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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/24 in all areas

  1. The description is cut and pasted from Patrol Base and zooming in on the slip of paper it's identical to the one I got in my last order from them. Oh, and PB sell that gun for £130 so £180 plus postage is frankly taking the piss The extra insurance is pointless too. According to the parcelforce website airsoft guns aren't covered by the enhanced compensation cover. https://www.parcelforce.com/help-and-advice/sending/prohibitions-and-restrictions
    3 points
  2. Ok, I'm day off from work today & felt a little motivated so set about the GBBR's... XM177 npas fitted 100% successfully & working a treat. (forgot to record a before & after fps check). SCAR-H started an fps check & got a lot of double feeds so changed the mag in case that was at fault (it wasn't). Broke down the pew & removed the bolt, stripped it down and noticed it had an npas fitted already (DOH!), but... the nozzle return spring wasn't attached at one end (see pic), and the return spring retaining pin was bent (affecting the nozzle slide). Concluson... a bigger noob than me fitted an npas using a 6lb hammer and fucked it up, I now have a new spring, pin & a couple of mag floor plates winging their way to Bonnie Scotland (wish me luck).
    3 points
  3. I don't know. Donate a kidney and you're a hero. Donate half a dozen and the police kick your door down...
    3 points
  4. I have been here a lot longer than that; my previous account was hacked. I don't really see why people feel the need to mention being vegetarian or vegan or whatever all the time.
    3 points
  5. If your gun is travelling at 300fps then your BB will be travelling at 300fps anyway. Along with all the BBs in the magazine...and the magazine. If you happen to be attached to your gun then you'll be travelling at 300fps too! I'm not sure relativism has much to do with it at that point, though you might get some funny looks off the marshalls.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Finally got a pair of Lundhags - been wanting a pair since the late 80s and the SASS catalogue. They don’t feel as heavy as they look, I can run and the membrane will never fail! Really wish I’d got them a long time ago.
    2 points
  8. First, catch your Macaroni.
    2 points
  9. I know I've been off work, and immobile, for a few monrhs but why did no one tell how fat I've become! 😪
    2 points
  10. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop colt xm177e2 model 629 ghk gbb airsoft m16a1 type upper, lower, grip stock rubber coated steel out barrel, FSB detail fix
    2 points
  11. I'm not saying Stoke on Trent is rough, but the local shops put steal by dates on all the food.
    1 point
  12. If you're firing the BB's whilst supermanning your way down the field, then your bb's will be at 300FPS plus muzzle velocity, and your relatives will be contacted to collect your personal effects. How long the BBs continue to travel at that speed I can't be bothered to work out, because frankly this is getting a bit too Monty Python. LOL
    1 point
  13. Indeed; it does not apply to airsoft toys.
    1 point
  14. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/28285-jing-gong-m5-a4-jg070mg Even if it has parcel protection and a few handy accessories, that's very ambitious pricing for a two-tone, especially when no context is given for an apparent resale of a new gun.
    1 point
  15. Have you looked at @ak2m4? He has some 128mm length ones in in a 6.00mm bore. https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/inner-barrels/xt-inner-barrel-aeg-600mm
    1 point
  16. Use a tiny amount of silicone lube on the zci rotary oring to free up movement Try the ec gearbox, nothing to lose. G&p older gearboxes aren't an improvement over ec gearboxes generally but over the years things have changed. My old g&p from 12 years ago was trash for instance. Might run into some fitment issues with the ec though. Personally id just transplant the titan or buy a new perun for the g&p, open it up, check the parts and see what needs to be improved.
    1 point
  17. Best and most consistent.28s I’ve used (I am sad and check my bb weight quite often with 4 dp digital microscales) are BAW brand, come in bags called Baw bags - lol https://www.airsoftworld.net/catalogsearch/result/?q=Baw more recently a couple of top Uk techs, (including Kingdom of Airsoft) who have done some extensive testing have surprisingly recommended Nuprol RZR, having bought a couple of different weights - they are remarkable good clean consistent bbs
    1 point
  18. So I said to the vicar: "This is a lovely old church vicar". He said: "It's Norman". I said: "Oh right, this is a lovely old church Norman".
    1 point
  19. Masturbators Anonymous has started meeting in our village hall. I was surprised at how many people came.
    1 point
  20. Today, I went to Splatoon in Essex, a site I have been to a few times before and always had an enjoyable day. About 90-100 players were present, a mixture of old (I chatted with a 72 year old chap who was playing for the first time and was there with this grandson) and young, experienced and newcomers to the hobby. The first game was a fallback; we were defending and the attackers had to clear each of four areas in turn, not being able to attack the next section until they had cleared the current one. There was a 30 second time penalty for every enemy player still alive after the attacking team called the area clear. Defenders had one life in each area, while the attackers had infinite lives, respawning on a marshal who was just behind their rearmost player. We put up a great fight in each area, with the attackers finally taking the last area, by someone reaching the grey helicopter, with about 90 seconds of the game remaining. After a short break to refill mags, the game was reversed; we stormed through the enemy, setting a new site record for completing the objective, even allowing for a 30 second time penalty when we overlooked a still living defender. Following this, we played a game across the whole site, which involved controlling the three spinners that are situated across it; control of a spinner was shown by turning it so that your side's colour was facing upward. Both sides had infinite regens on their start points. This was a really fun game, with small groups of players roving over the site, popping up in unexpected places and many small and large firefights breaking out and then fading out. I was mostly in the lower section of the field, where the yellow team claimed the spinner in the last seconds with a brilliant run from a lone player. At the end they also controlled the spinner in the container field, while we held the central one. After another short break to refill mags, we played a search and recovery game. 15 small missiles were spread across the entire site; the teams had to recover as many as they could and store them in their helicopter (there are two helicopters on site, one at each end of the container field). A player could only carry one missile at a time and the regen rules were as in the previous game. This was enjoyable mayhem, with small groups roving the site looking for missiles, trying to get them back to their helicopter, trying to ambush enemy players transporting missiles, and attempting to raid the other team's helicopter. When the game ended, we had 9 missiles and the enemy had 6. It was a good, fun day of airsoft with some great play from both sides and interesting games. Weapons used: Hurricane/G&P SR47 DBoys AKMS ASG XP18 Commander CO2 (a massive upgrade on the Cybergun M1911)
    1 point
  21. I mostly go on my own too - agreed that at first i felt a bit uncomfortable as it seems everyone else is in big crowds of mates - but the reality is there are lots of others like us, quietly getting on with sorting our kit in the corner. And if you are so inclined, without fail, I've always found people will strike up a conversation at the slightest opportunity - ultimately you automatically have rather a lot of common ground with everyone else there! Also - agreed - DPM (and, similarly, Multicam Tropic) is beyond effective with Rhododendron! It was of course designed for a dense woodland environment of central Europe. Multicam/MTP is very effective, but ultimately a bit of a compromise, and is a touch too light in heavy cover (whereas DPM sticks out as a dark blob in open ground or very light cover).
    1 point
  22. Bad start to the new years spend already 🤷🏼‍♂️ But what can you do……. enough spares to build another one included.
    1 point
  23. Sewdhull

    CYMA MP5 SD6 thoughts

    So I have filled in a pair of cut outs so the first position on extending the stock is a useful one. I cleaned the slot, undercut it a tiny bit then used tape to hold in the epoxy on either side leaving the inner rail bit open and dribbled the expoxy in. I used JB weld. A little trimming with a knife took off any high points.
    1 point
  24. ShadowFoam, finishes off the Cams quite nicely I think Well, gotta have somewhere snug for the Sig and the 416 backup to rest
    1 point
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