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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i dunno, we're at 14 active ads which for a 7-day expiry time means you're not really posting more than 2 ads a day on average which seems fine to me. might seem like a lot if a block of them get renewed at once but over time that's not so bad.
  2. i suppose the main point really as you say if there aren't any specific rules being broken. i mean he's not scamming anyone and if people are happy to pay retail prices for secondhand kit then that's their decision.
  3. true, however to counter that argument if he is the type you're describing, how come there aren't any really high end guns? i'm talking fully decked out daytona's etc. sounds like the kind of thing i'd be buying with that kind of cash. same applies to having multiples of the same gun. if he isn't acting as a retailer then it is problematic to be charging retail prices for secondhand hardware with no warranty (in many cases he's charging more than known retailers like firesupport and even links them in his own ad) if he is acting as a retailer and providing warranties with his products, then it's down to the forum admins to make a call as to whether or not they're happy with a retailer plying trade via the classifieds, personally i'm not in favour of it but that's just my own opinion and i'm not paying to keep the place running.
  4. that is a fair point, i thought there was a specific rule against retailers plying their trade via the classifieds. i know there are some strict policies about self-promotion for the various retailers on the forum.
  5. i remember it being discussed, but i think the consensus was to stick with using mack's.
  6. there's a lesson here for new players: normally the airsoft community doesn't bat an eyelid at a 2-tones gun because we're all well aware of the issues a newer player faces and the excitement at wanting to get new kit. it's a necessary evil and we accept that. however, you 2-tone something nice and prepare to be a pariah......
  7. could be any number of things, although air seal between the nozzle and the bucking is a pretty common one. there might not be anything empirically wrong with zci's hop rubbers (never used them myself so can't really comment) but if it's not the right part for the build then you can get shenanigans like that.
  8. it was a 74u that i had a go with, i'd just assumed they did a full length.
  9. fair enough, in that case maybe the bolts? the recoil on the jg's is a bit anaemic. the bolts to have nicer recoil but i haven't seen enough of the internal mechanism to really tell how long it may (or may not) last.
  10. tbh i'd have to suggest if it absolutely must have a rumble pack then the jg line, because when it inevitably breaks you can easily remove it and have a pretty good shooting non-recoil ak. otherwise i'd say just go for a non-recoil and open yourself up to a wider array of choices.
  11. solid advice there the mistake you're making is trying to sell everything as a single package. you're selling a vector, meaning your prospective buyer is probably going to be more interested in it as a cqb gun, therefore a magnified optic like that is worthless to them. same applies for the drum mag, some folk just dont like marracca's hanging off their gun so for those people a drum is just going to be something that's either not going to get used or is hassle for them to sell on. as freefrag correctly points out if a manufacturer isn't specified and it can't be easily identified from the photos then people reasonably have to assume the worst when estimating value. for example if i were in the market for a vector and saw that ad what i'd see is a gun, some midcaps, couple of batteries in unknown condition and a bunch of stuff that will either need to be sold on again or end up permanent residents in various boxes of random airsoft bits. now you could strike lucky and find someone who just happens to want, whilst simultaneously not currently having, exactly the combination of bits your selling. but that's really narrowing your market.
  12. This, i really want a dozen of the plum ones...... Like really badly.....
  13. Must admit, most ares guns ive seen (or more importantly heard) sounded like the box had been filled with gravel.
  14. tbh i'm not sure what hpa really offers for the BASR world, even quietness to some extent is a moot point given it's possible to get a spring gun pretty quiet. you're not doing it for consistency or rate of fire because you can get consistency from a spring gun and if you cared about rate of fire you'd be building a dmr. which just leaves adjustable energy which is kinda meh unless you go to a bunch of sites with different limits. all thats left is a smoother bolt pull i'm with evilmonkee on this i wouldn't bother, especially if you're not going co2 so you have a tank to deal with.
  15. the grip pods are pretty much instant to deploy, but then you have zero leg adjustment. the harris you can get a basic deployment pretty quick, but extending and adjusting the legs to the ground, loosening the pivot etc takes up time. you also need to keep the gun square to the ground lest the hop curve your shots off (which defeats the purpose of a more precise shooting position) which is a bit of a pain on rough ground. much easier just to find a stub of wall or a tree or something to lean on.
  16. clone eotechs come in 2 forms: ones with a reticle bright enough to be visible/useful ones with clear enough lenses for you to see through however those features are mutually exclusive. as for the cheap red dots, as rocketdogbert says pretty much it's a case of have a go with whatever style takes your fancy.
  17. i've used both a grip pod and a harris style bipod. the grip pod imo is pretty useless, you can use it to stand the gun up nicely in the safe zone but once you hit the field it quickly becomes apparent it sucks both as a grip and a bipod. the harris is at least better at being a bipod, but it reveals the simple fact that it's rare in an airsoft game with airsoft engagement distances/what passes for precision that you really don't need one, by the time you get it deployed your fleeting opportunity to shoot has passed. honestly the thing that does the best job as prone support is the magazine....
  18. i mean it aint pretty, but i've seen worse. it still looks like a gun. you really want to ruin it then you need to trim that barrel down.
  19. the theory for airsoft is the flap gets pushed open by the gases before the bb passes through, although i must admit if the gas is opening it up then that same gas will be emitting noise. certainly rubber wipes in real firearms do affect accuracy, for example the russian development of 9x39 and the val/vss series to get around the issue of suppressed ak's having poor accuracy.
  20. as a general rule they're pretty useless, mainly due to the fact almost all aeg's have a significant amount of action noise, and gbb's even moreso. however where they do make sense is with actions with minimal noise, most particularly gas non-blowbacks (such as the tm mk23) or hpa systems. when foam filled they can do a pretty damn good job of minimising/eliminating the "pop" from the barrel and can make the gun practically silent (to the point where the bb whizzing makes more noise). you have a point on the hole, part of this is simply to make up for poorer quality not guaranteeing a good line-up with the bore of the gun to the point where bb strikes in the end of the can are not uncommon. some folks try to remedy this with a "fart flap" over the end, a bit of tape or such with a cross pattern cut into it to close over after the bb (similar to the "wipes" in real suppressors), can't say i've noted any particular benefit to this and it does risk a drop in accuracy if it brushes the bb on its way past.
  21. i wish springs had identifying marks, got a whole box of them and no idea what they all are lol. normally i keep a stock of known ratings (easy enough given i'm only dealing with a target of 1j). problem is it's possible for even brand new springs to be mis-marked, which is why ensuring the air seal is good before you start (because bad air seal can hide the true spring energy) and having a chrono on hand is very important.
  22. i remember we tried a "juggernaut" game, juggernaut was invincible to gunfire but if you melee'd him he'd switch sides and join your team. of course it was somewhat reliant on the juggernaut role-playing a bit and not being too efficient at keeping folk away from him.
  23. personally i don't because i like to live dangerously. only 2 optics that have protectors are my nv scope and pso both of which came with skara's option 2 installed by their previous owers. amazingly i've only had one optic in ten years get shot out catastrophically (as in unusable afterwards), part of this i attribute to my long distance playstyle. there is also the argument that especially the higher end or real steel optics are more than likely up to the task of taking a bb hit without breaking.
  24. i've contemplated asking that question myself, but i'm worried the answer will be yes.....
  25. i'm not talking about firing near someone or getting caught in the line of fire, i'm talking about firing at them, the literal definition of overshooting. i have no doubt that with a good crowd of people who understand and follow the rules properly a medic game can be an absolute blast and add some real dynamics, but then any airsoft game with a crowd of good people tends to be fun.
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