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Showing content with the highest reputation since 28/10/12 in Advert Questions

  1. Tyrantjay

    Tm recoils m4

    Hahahahahaha 3k! Fucking nut job
    15 points

    GHK AK74MN

    £700 is a bit high for a stock AK that's technically broken mate.
    11 points
  3. So your not sure what's wrong, but we're assured it's a cheap fix ? LOL, I'm not entirely convinced 😏
    11 points
  4. Tackle

    Umarex G3 GBBR

    You've got two posts, & no feedback, irrespective of your situation, as unfortunate as it may be, we try to look out for everyone on here, in much the same way if someone else was selling the same deal & you were thinking about buying, we would happily comment if we thought it looked like a risky transaction, & hopefully stop you losing your money. Don't take it personally, it ain't, it's just some red flags have to be mentioned for the good of everyone.
    9 points
  5. Tokkeitai

    APFG MPX, £400

    Why you got the dawgs out 😂
    9 points
  6. £10 more for it brand new on defcon right now. Will be a hard sell at £300.
    7 points
  7. Totally freaked out by the feet, tbqh
    7 points
  8. Tackle

    KWA mac 11

    @Tommyzhang you must be some kinda speshul, are we supposed to feel sorry for you because your a student ? What are you studying, you hoping to get a degree in urine extraction, cos your clearly very good at it 😏
    7 points
  9. 'No timewasters or scammers' - A bit rich coming from a user who's posted up tonnes of brand new kit without a single picture including a username and date on a piece of paper to prove ownership, registered only a week ago, zero feedback and zero posts outside of the classifieds. If there was a 'scammers bingo' you would be very close to winning - just need 'Bank Transfer only' to round things out....
    7 points
  10. Tommyzhang

    KWA mac 11

    I AM a student, and i really like your gun, can you give me this for 50 pounds including postage? Not to make profit but to make a good friend😁
    6 points
  11. Akuma121


    Could you explain why the pricing for your replica is going for £90 when I can buy one brand new from Aliexpress for £42.82 with a delivery date of within the next two weeks? Genuinely quite curious
    6 points
  12. It would be cheaper to buy one of these new from Asia than what you're asking
    6 points
  13. Tackle

    AUG-16 Jing Gong

    Dude, so many things wrong with this ad ???? PS thanks for warning us about the scammers, cos we hate those dishonest cnuts 😏
    6 points
  14. £750 spent on a dated platform, is about £300 on the secondhand market. Believe me I've sold several, no one is paying £600 for this. Your gun, so you set the price but be prepared for it to be on here for a long time.
    5 points
  15. 400fps? This is not useable at any UK site and, if it retains the full auto function, is no longer classified as an airsoft weapon but as a firearm.
    5 points
  16. Rogerborg

    KWA mac 11

    I have a Masters, so I can go to £57.50, plus a pack[*] of Haribo Tangfastics. [*] Well, half a pack, I got peckish.
    5 points
  17. JinxDuh

    KWA mac 11

    I dropped out of college, could I have it for £55 but you deliver it to me please 🥹 we can be best friends 😄
    5 points
  18. 5 points
  19. A whole bag for gear with no brand description, and two broken AK's that are 'FULLY UPGRADED' but you can't name what's inside them? Not only that but you tried to flog the same AK earlier with the description "Selling my beloved 105 , purchased this 2nd hand for £850 a few months ago and now want to move to GBBRS - the gun is fully tuned to the max inside - can provide parts list upon request ."
    5 points
  20. quango2k

    TM Glock 17 gen3

    "has some scratches on the slide" Translation "been eaten by the dog"
    5 points
  21. SBoardley

    Tm recoils m4

    Uh…..wow!! Five or six mws or what?
    5 points
  22. Tackle


    Probably the worst sales post I've ever seen, gives a whole new meaning to the word lazy
    5 points
  23. Killer Adam


    C'mon dude, I'm sure you can put more effort into a sales post than that.. - What are the manufacturers of these products? - What's included? Mags, accessories, etc? - Where are you located? - What condition are these in?
    5 points
  24. Pop

    Airsoft gear for sale!!!

    Would you do a straight swap for a Nimbus 2000 mate?
    5 points
  25. Deal of the century. The magazines alone are like rocking horse shit and overpriced artificially inflated by UK and international sellers. Extremely pleasant and trustworthy seller also. If you're thinking about doing this I'd snap it up right now.
    4 points
  26. @PAJC_AIRSOFT are you ok?
    4 points

    Kwa eve 4

    Mate you need actual pictures of it in person not random pictures off of geartech. Screams scammer, especially with your already negative feedback.
    4 points
  28. yeah sure, good luck with the sale
    4 points
  29. It's only worth £250 WITH a gearbox 😂
    4 points
  30. These are less than £100 new and don't come with a gopping paint job
    4 points
  31. 2 years dude, and they're still not sold. Rare doesn't equal desirable. You have to think, 'would I honestly pay this much myself'? Just trying to help.
    4 points
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