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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Check my T-11 unfucking thread, the internals are the same as yours but I went for an internal suppression with a short inner and a long outer barrel. Okay it's a 1J build, but given the creep I don't think I'll have to change anything to crank the power up to 2.2 The stock hop unit is fine if you install a TDC
  2. Aaaand someone just tried to lock me out of my PP account :D


    Do I look like a 12yo?

    1. ak2m4


      Oh fuck...Do you have their 2 stage security feature enabled?

    2. Skara


      Yep :P

      i also have just one prepaid card linked to it that is currently empty, the guy could've done fuck all anyway :D


      I've posted about this scam already a while ago.

      essentially what happens is that the buyer sends you a fake screenshot from PP in which a code is required to complete the payment, at the same time you get a legit PP SMS with a security code.

      If one is dumb enough to give that code to the buyer, he gets locked out of his account because said code is used to verify your identity when changing passwords :D

      Unfortunately the average Italian IQ seems to be close to absolute zero because I see at least 2/3 people each day who have been scammed like that.



  3. Ding dong, your assumption is wrong I worked on my M4s tonight, the ak is doing fine so I'm leaving it alone until it breaks I'm using ZCI barrels @concretesnail I'll have another go with it tomorrow on a different gun and update if something funny happens
  4. Tested my new compression parts, silicone MR was installed and the chrono readings were the following (hop all the way off): 325, 300, 240, 170, 90, jam. Didn't test full auto for obvious reasons. Good ol' rubber 50° MR in, constant 315 without hop, constant 325 with hop applied. No power drops in full auto. It has something to do with the lips, also the fact that bbs are super hard to manually push past the contact patch without any pressure from the arm tells me there's something wrong with these new rubbers.
  5. Don't. I've had only issues with those. Regular MRs are great though.
  6. Okay silicone MRs are a big fat nope.

    Maybe on sniper rifles that use AEG barrels, but wouldn't recommend them on proper AEGs.


    Rubber ones are fine though, I'll buy a 70 to try out.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Steveocee


      Come and join the PDI W hold cool club 😎 Granted the only time you tell someone about it is when they struggle with a maple leaf rubber but it's a consistent level of just right.

    3. Skara




      So you can shut the fuck up about it :P


      For real though, I'll get one to try out... 70°?


      Btw the rubber.....rubbers are fine :P it's just the silicone ones being twats

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      pdi W is also my go-to for stuff that doesn't like ml. good for up to the ~.32g range (that's with a 50° on northern temperatures) but can't do the super heavies.

  7. The AS-02 barrel is 310mm in length, a 300mm will fit but it'll barely grab the plastic spacer at the end of the outer.
  8. That is an option but it's not what I was talking about.. You see the cutout below the spur gear's bearing? it allows the wires to bypass the motor pinion completely
  9. Try installing a fucking Perun unit after you've installed a Titan or did a simple rewire with Alpha They use some ultra soft jelly wire that is an absolute thundercunt to keep in place -.-
  10. Better than G&G imo. Gearboxes are easier to work with and they come with decent barrels and hop units out of the box. Plus they are cheaper than G&Gs while still providing steel bushings and a nice SHS piston.
  11. Dremel a slit on the left half shell so that you can route all the wires through it and avoid getting them wrecked by the pinion. Or just keep them in place with a dab of hot glue. I've done mine with Alpha 16AWG wire and didn't have any issue
  12. MAXX unit or no MAXX unit?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      in that case you're on the right path :P

    3. ak2m4


      I prefer the Retro Arms chamber as it seems to offer slightly better compatibility across the board and about half the price but can be difficult to find.

    4. Skara


      I heff one RA chamber, I bought it 4/5 years ago in and never used it because it didn't fit in Ares/G&G guns. It should be the "newer" gen one, bare metal with a red adjusment ring.


      I installed it yesterday in the Specna but haven't had the chance to test it out yet. Maybe tonight when I get home :D


      EDIT: well fuck me sideways, RA has made another chamber that uses the same exact arms and concave tensioners MAXX uses 😮 not released yet but looks interesting nonetheless :D

  13. they are €42 new, doubt you'll be able to shift them for more than €30
  14. Bought more shit for my M4s, in a desperate attempt to fix the compression: 2x FPS Type D Cylinders (300-400mm barrels, I want to keep them overvolumed to push them heavies) 2x FPS bearing piston heads 2x FPS o-ring nozzles
  15. Today was a good day. Started off with my M4 acting up, so I ended up playing with the ak, which had some hop inconsistencies (the CU chamber is super sensitive and it was either overhop to the moon or not enough hop), but nonetheless it performed nicely. A bit on the heavy side (I'm weak) but the folding stock is really a godsend when moving through thick vegetation. Teamwork is building up, saw good communication and coordination between the teams We also have two new members, with a third one joining in two weeks, nice to see new, younger people getting into the sport Now that we are in lockdown for easter so I might get the chance to fix all these stupid technical issues.
  16. Maybe green, for that watermelon look
  17. Bought a Source bladder from them through eBay. Everything went as planned and it was even cheaper than buying locally, go figure 'twas the last thing I bought from the U.K. pre brexit.
  18. Okay.

    Combat Union chamber properly fitted (I think), power went up slightly from 0.9 to 0.92/0.93.

    In the meantime, the SHS nozzle in my M4 bought the farm, 0.05J and serious feeding issues, so switched back to the stock one (which is fucking useless as it doesn't seal for shit)..


    One day I'll get good at teching, I promise.

  19. Don't worry, I update it semi-regularly, if something worth writing happens.
  20. He says he uses an AA adapter. he's in here tho @stipsniper
  21. I'll ask Stip If it's TM spec, then a regular TM adapter would do the trick
  22. How the fuck does DHL cover Moscow-NW Italy in 24h, but my postal service needs 4 days to go from here to Pisa (just shy of 80kms apart, 40 minutes drive)?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. padraigthesniper


      24 hour from moscow? thats a madness the delivery guys must be on adderal and caffiene pills

    3. Skara


      Aaand I have just destroyed my nozzle/tappet plate.


      EDIT: I didn't, thank Christ 

    4. Skara


      New nozzle in, 101% air seal, reinstalled everything..

      90 fps on 0.2s....

      Something is definitely not right, but I'm exhausted, will give it a look tomorrow.

  23. The routers are different but I found zero difference between my TM mag and my WE ones, so I guess you can use your TM mag without any issue. With that being said I do use my AA mags on my TM glock (for plinking at seagulls)
  24. If you run it on semi only, you don't need to worry about the hammer. The AA mag is crap, holds sod all gas even after multiple purges and has the same efficiency of a heavy ass full steel WE gun that runs on duster. The first upgrade I recommend is a maple leaf hop rubber and either a maple leaf i-key or hadron equivalent, along with decent mags (WE standards are bang on)
  25. compatibility with some aftermarket hammers for the most part.
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