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Everything posted by MrTea

  1. I have (what appears to be) a 36" Condor Double Rifle bag which has many different clones from different brands. A 46" generic Amazon tan rifle bag for my longer guns. A 8Fields Tactical double rifle bag which is what I take to games. These three bags are all made of the thicker 600D material but only the Condor bag has the internal seperator flap thing. The Amazon one has a large internal space for your main rifle and then a smaller pouch on the front (36") for your secondary. The 8Fields bag doesn't have a seperator/flap but has space for two medium rifles and are secured by provided molle loops and velcro straps on the inside. For storage I managed to get 5x generic Amazon rifle bags. I have them for sale for £25 ea. inc postage if you're interested
  2. I've got an MP9, Masada/ACR and L85A2 so list goes; L86 LSW F2000 Tavor WA2000 Scar-H VorpalBunny AM.45 and P90 just because it annoys people and they're rare. Often used as wall hangers rather than in games APS CAM870 AK12 MP5SD The amount of people who've asked about my MP5 when I've played with it has me thinking they're considered rare in the UK.
  3. Gonna have to get the calipers out tomorrow and size up the battery space inside the L85A2 TMH and see if they have an 11.1v Lipo that'll fit in there because the PEQ battery solution I originally came up with kidna sucks.
  4. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo. Should've sent him this back.
  5. EPMs can cause feeding issues due to the strength of the sprint in some AEGs. I just use generic mid-caps from Nuprol and they've worked fine. I've heard about these Daniel Defence mid-caps getting popular in place of EPMs. I'm not sure if they're prone to the same issues or they're just EPMs in a different shell. I'd happily take 150 round mid-caps that have an extended follower. There'll be a certain someone by soon to recommend the Double Eagle M904.
  6. When you're getting chrono results of 350 FPS on a 0.20g BB i'm guessing that the hop is either completely off or on very slightly which is why it's barely having an effect on the BB. This is normal. Using heavier BBs is going to drop your FPS. This is why the max FPS limit decreases as you increase BB weight as it's the energy (joule) measurement that you're working from universally. Heavier BBs will travel slower but lose less energy than lighter BBs the further they go. 350 FPS on a 0.20g BB is the same energy (joules) as 276 FPS on 0.32g BBs. Applying hop and dropping to around 240 FPS on 0.32g BBs sounds about right to be honest but without testing I couldn't say for sure. From memory, on my last chrono using 0.28g BBs I was getting about 280 FPS with is the same as 330 FPS on 0.20g BBs. I'd suggest trying a standard hop unit. I've heard plenty of issues with Maxx hop units having tolerances that are too fine and begin to cause issues. I would also suggest using another brand of hop rubber in case it's a compatibility issue with the hop rubber, hop unit and barrel.
  7. Distrct 23. Sunday afternoon/evening session. Around 20-25 players. Fantastic session. MP5 ran like a champ all session but man I need to find a better sling setup. Gameplay was great and everyone had a laugh. Rentals had fun. No complaints. @Tugger During the break we introduced the marshal to Magflash as he was also interested in them. The "mini" flashbang that was sent as a tester is what I used first and was the single loudest piece of pyro i've ever heard, holy shit. I've never felt a shockwave like that from any pyro, no wonder they're still in the testing phase. Testing the three other flashbangs (small, regular, large) was a success and they're much quieter than the first; these three are about the same sound report as a Mk5 Thunderflash where the small, regular, large appears to relate to the amount of flash/sparks effect each flashbang provides. The marshal has approved them for use downstairs only as the upstairs of the site is made primarily of wood and he wants to reduce the risk of fire caused by the sparks as much as possible. The "mini" flashbang might need a bit of tweaking but can't say for sure as I only took one of each for testing/approval.
  8. Fucking Patrolbase lmao. They even damaged it further when attempting to repair it. If you contact citizens advice, make sure to mention all of this and take pictures.
  9. Patrolbase are lying is what i'd say. There's no way they chrono at 345fps and then you can't get a BB further than throwing it. You can't take the gearbox apart to see if they've changed anything because (i'm sure) that voids your warranty. If they're unwilling to take it again (or you're unwilling to wait for them to fix it again) send it to a reputable tech; I can personally vouch for TheCageAirsoft who will take guns (and parts) via post and do fantastic work. My MP5 they worked on is a powerhouse. To sate my curiosity, can you look up into the magwell? If there's a sticker there has it been cut/split? If it's there and it's still intact then they haven't been inside the gearbox to do the work they claim they have.
  10. Question about your flash hider, I have one of those Airsoft Artisan ones and only just got around to putting it on the G&G L85... where the outer barrel isn't threaded. The standard flash hider just slides on and there's a pin that secures into a groove on the outer barrel. Are G&G doing strange things with their L85A2 and do the ICS ones have a threaded barrel?
  11. Depends on what GBB pistol you have; AirTac UK have a range of magazine adapters available as found here. After that you'd need a tank, line & regulator as a starting minimum.
  12. Valken ASL are the standard rental at NTAC, my local outdoors site, and what played my first three games with to get my UKARA. They're half-decent and run well. They really need a bucking/nub upgrade to be competitive.
  13. It's a rite of passage. Was playing a few weeks ago, opened a new 1kg bag of BLS 0.28g BBs to put into my Odin and dropped more than half the bag onto the table & floor 🙃 I think I may invest in a few of those fabric BB bags that have the rigid spouts.
  14. It doesn't. At least, i've never found mine turned off between games but my Holy Warrior must have narcolepsy because within 30 seconds of having my rifle hanging then bringing up to aim it's already off and i've got to use my clumsy big gloved finger to try and press the brightness to turn it back on. Annoying when you aim at someone and there's just empty glass framing them. That said, the first thing I do at the end of every session is remove batteries from everything.
  15. Not really. I've seen guides on the internet of people using PTFE tape to things like scotch tape and just layering it up. Companies such as Airtech Studios make Inner Barrel Stabilisers but i've bought their stuff and it's super picky with fitment. I tried fitting one (out of curiousity more than anything else) to my Krytac LVOA-C and it wouldn't even fit around the Laylax/Prometheus stainless barrel which is a direct replacement for the stock brass barrel. I'd have to measure the diameter with my calipers before i'd call their stuff a complete bust though. I imagine you could stretch the plastic around the outer barrel if you heated it up enough... 🤔 I tried fitting their L85A2 stabiliser to my G&G L85A2 and that fit fine (stock barrel)... but it will only fit with the standard flash hider due to it's design. Only way around that is to turn it into a sleeve but then there's no guarantee of it staying in place. This post might interest you on the Airsoft Sniper forums.
  16. New hop unit from AirsoftPro ordered. Hopefully this one actually works. Prolly going to take 2 weeks to arrive so the DMR won't be viable for my next outdoors session.
  17. Try using a 60 degree bucking (the yellow one) for 350fps and test again? As Leo Greer suggests, stabilising the inner barrel inside the outer may be required to improve accuracy further. Currently working on this myself but i'm waiting on more parts to arrive.
  18. I used these. These should also work. I will say, the actual spade connector which goes onto the motor tab is crimped a touch too tight and I had to use a small flathead to pry them open a bit more so they went onto the motor tab without forcing it on and potentially damaging the motor. If you don't have one already, i'd suggest getting a crimping tool.
  19. --- UPDATE --- Halfords saves the day. Got a box of spade connectors and they fit the motor tab perfectly fine and there was plenty of wire left to clip the old one off and replace it with this new one. Banged the motor in and test fired. Gearbox is working nicely. Now the hop unit. The wiitech hop unit is trash, despite looking very nice. The hop arm gets stuck in the body of the hop unit with full hop is applied. The hop adjustment piece doesn't actually fit on the hop unit and pops off at a whim. The tabs/wings on the hop unit which lock into the Masada outer barrel are too wide and even with a fair bit of force will not go into the outer barrel. I've had to take the metal hop arm and brass nub from the Wiitech hop unit and put it in the stock plastic hop unit for now just to get a functioning gun. I'll have to search around for the AirsoftPro version. The loading ramp and nozzle were fine, no problems with them and function fine with the stock hop unit. I grabbed a bottle of 0.2g BBs and tested the FPS. I got a few wonky readings because I had no hop applied and was pointing the gun down allowing some BBs to escape but it's sitting between the 400fps-405fps area. My site limit is 420fps for DMRs so unless I can get a better airseal to grab those last few FPS, i'm okay with it sitting here power wise. A new/better hop unit (that actually fits) may improve the airseal to the point of hitting the site limit, hopefully, maybe. Will have to do some reliable testing once i've sourced another hop unit. Here's a nice pic of the bevel gear too, looks like it's had a hard life.
  20. I've never had an item not turn up with Aliexpress or similar. Usually it takes 8-14 days to deliver but it's always been within that timeframe, Royal Mail issues not included. Temu deliver their stuff with Evri once it's in country and they've been great but their selection is lacking compared to Aliexpress and others.
  21. If you want a Holographic style optic, I have a SOTAC branded XPS3 from Ebay and it works a treat. Bright enough for use outdoors on a sunny day but doesn't have huge issues with parallax in my experience but it does exist, it always will with cheap airsoft optics. They're pushing the top end of 'budget' in airsoft but it's worth it. Between that and my HolyWarrior S1 XPS3 I struggle to choose which is better. The HW S1 has an annoying habbit of not turning on/not accepting CR123A batteries, i've spent 20+ min finger fucking it before it works where the SOTAC one just turns on instantly, zero issues. The HW however has light levels low enough to be used with NVGs (for the ultra larpers that use them which rules out 99% of players) The SOTAC can be green or red reticule, whichever you prefer. There's an ebay store called "mk1_tactical" who sells a lot of SOTAC branded gear. You'd likely benefit from their Comp M2 offering. A mistake people often mistake is buying an optic that is too low (due to face protection) meaning they have to bend their neck into a strange place to get a good sight picture. After realising their mistake they buy a riser. The Comp M2 i've linked earlier comes with the riser/mount meaning you're unlikely to have this issue.
  22. Glad I could help! Like I said, the S.I stocks are (or appear to be) pretty hard to come by and expensive when you do unless you can find a cheap one on the likes of aliexpress or similar. Stock styled like the Magpul CTR are much more plentiful or like @Tackle said, the D-Day minimalist (or similar) stocks will fit your needs.
  23. As much as i'd like to do that because I know i'm going to have to take it apart again at some point, my inner perfectionist refuses to do it and i'd rather spend an hour battling with it so it works rather than removing the functionality
  24. It's annoying that they're just grub screws into a soft metal that deforms extremely easily. It can't be that hard to make them from a stronger material and tap a thread?
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