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Posts posted by Cannonfodder

  1. Agreed. I swear people are becoming big tarts. My first regular site was Electrowerkz where it was all indoors CQB with full auto allowed and no pyros so rooms had to be cleared the hard way. Yes it did result in getting shot alot as each doorway would become a choke point to be overcome with sheer numbers, however the attitude was generally if you don't like it then don't play there. Saying that though, I've found semi only in cqb does allow the game to flow better, rather than end up as a stalemate as nobody wants to push forward. 


    As for semi only in woodland, that to me would be a good reason to avoid the site. In fact on a faceache group I said exactly that about a site with a rule of no full auto under 100ft and was accused of wanting to "full auto people in the face at point blank". Even though 95% of the time I use semi auto outdoors anyway it's nice to have the option 


    Overall it sounds to me like the site owner is pandering to whinning shits who're afraid of getting shot

  2. 9 minutes ago, Shaydee said:

    There have been comments on the internet about the E&L finish being nicer to look at but not lasting as long as LCTs

    The E&L bodies need to be cleaned and oiled regularly or they rust very quickly, this can be a good or bad thing depending on whether or not you want that worn battlefield pick up look or not. I've never owned an LCT so I can't really comment on how they compare 

  3. I'd say my cyma AKS74U. I picked it up second hand about 10 years ago and the range on it was insane, to the point I was accused of running a hot gun as it was out ranging sniper rifles. Unfortunately I ended up breaking the upper receiver after a quite spectacular fall and used it for a few years with duct tape holding it together, before finally replacing it with an E&L of the same model. That E&L turned out to be a lemon so in the end I just put the cyma gearbox into the E&L body and it's been running fine ever since. In all those years the only internal part I've had to replace is the motor cage 


    Edit: as good as my little AK was/is, it hasn't stopped me buying more as I'm a bit of a gun slut who'll play with anything that takes my fancy

  4. Have you played yet? If not I recommend renting till you have your defence so that you won't have to get a 2 tone gun. This will also give you a better idea about what suits your playing style. For example while I like the look of the G3 and SLR, I like being a sneaky bugger so SMGs and carbines suit me better. 


    If you're set on an AK then I second the CYMA ones

  5. Don't get me wrong, if someone doesn't want to go because they don't have the right kit for the conditions I respect that. It's the people who turn up in something with the thermal and waterproof properties of a used teabag and spend the day moaning about being cold and wet that annoy me

  6. I've found lipos also aren't affected by cold weather as much as nimh batteries. 

    18 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


    A V2 or V3 trigger trolley is about £5.  It's not rational to fit a mosfet that costs two or three times that just to protect the trigger contacts.  Yes, you can get higher current flow, but if you're dicking with the wiring you can stuff 16awg in there anyway.  Mosfets are nice, but you don't need them.

    This. My AK has been run with only lipos for around ten years now and is still going strong (sod's law now means it'll now stop working in Sunday) 

  7. My main weaknesses are probably my fitness, but not in the same way as others have commented. I've always been skinny but years of substance abuse has left me looking like I could be in an Oxfam appeal advert and I find it almost impossible to put on any weight. 

    Second is probably my complete lack of tech skills meaning I've got quite a few busted guns which I really should get fixed. 

    Last is my inability to hit anything with a pistol unless it's close range. 

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