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Everything posted by Impulse

  1. I'm basically trying to build the ultimate sidearm (to go alongside my VSR which I've modded to the peak of my teching capabilities), hence my questions on BB weight. Already got an idea of the upgrades I will be fitting, but then was just wondering what BBs I should use, as I'm pretty sure it'll be able to hop anything I put into it. Now this. This is a problem I had no idea about and am glad you raised it. Yes, my pistols are TM, so higher quality plastics, but I'd like to not screw up the nozzles as replacing them would be annoying. I think I may copy you and use .3s, maybe .32s at a push, but not entirely sure. That's generally the weight I use in 1J guns, so it would make sense I suppose.
  2. Hey guys. I thought I'd throw this question out there to the wider community. What are your thoughts on running pistols on heavy ammo? I've seen a lot of snipers running heavy ammo in their mk23s (I am also guilty of this) and was considering putting the same sort of upgrades into my p226 as I don't like how absolutely huge the mk23 is as a sidearm and I don't want to be running the cookie cutter sniper loadout, however I know some people have issues with us using heavy ammo for close(r) range engagements. From what I know already, the benefits are pretty nice for the shooter, as you can get some really nice range and accuracy on your pistol (that you end up using a lot as a sniper), but I also know that it can be painful for the person on the receiving end. So... Thoughts?
  3. I started back in 2006 and I very much prefer it when it's simpler. Yes, I'm branching out into converting my own guns to HPA (done a boltie, DMR is next), but I don't understand today's obsessions with fps and rps. My m14 DMR fires at 1.4J and my spring VSR is at 2.1J that's fine by me! It's a limit, not a goal. And you said you wanted some old pictures. I'm fortunate enough to have a bunch of my old photos from back in 2008 or so. Safe zones used to be a lot more simple. Literally just an area of the field marked with tape at this event in Spain. Back then there was very little organised airsoft where I lived. It was mostly just us as a community agreeing "yeah, we'll go airsoft in this place" as there were loads of abandoned / out of the way places to do it. Though this pic is from an event that was at least somewhat organised. I think it was a two day thing in the mountains near a small hotel that we stayed in over night. Yes, that's a stock cyma m14 and a stock Warrior L96. I was also firing .25s and it was just fine (where today people would say "WHY NOT HEAVY AMMO?") And a bit of fun at an Easter game
  4. After owning them for about 13 years, I only just realised my WAS pistol mag pouches were adjustable and therefore do fit my mk23 magazines...

  5. Having previously been a journalist, I can say that TV and news will always do this. They won't say "they found some toy guns" because it isn't catchy. News is all about sensationalising everything, so if they find airsoft guns it's going to be "they found a large collection of assorted firearms, including handguns and an AR-15" There's a reason I chose a different career path in the end.
  6. First day back airsofting and now I ache literally everywhere...

    1. Yuukan


      ah ha ha, literally the same here!

      Just my everything aches.

  7. For me it's Swampsniper and his RP event videos
  8. At the end of the day, this is it. A lot of people, especially younger players, will come into airsoft because they've seen videos online and want to get into it. If this is the content they see, they're going to get into airsoft with that negative mindset, therefore proliferating bad sportsmanship and behaviour. It's unhealthy for the hobby (just like all those "TOP 10 FIGHTS IN AIRSOFT MUST WATCH" clickbait nonsense videos)
  9. I'm not one to complain too much about headshots as I've always just accepted that they will happen. However, I will agree that specifically going for headshots is just wrong. If you're going out to play airsoft because you want to shoot people in the head and cause them pain, you probably need to see a doctor. On the topic of KM; as a sniper, I don't like him as a sniper because of his clickbait videos and penchant for headshots. I will admit his camo and general awareness is very good, however that doesn't make up for the myriad of other negatives.
  10. I'll be using my CO2 powered VSR, because my bolt action loadout is super lightweight and I think that will help after not doing airsoft for 3 months. Also, it is definitely my favourite RIF for a whole plethora of reasons.
  11. My local site re-opened and I'm booked in for Sunday. Supposed to be sunny but not too hot.


    Can't wait to get out there again after this 3 month hiatus!

  12. Now that my ghillie is complete, I've finally fully done what will be my primary loadout (above my M14 loadout I posted previously, which is my secondary if I need the semi-auto ROF). I love this loadout because it's super lightweight. The ghillie, as you can see, is built on a mesh base that only covers my back, allowing it to be breathable. Outside that all I'm carrying is the belt kit and the VSR, both of which are lightweight. In total, all I carry around are the VSR, ghillie suit, belt kit including P226, 4 spare pistol mags, 3 spare VSR mags, 1 spare CO2 bulb, water canteen (full). Usually wear this over a simple OD shirt and pair of trousers (because I like the PMC look, so no camo patterns!)
  13. Pulling the trigger and the shot coming out a few seconds later? For a sniper weapon system that sounds awful. Generally, when you pull the trigger you need the shot to come out instantly because you've lined up the shot. This basically forces you to line up your shot within that small time frame, making adjustments based on what is happening. Yeah, that's an awful feature... 🤣
  14. I'll double the "belt kit" argument. Belt kits are the most underrated piece of load bearing gear. They're lightweight and can hold plenty of stuff, though I may be biased as I'm predominantly a sniper (where being able to lie on my front in comfort is a massive benefit of the belt kit). However, I will concede that just a belt kit can leave you lacking some things you need, especially if you have a belt mounted sidearm or use single mag pouches (or 7.62 mags). To me, I'd much rather have a belt kit and a chest rig, because a plate carrier is heavier and less comfortable. Personally, I use the Warrior Assault Systems gunfighter belt with one of their older model chest rigs I bought over 10 years ago. Holds everything I need. Chest rig has a utility pouch, small dump pouch and 4 NATO 7.62 mag pouches (as I use my rig when I use my m14 because the mags are huge), while belt kit has 4 pistol mag pouches, a large utility pouch, a water canteen holder and a pistol holster. That's a lot of stuff, but it's fairly lightweight because no plates. Also nice and cool because back is empty, meaning when it's super hot I find myself relatively cool because heat can escape from my back.
  15. Even though I cut my finger open trying to open it up after venting the first two CO2 bulbs (because I'm an idiot who can't work these things out), I love the Wraith CO2 adapter. I'm just going to go out there and say it. This new VSR build with the Wolverine Bolt and Wraith CO2 adapter is my new favourite. Hands down. It's so good and is so easy to adjust the power to match the joules you need for your local site limits, or even run it as a 1J sniper and have no MED.
    Though, if you're getting one, make sure you have a set of Imperial measurement allen keys. Metric ones won't work! Found out the hard way when I forgot my set when I went down to the range this morning 🤣
    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yep, distinct memories of rummaging through my box o'keys when i got the fusion to find one the right size.

  16. I have joined the ranks of the HPA (though I'll be running it on CO2 as the Wraith adapter fits in the stock). Wasn't too complex to install either. Now the bolt pull is effortless and I love it.
  17. All ghillied up >:D


    I think this took me around 6 hours? When I use it in the field I'll be shoving a bunch of natural foliage in the veggie loops, but this is the base. All in all, cost me about £52 (£40 for the webtex concealment vest, £12 for the jute). It's also super breathable and I think I'll be able to use this without sweating buckets!



    1. Skara


      Good job, apart from the 5th world quality pictures :P

  18. Wrote a new piece about my latest project, because what's better than two high performance airsoft sniper rifles? Three high performance airsoft sniper rifles! Once this is finished I'll have spring, HPA/CO2 and electric sniper systems.


    Just went into the base upgrades for now. Only bit left is the Wolverine Bolt, but it's also more expensive than everything else put together. Although, with what's gone in so far, this would definitely be a skirmishable build and would perform pretty decently even at this point.



  19. Dug out my all metal, upgraded Bell 1911 today and I forgot the difference in weight between it and my TM 1911. It was my first pistol I ever got and it feels amazing, but it's just not that good performance-wise and the TM mega outperforms it all year round.


    However, I'll never get rid of it, no matter how useless in a skirmish it is now (though it does work well in summer...)

  20. And 2nd parcel arrive now. Because what's better than having 1 sidearm? Having 2! The 1911 works in winter, but due to its tiny gas reservoir it can struggle. This should have no such issues. Also, the real steel version is nice. Love the working de-cocking lever >:D
  21. Because what's better than having a VSR? Having two VSRs, that's what! New project. Going to HPA this one, but can't afford the HPA parts yet. Maybe in a month or two, but got all the other parts ready (I already have a scope and barrel spacers) Multiple MR hops for varying power. Sometimes you gotta run 2.3J, but sometimes you just gotta have no MED and run 1.1J.
  22. Pretty much this. It's patience, staying still and knowing the basics of camo and concealment (don't silhouette!)
  23. Don't let that slow you down. I'm 6'5 and, granted I play at a woodland site, I've had people call me out for being super sneaky
  24. My weakness is for sure my fitness. I'm still rather overweight, but making progress on that front at least (keto diet best diet). Lockdown doesn't help as I'm no longer cycling to work, doing martial arts or airsoft, which are my exercise activities. This doubles for glasses fogging, because when I'm overweight and unfit, I sweat a lot more which causes goggles to fog more. I'd probably also say my aggression, or lack of it. I'm quite a passive player, which somewhat works with my sniper loadouts, but I'd like to learn to be more aggressive while maintaining stealth in my ghillie suit. I guess I'd also put my camo choice down. I know and I've seen many advantages of wearing actual camo patterns like DPM or MARPAT in a woodland (had people trip over me in DPMs), but I now only use OD because I like doing PMC or intelligence agency loadouts, which often mean no camo patterns and OD is the best I can do. Ghillie suit mostly helps, but when I'm not using my ghillie...
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