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Posts posted by Cannonfodder

  1. You do realise that dickish behaviour is caused by the flesh coloured squishy bit, rather than whatever powers the rif? 

  2. 17 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    even if we assume everyone on-site is perfectly abiding by fps and med rules, you could still accidentally pop your head up at the wrong place and catch a round from a sniper point blank who was trying to shoot someone further away.

    Having been in a similar scenario, although it wasn't quite point blank, I can confirm this does happen. Basically I was crawling on my belly hoping to get into a position to post a pyro into a sniper's position. I lifted myself up to go over a log and was met with a heavy weight round to the face from about 3 yards. When I spoke to the sniper later it turned out he was lining up a shot on someone else when my face filled his scope and the sudden surprise made him jump and accidentally pull the trigger

  3. 43 minutes ago, DrAlexanderTobacco said:




    43 minutes ago, DrAlexanderTobacco said:

    Waste of time imo, I've never for one second considered lower facepro as a way to protect anything but my teeth, and any amount of padding/spacing helps against that. You're not buying ballistic plates here.

    Protecting teeth was exactly what I think of when it comes to face masks. If a bb is able to go through the mask then it could easily chip or break a tooth which will cost more than the mask to fix. 


    If the op is selling the masks as face protection suitable for airsoft and they're not up to the task he could potentially open himself up to law suits covering the cost of dental repair


    Edit:not sure why it quoted you twice

  4. Sorry but I wouldn't touch home made PPE from some random guy on the internet. Apart from the problems with getting a good mold already mentioned, there's the level of protection it actually gives. Will you be sending masks away to be impact tested and given a protection rating? How are you going to ensure all later masks have the same level of protection if production isn't automated? 


    All in all this to me looks as risky as buying unrated ppe from wish.com

  5. I didn't realise the BAC was still going. Personally I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole after they were caught handing out membership without checking the application came from a genuine airsofter. Also as no sites have been open since November they shouldn't really be giving out membership anyway. 


    In short, just wait till you can get site membership and get on the UKARA database

  6. Some very good points made here. 


    With the way various parts of the shooting community have tried to throw other groups under the bus to save their own slice of the pie, I think we would be better off with a separate body to represent airsoft (IIRC the BASC did exactly that when the vcra was being discussed) 

  7. On 13/03/2021 at 15:57, Robert James said:

    Why did you start airsoft?

    I used to do plinking in the garden with air pistols and while browsing gunmart I found an article about skirmishing. The idea of targets which can move and shoot back was immediately appealing. I'd tried paintball but that was too expensive to take up regularly so airsoft looked perfect


    What do you like about airsoft

    Gor me it's the camaraderie that you get between players, I've made some very good friends through airsoft.


    What don't you like about airsoft (not including KM or non hit taking, something more substantial please)

    Probably the biggest part that I don't like is the social media groups. I found the vast majority are full of people having childish arguments. To go along with this are all the wannabe airsoft "celebrities" and their sycophants. Just because you've got an Instagram account and are wearing more cameras than used on a Hollywood blockbuster doesn’t make you special or the next JJ Abrams. Lastly its those who take things far to seriously and think they can order others around, telling them how to play. Anyone doing this should be told to fuck off as I've paid to have fun, not stroke the ego of some General Patton wannabe. 


    Do you think airsoft has any health benefits I.e keeping you fit etc 

    Of course. Regularly spending a day running round (well bimble now age is starting to catch up with me) is always going to help with physical health. Also as someone who has mental health issues, I find having a day to forget about the rest of the world and concentrate on the game really does help where my head is. Even my other half has noticed that my mood drops and I generally become a miserable shit (well more of one) if I haven't been able to play for a while


    If I can think of anything else I'll add it later

  8. 7 hours ago, Druid799 said:

    The reply from the on-site retailer who we’d just bought them from ? “Well obviously your gun was hot so it put too much strain on the BBs and THATS why they shattered !” 😳

    Wow. That's a spechul arsesoft supplies level of customer service. To accuse a customer of cheating rather than admit there could be a problem with something they sold is just cuntish 

  9. 11 hours ago, Tackle said:

    Hands up who gets a nice warm smug feeling on game days when you pick off other players with their "Uber leet upgraded to the eyeballs" expensive guns, in the knowledge that yours is a cheap as chips stock gun, running on semi lol.


    Me 🖐️😂

    Of course. It's only made better when they claim your gun is hot because you've got better range, only to chrono well within site limits

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