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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. the wiring in the magwell looks like standard ak wiring to me, you'd expect a different set of cables on an HPA the real sign is an airline poking out of the gun somewhere (normally the bottom of the grip) i hope he didn't charge you hpa conversion prices for an aeg....
  2. who told you this? the only thing i can think they were referring to is an HPA conversion. an AEG uses as tommikka says a gearbox which is essentially a little compressor that pressurises air to fire. an HPA uses a pre-charged external tank (usually in the region of 3000+PSI) that's regulated down to a firing pressure (which is adjustable) you can convert this gun to hpa, however this is not a cheap thing to do and means not only are you going to need to carry the gun around, but also a tank, regulator and air line.
  3. it's an aeg, you don't use gas, it takes a battery
  4. I feel like i should hate it but i really dont. Good job on making something different, and avoiding the curse of the buffer tube stock.
  5. If the holster is tight just put your thumb against the back of the slide when holstering to keep it in battery. Better than messing with the balance of the guns mechanism
  6. The gun wont be damaged unless your turning the pressure up to gain energy, if your keeping it shooting the same as green gas then it'll last just as well with proper maintenance.
  7. As good a unit as the maxx may be, theres a bunch of things would be more worth the time/effort before you get that stage. As shaydee says its at best a side grade until the supporting work is there. If your end game is accuracy i'd focus on ammo, hop rubber/nub, air seal, air seal, air seal, air seal and springs before moving onto things like barrels and hop units in that order.
  8. "Nah ive had this gun a while, just changed the handguard and stock" Or "Built her from spare parts"
  9. What is your stock hop unit not doing that you reckon a maxx/pro-win will? I wont deny the maxx is a very good unit, but it's expensive and there are a lot bigger factors at play before you really need the benefit....
  10. Oooh look at mr fancy with his shelf Mine live on the floor.....
  11. i can't believe it still works. same with the out of the box reviews, i'm really not a fan, i'd much rather have the review from someone who's at least used the thing in a few games..... i'm sort of half in the patch hating camp. i can see the humourous ones, but the ones that are "operator: whiskey alpha november kilo" do strike me as a bit strange, although not as bad as the actual stolen valour stuff (at least for currently active units) but if people enjoy them then who am i to judge, i suppose it's not really any stupider than anything else in this hobby.
  12. that is a fair point, although perhaps it'd be better to see a ressurection of 8mm? that said, 8mm died off because it was harder to get the ammo and 6mm is so well entrenched now that it's gonna be hell to push into that market. it's like the argument in RS for replacing 5.56 with something else, end of the day there's not enough advantage to be gained that's worth the cost of replacing all the guns, magazines and other stuff in the supply chain.
  13. in this case it's not just bb's but barrels, hop rubber/unit, magazines and loaders. as obsessed with range as i am, that's just not worth it.
  14. i used to run laser dot bb's a lot, didn't think much of it until i started running ak's and found horrible feeding issues with the mags, figured fuck it lets try some different ammo and ordered geoffs and since then they've fed every single round every single time without fail.
  15. you're not being over-cautious proprietary parts are a bad thing. it's the same argument i use for example against apple, yes on paper the end product is better, but it forces you into the entire ecosystem. for example i like geoffs bb's, i find them to be of good quality, well what if they start turning out crap? well i just start buying another brand of bb's problem solved. whereas with this, well, if novritch's QC slips on the bb's then you're stuck, your gun will perform like crap no matter how good it is on paper. not to mention once there's a captive audience that needs his ammo to run their kit, well that's a great excuse to ramp up them prices.
  16. i havent bothered running the numbers, but i'd wager the density isn't far off the current 0.48g 6mm offerings, and the only mass increase is from the volume increase. of course with volume increasing as a cube whilst cross section (which is what drag cares about) increasing by a square it makes sense that higher caliber is still going to have an advantage. wouldn't say it's all that innovative, i mean 8mm was a thing years ago. if they can point blank at 1.3j on 0.2g then point blank with 1.3j on 0.48's isn't going to be any different feel wise. heavier ammo doesn't have any more muzzle energy point blank, it just holds it better with range. that said, last time i ran the numbers it was interesting that ~0.48g at 2.5j had pretty much bang on 1.3j at 20m which afaik is a pretty common MED, of course the heavier the ammo the more it'll have at that same MED range.
  17. i think it's not just ebay. tbh i don't mind because to me being the one going "please leave 5* review plzplzplz" is a much more heinous crime.
  18. this, it's worth remembering this is something we choose to do for fun, and it's not a character flaw to think that a warm lie in is preferable to getting cold and soaked. i tend to have a bit of a middle ground, mostly getting wet isn't what gets me so much as the inevitable blindness as your optics and goggles fill up with water. although like everyone i have my limit.
  19. oh hell yes to this, especially if a site is a decent distance away you really don't want to have to be getting up at 6am on a sunday. iirc there was mention of a fella in another thread had finally cured this issue, although not heard anything since. if it was you then i respectfully request you please do the following:
  20. lemme sense timeline of events: new player, super excited wants a sniper like all the youtubers buys l96 fires it a bit in his garden, realises airsoft sniping is an acquired pursuit and here we are.
  21. base gun, £330 https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/el-aks-74mn-platinum-gen-2-aeg/ gate titan advances, £130 https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/gate-titan-v2-advanced-set-rear-wired/ cyma mid-caps, £6.63 per mag https://www.taiwangun.com/en/aeg-mid-cap/150rd-mid-cap-polymer-magazine-for-ak74-series-black-cyma?from=listing&campaign-id=19 total: £499.78 standard ~60% of retail makes £300 needless to say i did not spend more than 30 seconds on google finding the cheapest available shop, i have no doubt the total can be had for less.
  22. you can get a lot out of nominally budget guns, jg these days in particular seem to be pretty bloody good, i've worked on a couple of their ak's (including one i own) and for the fundamental task of lobbing plastic downrange they punch well above their weight. now granted an e&l or lct is gonna look nicer, feel nicer, and be able to take a few more knocks without damage, but it won't shoot much better.
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