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Everything posted by Cr0-Magnon

  1. Joerg Sprave has you covered.... https://youtu.be/j21pBoKnm04
  2. Also, you only need to push the front body pin clear to remove the upper. Not sure why you have the rear one out in this pic?
  3. That's a good shout. The six week delivery time and BF issues have put me off ordering a RIF directly from Novvy Boy. I was so annoyed when I saw Bullseye Country Sport had the SSX23 for a reasonable price.
  4. It's definitely not the best "out of the box" AEG. Out of all the many RIF's I've owned, that title belongs to the Modify XTC-G1-MS Aster. My Krytac was fine, though like you I noticed little to no difference with a prommy barrel fitted. I'm also a big proponent for keeping the stock hop unit when it's a rotary design. Although understand your pain with the Krytac, as losing a small pin can render it useless or at least you having to bodge an alternative. My advice would be not to throw good money after bad, stick to the stock inner barrel as you already have it.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if yours was around 330fps on. 0.20g. This was done on Abbey Predator. I was going back and forth between indoors and out, testing various weights with the hop set etc. Fair to say not cold conditions though. I will also add that while it obviously doesn't matter in CQB. If you're talking full potential, 0.32g's are probably slightly on the light side.
  6. I noticed on a warm day and using the drum mag, I was running slightly hot. So have reverted to the stock inner (which seems more than adequate to me anyway). I'm getting very consistent results, just below the joule limit. This one did make me chuckle though..
  7. I should make it clear, that's not me in the images.
  8. Here was me thinking I just needed to use a grey pistol to blend in.....
  9. It is a bit tragic that even high-end parts often need modifying to fit with something from the same factory. Take Guarder - What's that, you have a Guarder frame, chassis and hammer unit? Yeah you'll need to do some fettling to get this Guarder slide to run a long them smoothly.
  10. Not that much actually. 150mm maple leaf crazy jet (you may need to stick to 129mm on the stock upper), flamingo 50 degree bucking, CNC rotary hop unit, hadron shortstroke kit and TTI flat trigger as the pull on the stock one is horrendous.
  11. Errmm.......thanks? I was actually looking at ordering some new accessories as a reward for performing so well at Southcoast CQB. The range on it is ridiculous and it'll hop whatever you want.
  12. Personally I'm not sure how I feel about negative sales feedback when a transaction hasn't actually completed. Maybe I'm bias though, as that's the only type I've received. In answer to your question, should/could the seller have made it clear Paypal fees weren't included, as the general rule around here is to only pay via goods and services - yes. Were you a bit hasty - yes.
  13. Six weeks you say? Yeah, draft your e-mail to BF now and I reckon that's doable from Novritsch.
  14. I suppose in that case, it was an oversight regardless of using this feature. Discussing something first also gives me a better idea of who I'm dealing with. I wouldn't go ahead with it, if the buyer is a PITA from the get-go. If nothing else, can a counter offer feature be added? Sometimes the offer needs to be improved just a tad to cover postage and the such. I also think this feature encourages random/flaky offers, as it's easy just to type a figure in.....although that's possibly the nature of online selling anyway. Meh, just my two cents. Not the end of the world is it.
  15. I've been using the G-series version for my AAP-01 and get a long with it well. However whenever I'm dealing with something which is spring loaded (ie the winding & feeding mechanism on this), I like to release the tension at the end of the day (oi, oi!). The only way I've found to do that with this, is mag dumping until the BB's in the actual mag part drop down. This method obviously wastes ammo, gas and adds wear to the gun. Does anyone else have a better way of doing it?
  16. Am I the only one who isn't a fan of having this feature on my classified (selling) ads? I'd prefer buyers to PM, so we can discuss any questions they have and establish whether they possess a suitable defence etc before I accept or decline an offer.
  17. Well yeah, ie my opening salvo. From a reasonable perspective you haven't done anything wrong. However unfortunately you're totally at the mercy of Paypal.
  18. We're talking morally, right? You've been a little vague about details of described faults and parts etc. Is the part really that difficult to source? If a £7 part is the real crux of the issue and he's already found someone willing to work on the gun (not sure what constitutes a qualified tech), then I don't see why they wouldn't just replace it, rather than push for a refund on something they've already messed with.
  19. Why not just the same again? The stock ifrit motors are decent.
  20. Played Southcoast CQB yesterday. Had a lot of fun, well-worth the arduous four hour round trip. As a long time woodland skirmisher it was really refreshing to play in a much different environment. It was also nice not having long treks back to spawn and the safe zone. I feel I made a few tactical errors, as was trying to advance too cautiously. Next time I'm going to lighten my loadout and play more aggressively. At the start of the day the Marshall giving the safety brief told people to just parlay, rather than get in to arguments about whose BB struck half a second earlier. I'm on board with anything which helps reduce aggro behaviour. However I did notice on several occasions people tried to force a parlay. For example, guy running round the corner with his pistol up in the air gets shot in the chest, lowers his gun and fires off a couple of rounds before declaring "I hit you too!" I will add, the opposing team did a good job of locking down key angles of "the map" and making us come to them. Which led to quite a few massacres. So kudos to them!
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