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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Skara


    I might be lying about being in Italy
  2. Battleaxe EPM clones, yay or nay?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. alxndrhll


      Specna in general is a brand I’ve never had any kit from so I’ve got nothing of use to contribute there I’m afraid. I dare say if you pop up a status like this one regarding them you’ll get plenty of responses. I guess the main thing is if you can get a dimensions comparison, as much as I’d like to assume they use the same shells for both mid’s and hi’s that would be assuming logic from an airsoft manufacturer... something I’ve learned isn’t a trait most tend to have.

    3. Skara


      AAAAAH fuck it.

      Ordered those battleaxe mags, along with a bunch of mp5 high caps and one of those cool looking mp5 midcaps :D

    4. Cr0-Magnon


      I was sceptical due to price etc but the one I have, performs flawlessly.

  3. You obviously weren't loading bbs the correct way... I always load from the bottom, the ssx23 followers are absolutely wank to pull and as @Cr0-Magnonsaid, even when loading one bb at a time, they often stack up inccorrectly. Whereas my glock mags are 101% fine
  4. Fookin hell this thing is flashy! Now, let's try and lose it on its first outing
  5. So after stripping down the ssx23 for a clean and hop rubber change, I noticed a couple of cracks into the OEM Nov tdc, the hop arm is flat instead of concave for whatever reason...It's what you get for giving Novritsch your hard earned.. So jumped on copy(skirm)shop and ordered a Hadron TDC and H-Arm, along with the two useless wii-tech nozzle springs (180% return, 200% forward, or the other way round). Next is a set of Hadron hot lips and a stronger hammer spring, whenever I can find one.
  6. BOIIIIIS! I'm bored and I'm pissed off at AA for not releasing anything about the M-Lok handguard -.- I want to finish my smg "build" and while I'm waiting for some good parts (namely the CowCow hammer sets and triggers -or the AA triggers-) I want to do the externals at least. As of now I have installed the rail set on the stock upper and noticed a horrifying flex around the outer barrel when used with a grip, in a MP9 style. Both guns are a little bit too hot for my limit (they clock in at 1.0something) so getting a longer barrel is out of question in any case, which then removes the need for a longer front end. Range and accuracy are decent, I don't feel the need for a CNC chamber....yet Something like this, in practice (picture is not mine, the owner said it was okay to share). Just a different optic (T1), suppressor and a thin and short vertical grip. Would you dig something like this?
  7. I have a similar issue with my ssx, I believe it's the gas router height on each magazine, where it's higher the gun works -almost- as intended, my other mag, where the router is lower, doesn't hop properly. Mind you I'm running the first gen Nov tdc which is known for being a POS and it'll soon receive the Hadron treatment (as long as customs play nice and not charge me ludicrous amounts). Also, how did you fire? Hammer already cocked or a full trigger pull?
  8. A Vulpo cnc super duper hop chamber from Aliexpress. Basically it's an old gen MAXX (TE Pro model), for €37 posted can't complain
  9. I say they are the same thing. Specna and Evolution use the same exact OEM for all their guns
  10. But not all countries have to deal with political dissidents though.
  11. An adjustable trigger if that's your thing. While you have the lower cracked open, it might be worth considering the full set rather than the single hammer. As far as metal threaded barrels, I'm afraid the only option is the black mamba upper or a custom made aluminium outer barrel (shouldn't be hard to do, it's basically a cylinder with a couple of holes in it). Either case is reasonably expensive though.
  12. As long as it has a good air seal so that the piston impact is cushioned by the air trapped between the piston and the bb and you check the shimming, I don't see how it's going to break. Give the gearbox a nice radius (it's a free modification as long as you have a round file and has zero side effects, so it's worth doing).
  13. A red Odin M12 and a MAXX hop chamber (sport). Now I'm looking at a Magpul MOE SL handguard for my 933
  14. Maxx chamber acquired.

    Sport version at my local retailer, I wanted the pro solely for the bb retention thingy (that I can manually unlock), so I guess I'll just knock out the spring from this one.

    Performance wise, it seems to give a much flatter trajectory to them 0.32s compared to the stock specna chamber and the range seems to have increased to just shy of 70 metres (70° MR).


    In the meantime my 933 shat itself -.- it jams in full auto

  15. This rubber is a Prommy Purple, it's about 5 years old, it was the first hop rubber I bought when I got back into airsoft (I know it's this one because I had to cut it to fit into the Ares hop chamber). I cleaned this twat with alcohol a lot and it's had a lot, i mean A LOT, of bbs put through (at least 2k per Sunday, 30/35 Sundays a year, for 4 years before I switched to Maple Leaf rubbers). According to you, it should be utterly fucked, but it's not With that being said, Luke makes a point, but also exasperates the "example" by leaving both rubbers soaked overnight, something nobody would do. Silicone inside the barrel creates deposits of shit that lead to either fuck all consistency or straight up jams, which btw aren't good for your gun.
  16. I call bollocks on that. A light clean won't do shit to your hop rubber, of course it'll deteriorate if you leave it soaking in alcohol for 6 months, but a 10 seconds pass won't do absolutely anything. With that being said, I use 8mm filters to clean my M4/PDW barrels (becuase the 6mm ones I use for rolling cigarettes), tighter fit but they work well
  17. 3SG61V8.png

    My life is complete now :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Well my barrel doesn't want to move even with both grub screws removed :D

      installing the CU chamber was a twat (especially the c-clip, that part was super annoying)..

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i'm sure it was a bastard getting it installed in-situ, much easier if you can remove the outer and drop-in the whole inner assembly.

    4. Skara


      Yup, but it's in there now :D

      i just pray nothing happens to it or the rubber/barrel.

  18. yeah sorry, I realized that too. 80 including the work is okay, especially when you look at EdGi average price tags. I was exhausted yesterday, so my reading and comprehension skills were equal to those of a broken fire hydrant
  19. £200 for a meh hop rubber and a fancy barrel?? Holy fuck that's a lot!
  20. Odin M12 back in stock at my favourite retailer.....

    Placed an order and forgot to put one in the cart -.-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      Yeah, no biggie...


      Now, for the serious question:

      Red or transparent? :D

    3. Brophy


      Transparent! Don't want any flashes of red to show in the tree line! :D

    4. Skara


      Ended up with the red one, transparent went out of stock almost immediately -.-

  21. It has a 45° sear, which is made of pot metal. Plus it comes in at 450ish FPS, which isn't good for that kind of locking mechanism. Moreover, the piston is plastic, but it's not AA T-10 quality, it's made of some cheapy plastic and doesn't last very long even at 1J. Unfortunately it's the theme of these VSR clones (even the TM one has 45° sears and plastic piston, but it clocks in at 0.8J and the quality/tolerances are miles ahead). I'd send it back and swap it for a better gun, the A&K M24 comes with 90° steel sears and it'll last much longer, on top of giving a smoother action of the bolt.
  22. If you wanted to keep weight down, then you should have gone for a bare essential swiss arms 4x40. I had that very short dot on mine and compared to the aforementioned 4x40 it's like 3 times the weight (and bulk). Nonetheless it's a great optic for the price and gives plenty of versatility (the reticle is useless for airsoft, so being SFP isn't an issue), it might end up on one of the M4s. I went with the tdc because coming from a striker I firmly believe that it should be the standard on ALL airsoft guns. Can't get a more precise and direct pressure to the rubber than that. Plus it's stupid easy to install (the GS one does stick out a bit, if you want a low profile option then the tridos one might be a better choice). With that being said, the stock hop chamber is plenty and I'm sure it'll serve you well! It didn't seem to give bbs the infamous right curve VSRs are known for. Since you are uk based, instead of those guide rings I would have gone for a cylinder sleeve from longbow, I say it's much better as it actually centres and guides the cylinder in its travel. I plan on making my own once I find the right tubing. All things considered AA made a really good gun at a very affordable price tag!
  23. I'd worry about those two huge white squares
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