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Everything posted by Skara

  1. It is, the cylinder volume is similar to the VSR, which is known for being a creepy fuck (my VSR gains 0.5J going from 0.2s to 0.4s) @AP77I suggest chronoing in Joules with 0.43g or whatever bb weight you want to use and the hop set for that weight, just to make sure you don't run a hot gun Having the hop on vs off does not exactly give the same results in every gun. Some will see a decrease of fps/J, others will have a boost.
  2. Aaaaaaand I just bought two PTS EPG-C grips for my M4s, one in black, one in FDE. Now.... Are EPS stocks decent?
  3. Well I think you have the same issue I'm having on my KA PDW. On mine the new motor is longer than the stock one and despite having completely removed the motor adjustment screw, it is still way too high and causes mad screeching. Check if your new motor is longer than the stock one, if so, I'm afraid you'll need a different pistol grip.
  4. I like the concept, but from what I've seen the material is suuuuuuuper flimsy 😮 you madman
  5. New helikon Competition pouches arrived.

    Holy shit batman the retention is fucking unreal 😮

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Grippy liner, similar to the one in WAS pouches. I expect it to wear out eventually, but the pouches still have two more retention "systems" in form of traditional bungee top and an adjustable shock cord going through the middle section of the pouch.


      All in all, for €18 per pouch, they are really, really well made!!


      I also got two pistol pouches but can't test them because I forgot my pistol mags at home -.- but they're basically the same thing, without the top bungee, scaled down.


      I'll try and get sum pics

    3. Lozart


      I just looked them up on the Helikon site.


      I take it these are stand alone pouches rather than the inserts?

    4. Skara


      Yep they are standalone pouches







  6. I swapped motors with my 933. ZCI motor in the 933 sounds perfectly fine although it wants to sit 1/1.5mm lower than the SHS. SHS in the PDW (just the gearbox with ICS pistol grip) sounds shit, no matter how high/low I set it. Spinning gears by hand you can definitely hear them grinding, I also had doubts about the spur/idler not being flat because when I had the box shimmed spur first, at one point it was getting stuck with the bevel. Now it spins fine though (read scratching but not binding). So the motor is ruled out, the gears might be part of the issue and I can still replace them with ZCI advanced (my tech has some in stock, a lot more expensive than buying online though). The major suspect remains the grip then. Unfortunately, other than the ICS mentioned (which is also wonky as heck) I don't have any spare. I was thinking of getting a couple of PTS EPGs for my M4s sometime soon (tm) so I could give a specna A2 a go. Can't be arsed right now but I might try tomorrow.
  7. New bushings in, tried spur first and it's dumping a moulinex into a bucket of nails and a spanner levels of scratchy. Tried bevel to pinion, still scratchy but without the spanner. Also tried with the stock motor, still the same. Good thing about these Modify bushings is that they have a little ridge protruding into the gearbox so I didn't use too many shims. At this point it's pretty clear, I got a lemon somewhere. I ran the thing for a couple of minutes to try and scratch the gears, the shell or anything else and locate the source. Gears are spotless, the shell has just a tiny bit of scratching under the spur (fixed by swapping a 0.15 shim with a 0.2). Bevel teeth seems fine, pinion seems fine (I might try and swap it for a SHS one but they look identical). With the motor inserted and the height somewhat adjusted there is just a tiny bit of play on the bevel, with the shell closed and tightened each gear has about 0.1mm of play which looks bang on to me. There is no grease that may conceal scratches. I'm giving a SHS HT a go, just to eliminate the motor as a cause. I'm legit clueless, anyone got an idea? @Sitting Duck
  8. Being in Germany with your retarded F mark, I suggest the SSX-23. Reason being it seems to have a thinner grip than the TM/STTI ones, so if you have "normal" sized female hands it'll be just a tiny bit less uncomfortable to grip. Unfortunately it does NOT come with a suppressor and it might require some work right out of the box (most likely check the alignment of parts because mine was atrocious). Regarding suppressors, either the Novritsch one or @Samurai as it is just as effective but comes in a much shorter (and stylish) size. Even at sub 1J it still has stupid range provided you use *at least* 0.3g bbs and it's a perfectly skirmishable gun on its own (I have had a couple of games where my primaries died and I had to use the mk23, still had tons of fun literally sniping people) whenever you find a field or club to play with
  9. Three of these https://emperionstore.com/competition-rapide-carbine-pouch-multicam-helikon-tex.html Two of these https://emperionstore.com/competition-rapid-pistol-pouch-multicam-helikon-tex.html To add to my new rig and to replace the Condor cheapo pistol mag pouches on me FRV belt. And a Maple Leaf I-Key because you can't have too many.
  10. Bushings profile isn't the issue. It's how they went in and the fact that they don't spin (well one does but still, 1/6 is not good enough lol). I'll pick up some decent ones this Saturday. In the meantime I started dicking around with various parts and decided to try a different pistol grip. Swapped the stock one for an old ICS grip I had and it made a world of difference! The stock grip, as mentioned above, makes the motor sit way too high despite having removed the adjustment screw. The "new" grip, on the contrary, almost completely removed the pinion to bevel scratching, although now it doesn't sit flush but is slightly canted to the side and the motor gets warm quickly. There is still some gear scratching noise but that will eventually go away as soon as I replace the bearings.
  11. Texture on the receiver sides, can't remember which one has them though
  12. Just ignore the whole thing, as everyone should.
  13. Forgot to update this thread. In the end I went for a ZCI 22tpa motor, quite slow but the semi cycle time on a 11.1 is good. The gearbox shell, though is utter shit, or the motor is, or the grip, I can't figure it out -.- I can't properly shim it, I did the good ol' spur first but the bevel wants to sit really high. Tried bevel to pinion, the bevel now has zero shims on top yet it appears to be too tight, moreover the ZCI motor is really pushing against the bevel even with the grip adjustment screw completely removed. I thought it was the gearbox shell being a bit shit, so I bought an 8mm one but the bearings I got (SHS) must've been a friday night job and they don't spin -.- stayed up until 2 AM last night to try and figure out what was going on and I'm really pissed. I'll see if I can pick up a set of decent bushings later today and try again -.-
  14. So, I got a new gearbox shell for my pdw but it's an utter cunt to shim (Also I think I got a bad set of SHS bearings but they'll have to do since I don't have any spares).

    I'm gonna try the bevel to pinion method, spur first worked with every single AEG I've worked on apart from this little piece of shit.


    Fuck me :(

  15. It's a bit of a heresy, but I use it with my M4s too sometimes and I have no issues with drawing mags. One thing that would help is to make small spacer blocks to lift mags up a bit Not a permanent modification so whenever you decide to run an AK you can simply remove them.
  16. Can't find decent m4 mag pouches :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. alxndrhll


      Aye, which is made more confusing by the 'Fits one M4/M16 magazine, alternatively one M14 or G36 mag, or any magazine in similar size. ' in the description haha.

    3. Shaydee


      I've just been using cheapo condor open top (the ones with the bungee cord retention) on my belt setup. Outdoor in pissing it down rain, brambles, mud, all sorts and have been working fine for me the past few years. That's including me swapping them out with a budget taiwangun pistol mag pouch for my VSR mags pretty much every game. Not really something that would fit the 'look' though I imagine 😄

    4. Skara


      Thanks for the suggestions :D


      I have been using those condor cheapo ones for ages and they performed relatively well, but I am slowly replacing all the clone pouches with the real deal (getting rid of those too).


      KYWIs are impossible to find.


      In the meantime, I have found Helikon competition pouches and Templars TACO clones, both reasonably priced. I have abandoned the quest for closed top pouches because it's either TMC or Crye with not much choice in between -.-

  17. My ultra heretic 5.56 AK flash mags arrived. I'm seriously impressed with the quality, they're Cymas and feel really sturdy. Sure as hell better than the 5.45 flash mag I already have. In the meantime, I ordered 2 SHS QD bearing spring guides for my Specnas, a new 8mm QC gearbox for my KA PDW and another bag of 0.28s.
  18. More and more technical issues, I am definitely cursed. So the King Arms PDW does not like ZCI hop units, couldn't feed a single round. The specna 933 acted funny all day, sounded shit in full auto (as if it was going to jam) so I stuck to semi. Nonetheless I had fun today, the lack of confidence among team members is showing (we have mostly new/inexperienced people now) and we need to sort that out asap. Next Sunday, PDW time (AK if I feel like it and the new high caps actually feed). Meanwhile I need to stock 60° hop rubbers as 50s appear to be too soft for my 933.
  19. Measure the inner diametre of the cylinder and the piston travel. Subtract the airbrake length from said travel, calculate cylinder volume. At least it's what I did with my T-11, piston travel on a vsr is roughly 90mm and the ratio for a 0.48 should be around 3.5:1 (which is only a guess as 1tonne's guide only goes up to 0.45g, either way a slightly overvolumed gun isn't bad at all) maths are cylinder radius^2 x piston travel length x pie / barrel radius^2 x barrel length x pie With my setup (TM spec cylinder, an effective travel of 66.2mm, 6.03x300AA inner) I have a 3.21:1 ratio, but my airbrake is 24mm long. With an airbrake, sorbo thickness is irrelevant as the actual useable volume ends when the airbrake enters the nozzle.
  20. Gud. I'm considering moving from the warfet to either a titan or a Perun on my ak, just to eliminate the semi lockup and have more battery space available for spicy 11.1s
  21. Just committed a war crime, bought a set of 5.56 ak magazines for my 74u. Along with some gas cans (duster, green, red) and a bunch of bags of BLS 0.28s.
  22. but me stock geegee sh0ts 70 meters on zeropointtwelve beebees
  23. insane ROF but you lose the last round hold open.
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