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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Yesterday was meh. Hot, humid, wasn't motivated to do anything. One of those days where you wonder if staying in bed would've been the better choice. Hopefully next weekend will be better..at the very least I'll try some new stuff out.
  2. Just placed an order for a Mayflower UW gen IV chest rig in ranger green from overseas. €190 posted, currently preparing ass for the sandpaper-wrapped buttfuck I'm gonna get by customs
  3. Shipping is fair, import fees aren't 😕 about WTF, can't find chest rigs, only accessories and modifications for existing stuff 😕 edit: nvm found the "turnkey" rigs. The smaller mp5 style one looks interesting, might have a closer look at it in the future. Good. My epm clones have those small rubbery plates, not proper ranger plates though. I was considering running some MP2 inserts, they are supposed to be compatible with MF pouches, if not, KYWIs.
  4. WHERE? Been trying to find a mamba in stock for ages -.-
  5. While I am itching to buy the mayflower gen4, I have scooped arount the internet a little bit to gather more information (on possible alternatives as well). One horror story I seem to read often is that the magazine pouches on the gen 4 are a really tight fit for anything that's not a GI (standard aluminium) mag. I don't know if I should consider this a bonus because I run metal Lonex Flash Mags for these events. I do have a set of battleaxe epm clones but it's unlikely I'm gonna use them at a tournament (unless required, but this is extremely unlikely as midcaps just are not a thing here). There are also conflicting reports of magazine retention inserts fitting, some say KYWIs don't fit, others say MP-2s fit, others say neither fit, then you have all the fanboys shitting on each other. In all this there are plenty of pictures of pmags inserted into the rig -.- Fucking internet really. Then, talking to my club president, he suggested the esstac boar he uses. the one piece rig is impossibru to find, the split front ones don't seem too bad, especially the "trimmed" version which only holds 4 mags instead of 6/8, I can swap the magazine holder things with ak if needed (also impossibru to find). Is not swift clip compatible, though, and I'm trying to stay away from MOLLE platforms because they get bulky very quickly. Overall I'm not impressed by it and it's out of stock everywhere -.- Still leaning towards the mayflower gen 4, I'm giving myself until Monday morning to decide, then I'm clicking "buy".
  6. Ultimately pick the gun you like. Both makes use fairly standard parts so any mechanical niggle can be easily sorted for not much. Do NOT watch YouTube reviews, 9 times out of 10 you're just wasting time, they tell you where the fire selector is on an M4 and don't provide any useful information.
  7. Can you hike 20 kilometres on shit terrain with that shit on without dying? kudos to you, because I can't
  8. I have considered it, two things put me off though: Double stack pouches (they flap about when half empty) and the lack of swift clips, I understand that they are not necessary but I'm not willing to mod a €440 rig (it's also out of my budget by a fair bit). Yes I do, I run a FRV belt (not always though) with just two pistol mags, one rifle mag, dump pouch and holster if I fancy a sidearm.. One thing o forgot to mention is that sidearms are typically dead weight in these events and I carry one only if requested by the organizer. As I said the only one would be the mk23 but I'll be storing it inside my backpack until I need to use it (for more than 5 seconds, that is). And no, a split front Mav is not a winner It's not compatible unless I extensively mod it (swap all the webbing and buckles from 1.5" to 1").
  9. Good question. 3/4 magazines, radio, knife (4" blade), a multi tool of some sort, gps, compass, notepad + pens/pencils, first aid stuff, small torch, snacks, gardening shears, length of cord, batteries for rifles and electronics, bbs, essentially everything one would need for a 8h+ game with no safezone nor resupply point apart from the occasional water fountain/stream, plus "mission essential items" such as optics, night vision, fake explosives, smoke grenades. I'm pretty sure I could get away with the tmr but it is not meant to carry much more than just mags, all the weight is at the front and concentrated in a relatively small area and it's noticeable (for example when I run 4 mags and a full bag of bbs or a water bottle in the dangler). I will of course have a backpack to carry water and those items which are not needed in a hurry like waterproofs or warm clothes, extra first aid gear, stuff like night vision during daytime or those mission essential items we already used or won't be needed for at least another 3/4 hours, maybe a small gas can and my mk23 (disassembled) if stealthy ninja stuff is required. The load also varies according to the field I'm gonna be playing in, the last time we played at such events it was a shitshow of steep climbs, exposed tiny trails and consistent rain for 8 hours straight, I made the mistake of loading the TMR to the max which, to be 101% honest, sucked big black cocks as it made me give up on life just past 4 hours (I still feel bad about it after two years).. EDIT: also forgot to mention that we use M4s in these events, so we can share magazines with each other.
  10. I'd like to have the real thing, to be honest.
  11. Way too big. Okay, let's remove the ak mags from the equation. M4 mags only.
  12. I have, and concluded that it is way too tall for me. I have a relatively short chest so anything taller than 3 molle rows is gonna want to sit low and interfere with my belt. I know, I'm picky. Since I'm gonna be dumping a hefty sum, I just want to make sure I buy the right rig.
  13. 1x Perun V2 Hybrid (rear wired) 1x Perun V3 Hybrid. Add €15 postage from Kurwa Land and I got two mosfets for the price of a single Titan Advanced
  14. Well, I am moving away from MOLLE stuff. While it's true that you can set your pouches where you want, it is also true that the extra webbing adds a lot more bulk and weight. Plus the cost of a base + all the pouches can get incredibly high. @LozartI don't have 7.62 ak mags, I run either 5.45 or 5.56 ak mags (heresy, I know). Nonetheless the top part is the exact same for all three kinds and it's the one that needs to fit inside the pouches. I've gone through a few google searches but can't find anything at all in Europe..
  15. Sorry, couldn't keep up with the answers. One of the reasons I sold the split front mav is the split front design: all the weight is shifted to the side since there is a rather large portion of unusable space at the front. This combined with even a tiny ass backpack with nothing but a half filled 2L bladder (1.5kg total?) made the whole thing rock backwards, no matter how much shit I had at the front. Design flaw? Me being a retard? No clue, but it made me stay away from anything split front. The peacekeeper was one of the main options, until I realized it is actually more expensive to import it than flying to australia and picking one myself -.- Also it's huge which is a no go for my short chest. @alxndrhllit's curious, as I consider the TMR a micro rig when in reality it's the same size as a D3CR. It does hold more stuff than a SS rig, that's for sure, but the size of the middle admin is deceiving, in reality it doesn't hold more than a phone, car keys and small speed loader without bulging out like an american kid at McDonald's. I am also looking at a proper micro rig, but that's food for another thread Someone on a discord server suggested the Mayflower UW gen IV rig, which I really like, but I don't think it takes 5.45/5.56 AK mags (the Pusher, gen VI, has removable inserts for different calibres but it seems to be much harder to source in this part of the world). no "vests", they are great for carrying stuff but they really restrict my breathing. I guess I'll keep looking..
  16. It's literally a clone of the rig I just sold...
  17. Need suggestions quick!


    A guy bought my MAVs, but now he's having buyer regret.


    On one side, I understand him and might offer a refund.

    On the other hand, though, he was so determined on buying it until this morning.


    Mind you, he already paid and I haven't shipped yet due to this situation.


    What should I do? After all, he had plenty of time to ask for a refund (sent the money on saturday afternoon btw)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MiK


      I’m with GG on this you shake hands then a deal is a deal, but as Hamster says it might go to dispute as he may say it never arrives

      /cynical mode off

    3. Skara


      @GenuineGermanthat's how I do things, once I confirm a purchase, I buy it.


      Speaking of buyer's remorse, yesterday I traded an old gearbox shell with a box new cyma mp5 (the cheap ones, all plastic).

      Should've taken the money instead, but I do live with it and it's now posted on sale at €55 posted to be used as spare parts.

      If I don't manage to shift it, it's on me as I should have been wiser ;)

    4. Cr0-Magnon


      As frustrating as it may be, I'd be inclined to refund minus anything it's already cost you.

  18. Thanks guys. I sold the mav because I like my rigs to sit high on my chest and if I set it high, it was way too tight, if I set it where it wants to be (mid chest) it felt shit and prevented me from using a belt. I guess my torso is too short for it to work well. I'll have to be wearing the thing for hours (8 at least), so no bandoleers as they definitely do not distribute the weight equally on each shoulder. Someone somewhere else suggested a Mayflower uw gen 4, but it doesn't seem to take ak mags (which really isn't a big deal, I'll be using M4s mostly but I like my stuff to be interchangeable within reason). So many rigs to choose from
  19. Hive mind, I choose you! I just sold both my Tactical Tailor Mav and mini Mav. The first I didn't like how it fit, the latter because it was redundant with my Helikon TMR. So now I am left with the aforementioned TMR and a smersh, in theory I am covered on all fronts (low profile and lightweight - carrying the kitchen sink), but we all know it's very rarely a matter of *need* Anyway, I want a new chest rig to complement the tmr, I want more room for utility stuff for those longer games, space for 3/4 ak/m4 mags (I own 5 high caps and 5 midcaps for each gun), also it needs to sit kinda high so I can use it with my frv belt. Being swift clip compatible is not strictly necessary but is a nice plus, possibly a H-Harness instead of a X one. Was eyeing the Helikon Guardian, it oddly resembles the good ol' arktis chest rig but with more features.. Any suggestions?
  20. I only played KoTH on the lowest settings possible that would give me 30 fps inside a populated town.. Unfortunately I now lack the time and will to spend a night playing after working 8 to 10 hours on pc.. Also ArmA was supposed to run on potatoes and it ran flawlessly on my laptop until last year, when it decided to commit sudoku and give me BSODs for days.
  21. I will, once I get ArmA 3 to run again on my craptop -.- (Not gonna do milsims or anything, I just happen to have ALL the things, just missing that one)
  22. Guess how I found out Anyway, what adolf just said ^^
  23. Such an underrated statement! I guess the srs needs a wee bit of time to get used to due to the awkward bolt pull. It seems that the most efficient way is to have your palm facing up rather than cosplaying a t-rex (which is something a lot of people do). Make sure to buy-make-steal a bolt cover to avoid getting shit into the hop chamber. Now though, buy a mk23
  24. Yup, although it did slightly chew up the plastic thread on my king arms pdw receiver 😕 will get a pic of the thing installed tomorrow, overall for €23 posted I can't complain, the m-lok slots appear to be proper m-lok spec and the inner diametre is the same as my noveske sound hog (fits really snug, which is a plus for me as it locks the barrel in nice and tight). the two small anti rotation tabs fit nice around the upper (the reason why I bought it in the first place)
  25. Hi and welcome, £450 is a hefty budget! Is it for the gun only? Or does it include things like eyepro/rig/boots/clothes? You already have one gun, maybe it's worth spending a portion of that budget to make sure it runs smooth, take it to a decent tech to sort any air leak, shimming or any issue it may present. Invest in a couple of magazines (everyone's favourite are midcaps, but they are not necessary, high capacity magazines are super convenient and the infamous battle rattle is a myth). Then play a few skirmishes to get the hang of the game. After that, if you feel like there is an area your CM16 is lacking, you might want to sort that by replacing parts or installing new ones (mosfets, gears, motors, hop rubbers, barrels, you name it. your gun is fairly standard which opens up a lot of possibilities for upgrades, especially with that budget). Another option would be to keep the G&G as a loaner/backup, in that case I wouldn't look at krytac/bolt, they have some proprietary parts that might be expensive/difficult to find. Plenty of options for your budget, one gun I would personally recommend is the TM M4 HC CRW, no bells, no whistles, 25 RPS out of the box on a 8.4 NiMh.
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