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Everything posted by Impulse

  1. Classic meets modern. It's a shame I have to wrap it in scrim net and my leafy elastic rifle wrap thing as I love how it looks, but if I'm in my ghillie, so too does my rifle have to dress like a bush. Solved the issue of the RAS handguard kit tilting the scope up. Cut the part that fixes to the side of the receiver, as the top screw keeps it in place more than enough, and put on a normal scope mount that I know keeps the scope nice and straight. It's a workout gun though. Thing weighs an absolute tonne and is very front heavy thanks to the bipod, rail handguard and the m14 being front heavy in the first place. However, I'm very happy to have the bipod for when I'm in a hide and needing to keep this behemoth up and level. Yes, I actually use bipods while sniping.
  2. Oh 100%. I love my VSR(s) too much to just hang it up and using a bolt action is way more satisfying, but my issue is my HPA VSR does about the same as your bolt actions of around 75 - 85m effective range, but my 1J AEG m14 can also push 65 - 70m effective range and I find myself wondering if the extra 5 - 10m is really worth the hassle 😂
  3. Honestly, with hop ups how they are now, bolt actions are really not as good as they used to be in relative terms. Well tuned AEGs are reaching out to the same sort of ranges as a well-tuned bolt action. You can still pull the bolt without people noticing, but you do need a lighter pull or a gas/HPA rifle. I've converted my VSR to HPA and I love it as I can do the bolt pull with a single finger if needed, and it's a lot quieter than the already quiet spring powered bolties, so you can make shots when enemies are closer to your position without getting detected. I don't think sound or me pulling the bolt back has ever been the reason I've been seen since I moved to HPA, but I don't think me pulling the bolt has ever caused me to be detected even when using a spring VSR. When I can afford it, I'm shoving a Polarstar engine in my spare m14 and using that as my primary "sniper" rifle. No MED (as I'll be keeping it at 1.1J), similar range, semi-automatic fire rate? All combined with the near silence of a HPA rifle and the sleek look of an m21? Sign me up!
  4. If it's the site rules to put the band on your arm, you put it on your arm. It's not even hard to stay hidden and if you can't remain undetected with a small band around your arm, you're doing the whole ghillie suit sniper thing wrong. Most airsofters won't see you as long as you stay still, don't silhouette yourself and aren't dressed in some sort of flourescent onesie; managed it with a solid black fleece last weekend. You're totally right though. My local site has started balancing out the snipers at the start of the day to stop one team having too many and getting absolutely stomped as they're becoming more and more common. However, good ghillies are still fairly uncommon; as has already been said, most people use leaf suits that just don't blend into their environment and have no idea how to actually stay hidden, silouetting themselves against trees or barricades and moving all the time. So I don't think it's OP, but I do think it makes the game a lot harder as most games require you to take objectives and doing that with a boltie is... hard.
  5. I'll second Warrior Assault Systems; fantastic kit! I've got a SAPI carrier on the way in OD from them, as my chest rig from them has lasted me for around 13 years now. It's more pricey than the other airsoft brands like 8Fields and Viper, but the quality is far, far better as they're designed for real steel shooting.
  6. All TM pistols I've owned have performed fantastically. Even my 1911 can cycle through at least half a mag in the dead of winter on green gas while all those red gas using WE pistols are failing to cycle. Every TM pistol I have fires accurately to at least 40m with .25s (talking 9/10 shots hit on a man-size target). The mk23 goes to about 60m with .4s because it's stupid. I have a TM 1911, mk23, p226 and M&P9L. They're all fantastic pieces of kit, and that's coming from someone who has to use their sidearm a lot thanks to a pesky thing called a minimum engagement distance.
  7. Cyber Monday has turned me into a HPA nerd. Gone are the days of CO2 in the VSR and next big purchase (probably in the summer) will be a Polarstar engine for the m14. Figure that tank will probably last me a few more shots than a 12g CO2 bulb, and plenty of time on a semi-only m14 😅
  8. I think that would actually get me to dig out my old dropleg holster, because it has a mag pouch on the front! Sounds like it'd be a lot of fun.
  9. Or at the very least that one guy you just hit goes back to respawn and brings like half a dozen people just to flush you out. The number of times this has happened to me and my ghillie shenanigans
  10. I'm also interested in hearing about CYMA mp5 models. I'm tempted by the EBB version to use as a secondary alongside my VSR. Loving some of these pics. The mp5 is a great little gun!
  11. I like the idea of limited ammo games, but I'm also not a massive fan of milsim. Then again, I do snipery things, so limited ammo is just a normal day for me. VSR mags can only hold so many BBs...
  12. Rent first. Don't buy anything until you've played a few times, got a feel for the hobby and a UKARA so you don't have to run around with a bright blue popsicle.
  13. Decided to hang up the VSRs until summer, when I'll allow myself to buy and upgrade a KJW m700p as long as I clear all my outstanding debts by then (didn't even renew my UKARA to stop the temptation of buying all the guns). I've lost over 30kg since the first lockdown in March, so I've decided that now would be a good time to practice playing fast and aggressive until I've lost the remaining 30kg or so. Got a TM recoil HK416 and a cheapo Cyma spring shotgun that should fit the bill!

  14. See, I know I'm getting a Warrior Assault Systems SAPI carrier in the near future... So I picked these up. Heavyweight rubber training plates from the guys at Trident Gear. I really love the feel and weight of these, as it feels like I'm holding real ballistic plates (they are not real ballistic plates and are made of rubber!); they weigh 2.1kg each, which is between the weight of real level III and IV ballistic plates. I wanted real ballistic plates for muh immersion, but when I saw they were literally £150 - 200 PER PLATE I decided to get these instead. £45 for the set and I still get muh immersion. Also fitness. If I'm running around with my AEG, I use airsoft as a workout. Time to up my game!
  15. When I did airsoft in Spain about 12 years ago, there was no such thing as an official site (at least not on the Costa del Sol). It was just a bunch of people who showed up to an area and played BB wars, as there were LOADS of abandoned urbanisations on the Costa del Sol, because they built them all without planning permission as holiday homes and stuff, but then had to stop when the authorities realised it was an illegal construction. Nobody was about to pay to demolish them, so they turned into our unofficial airsoft sites. There were a few "events" as such, I remember going to one up in the mountains near Monda and Ojen, but they were few and far between. Like, once a year or something. That said, there was a small urbanisation we played on near Mijas, but I believe it was demolished after someone slipped and fell down the stairs, cracking their head open and had to be rushed to hospital. That was the main "site" we all went to (even if I thought the one in Estepona was way better!). Have a lot of good memories from there, it was like half woodland, half urban and it was really cool. There were some dark corridors on the lower levels, multi-level firefights and even a really dark and a cramped tunnel that nobody ever used (because it was really hard to actually move in) apart from about 5 of us which could take you behind the enemy lines. Here are some low resolution photos I've dug up (hey, 1024x768 was the 1080p of 2008!)
  16. Threaded outer barrel arrived over the weekend for my TM P226, just in time for lockdown to deny me taking this bad boy out to skirmish.
  17. Maybe they mean the "2nd" month of 2021? plz bojo no
  18. No more airsoft until December it seems, and my parcel from HK just arrived allowing me to bling up my p226 with a suppressor and light :(

  19. I would also say both. I have a lot of pistols, but what it comes down to is the GBB will be a better "they're close and I must shoot" gun, where the mk23 will basically outperform people's AEGs at a slower trigger pull while being really quiet. Both have their merits and both are useful.
  20. Honestly, I think it's fine. I've seen it happen at my local site and it's just sneaky. Think of it as Viet Cong style tactics. If they don't have their hand up, just put one into their plate carrier to be sure. Not a burst of full-auto, just a single, semi-auto shot to the chest. I don't think anybody can complain you're overshooting them with a single semi-auto shot, and usually if they're doing the dead-man walk they're a really easy target, so you don't need a burst of full auto to hit them. If you do, I'm going to advise you to get some practice on the range 😅 This is how I'll deal with it. If I see it far away, I'll send a shot from my sniper rifle into their torso and if they're in my MED I'll pull my pistol and put one into the chest. Yes, it's annoying because any shooting can reveal my hide location, but if my one shot can stop an enemy player from wiping a dozen people from my team by shooting them in the back, it's worth it. Nobody has ever officially complained about me overshooting, though I have had a handful of "I'm already dead!" shouts of annoyance into the wind. Less than you may think though, especially when you consider I use heavy BBs, so they sting a bit more.
  21. A fellow Worthing player! Yeah, and in fairness I was basically out of the game for well over half of it as I couldn't move! But it was all worth it for that short time I was able to do stuff
  22. 100%. I could feel it going into overdrive as the players chatted, fired their AEGs and stood pretty much on top of me xD
  23. I had an amazing day today. Found out that my first ghillie suit DEFINITELY works. Not only did I have multiple instances of people looking directly at me and not seeing me, but I also had around 15 - 20 mins in a rolling assault where they had cleared my team out and were swarming all around me to keep engaging with my team who were moving back. Their respawn was literally 3m in front of me for about 5 of those minutes and nobody saw me. I was so worried someone was going to either see my boots or step on/trip over me as they came REALLY close. Waited until their respawn moved a bit further past me down the path, repositioned and started plinking people with my VSR, much to their confusion. Was a fantastic day. Easily one of my top 3 moments in this hobby over the last 15 years. The adrenaline was insane and my heart was pounding the whole time xD
  24. I am ready to colour them, but this is going to take a while. Colouring them with acrylic inks one at a time by hand. I threw the bright red and orange ones out, so at least it's 300 not 400 xD
  25. Not going to lie, the AAP-01 has grown on me... I kinda want one.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Albiscuit


      I WANT that body kit, no I NEED that body kit


    3. Druid799


      @Albiscuit JK army sell them you can also get dewalt AND Bosch! 😂😂

    4. Albiscuit


      Nah makita for me ;) 

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