Send me a private message as soon as you're able if you've got some ready to go. For the different versions of the magflash from small to large what exactly changes? Is it the noise level or the amount/size of flash/sparks? I'm only asking as the noise level is the main issue when it comes to magflash and 12 gauge blanks on the forum from what i've seen. Quick question; it's a little bit of a coincidence that you've appeared after I was talking to a guy last week at District 23 about these very rounds. Are you that same person or original creator of magflash? Keep us updated.
  18. Taken from Saturday at NTAC. I'd have more but some of their pics are out of focus WAS Pathfinder chest rig w/ generic back panel Pentagon Ranger Green Trouser HelikonTex Alpha Tactical Grid Fleece - Foliage Green My custom Mk18 I didn't see the photographer in either of these pics. A high-vis and camera is truly the best camouflage in airsoft.
  19. I did mention that one earlier but I only saw it in one place and no one seemed to confirm this one so I thought it was a myth!
  20. Probably more questions and frustrations if experience is anything to go by
  21. I know, i've only used XT springs so far. I had read elsewhere (can't remember exactly where) that guarder SP springs produce less noise/twang somehow? Possibly the material they're made from? Was going to try it out and see what kind of a difference it made, if at all. I've seen someone suggesting putting heat shrink on parts of the spring to reduce the vibrations and noise which seeems unlikely and i'm not in a hurry to test that one
  22. Parts have been ordered and I've already got 90% of them. Annoyingly, the Wiitech hop parts (inc nozzle) are coming from Hong Kong so i'm going to be waiting for a couple weeks on those to arrive. The only changes I've made to the list are as follows; I've ordered some LY "J"-caged bearings which AK2M4 say have survived 300k+ cycles on M140 springs and are a third of the price of EZO bearings. The bearings are 3mm "tall", about 0.5mm taller than standard bearings which can cause clearance issues with selector plates which may need some sanding to allow these to fit. Hopefully I have no issues with them fitting and it'll help reduce some gearbox noise. I ordered the bushings just in case I still needed them. I couldn't get Guarder SP springs, out of stock from both places I ordered so I had to suck it up and live with XT springs for now. Inner Barrel; I couldn't get a Lambda SMART like Leo Greer suggested. I was planning on going for the Lambda Evo 6.08mm at 363mm long. This didn't give me an ideal ratio but wasn't too concerned as it was only slightly off until I discovered that Lambda Evo have a 6.12mm diameter at 363mm long meaning it was the perfect length for the 2.48:1 ratio and for £33, I don't think I could go wrong with this given it's only slightly more expensive than the cheapest offering. I would have liked to start the build today but the lack of a nozzle means I'd have to take apart the gearbox again once it arrives so i'm having to sit on my hands for now.
  23. As someone who only wears contacts for Airsoft and Karting, why can't you wear contacts? Are they uncomfortable or are incompatible with your eyes? My optometrist has offered me a few different types of contacts recently on my renewal. Older ones (that I use) versus some newer variants that are thinner and different material that allow more oxygen to the eye reducing discomfort. Chain optometrists are crap IMO. I used my local non-chain optometrist and i've never changed since. They might give you some options that can help.
  24. I was thinking about this too. You can get custom hydro dip films made too if that's your thing or can't find what you're looking for. I've helped people hydro dipping car parts before and it needs a bit of practice before you will get it right. I'm surprised it hasn't been used more in airsoft.
  25. First day back at NTAC in a long while. Around 20 or so players which is quite low for the site which was probably caused by A. NAF being on this weekend and B. The predicted torrential rain. First issue of the day before games even began; "chronos are available on the table". Surely you should have zip ties etc. ready at the ENTRANCE to the play area and chrono people as they come through as mandatory thing? It takes 10 minutes tops. Teams were sorted and the first game started and the old problems that bothered me with the site began to rear their head. The first game was bands attacking a small village area with unlimited lives. Defenders (non-bands) have 4 lives. Teams will be reversed after the game was over and fastest time wins. The attackers objective, we were told, was to get the flag up at the back of the village and kill defenders in the process which seems simple enough. The first game was competitive and eventually the attackers got the flag up however the marshall said that the game isn't over as the non-bands were still alive... several of the non-bands who ran out of lives were at the side discussing the rules; surely the game is over when the flag is up otherwise it's just Elimination with a twist? Regardless, we swapped sides and non-bands attacked. We managed to beat the bands attack time convincingly. Queue some """BALANCING""" with the teams. Next game was just the previous game mode in another area of the site without the flag. Non-bands got spanked on both attack and defence, not even remotely competitive. Interestingly there was no team balancing after this. Teams were only rejigged after lunch as some players on half-days left and some new players arrived. Game after that was "body parts" in a recently remodeled area of the site. Game mode consisted of attackers having to recover mannequins on a stretcher from a van and bring them back to spawn. Stretcher must be carried by two players at all times. Most mannequins wins. Sounds interesting right? Sure but now consider that the only entrances to the objective area are two doorways barely bigger than your average person so I think you can guess where this is going. Two of the players that arrived at lunch came with a bolt action sniper and a 417 styled DMR and were both put on bands. Both of these people found a position outside any real danger from our team and picked us off the second we got into the doorway. The only way through was sacrificing a player at the front but then you were hampered by a lack of cover. The left flank had an unobscured view of the team and the right side was a long lane where the sniper/DMR guy was nailing everyone. Another poorly thought out area in my opinion, there should have had another way of attacking other than through two choke points. Once the first leg of this game ended, I and another arrived to the conclusion that this was, and I quote, "wank" and left. The level of gameplay was quite high and never noticed or heard of any non-hit taking or moaning about other players with the exception of one guy who was "keyholing" in one game. NTAC is an amazing site with huge potential ruined by lazy marshalls, shit team balancing and poorly thought out game modes that are too similar. My main gripe is team balancing as the marshalls appear to balance the teams on numbers not player experience & loadout capabilities unlike other sites i've been to. In addition, the marshall who was directing us for the day got the game started and just sat at the spawn closest to the parking area so he didn't have to walk as far. He never walked through the game area once. The Mk18 performed well for the first half of the day, at one point I sniped the actual sniper, it was lifting BBs out to an absurd range. Occasionally it would double feed in semi auto but a quick burst in full auto would fix the issue in semi. I turned down the precocking a bit which appears to have fixed the issue. There's something causing issues with the gun however. Over the course of the day I began to lose accuracy and would sometimes get flyers. Not too sure what the issue is but I might try changing to a different barrel to see if the 6.02mm is a touch too tight and is causing issues.
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