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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/21 in all areas

  1. In case you cant tell. I rather like revolvers. The holsters were made by me. The other revolvers will be getting them as well.
    2 points
  2. Hypnosis...that's a sweet looking setup. I'd keep the rail, looks pretty dang good. Oh..i've just bought a MTW as well..and a few other things... MTW Carbine + Phoenix Hop + spare feed tube & retention clip (In case I break them when maybe changing the rubber/bucking) Shark 48cl tank with Storm regulator Wolverine Filtered grip with Amped wide bore 42" line. 6 Mags 7ltr Scuba tank with fill line. Quite expensive...but hopefully worth it. Was thinking about the Forged Milspec, but put off by the single fire only option with it.
    2 points
  3. Wild Weasel

    THE TM MWS thread

    Well, I have a rifle clamp (home made), a laser tape measure, a 20m range, a six g nub, a standard nub, a standard 250mm barrel, a modify tan, standard TM, ml Autobot 60°, ml Mr hop rubber, some Geoff's 0.30g bb's and some spare time... ... Cue the music.
    2 points
  4. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Mornin’ 2nd time with this, had it marked as new before. Having a life laundry, need to move on some stuff. Add £3.50 for shipping, items can be combined to save on the cost. Remember, it’s all fully upgraded Specna M4 stock + stock tube £5 Specna stubby fore grip (marked) £3 SLR style flash hider in chrome £5 Viking 20mm vertical grip (marked) £5 Specna Rock River Receiver (marked, bolt cover catch very worn) £10 E&L V2 GB W/QSC spring guide- £10 Specna flip up sights £5 Barrel nut - £3 Skeletonised finger grip - £5 Expect more bundles of crap soon Whole lot for £35 +shipping. Saves me the hassle! Ali


    1 point
  5. Got it! Install of the Co2 stock was straight forward enough apart from having to go out and get a 6mm spanner. Trickiest part was setting up the right length for the Co2 bulbs. Dialled in the power at a steady 320 fps and all seems good. Got nowhere to setup the hop as yet but I can live with that for now. Next is question is do I change the rail or not...
    1 point
  6. Oh i LOVE mine. I wasnt expecting it, after the first (extremely loud) shot I said I didnt like it, after running around for 20 mins with it in game I was shocked. The range was great, response perfect and I got loads of comments about it too. I was VERY impressed. I can see myself using it in games a LOT, not bad considering I basically bought it as a cheap back up gun
    1 point
  7. Different engraver found, waiting for quote. Just incase anyone was having dificulty sleeping - here's what a £130 Cyma needed to be a DMR. Gearbox casing is fine with no obvious defects, more for the ceremony than anything I've polished the rails with Mothers Aluminum polish. Who knows if it makes any difference but it makes me THINK the piston cycles better. Stock cylinder head was also fine so I've kept that and the stock cylinder in place. Unfortunately, the airseal was non-existant, I've kept the Cyma piston but changed out the piston head for a ported aluminum jobbie I had laying around. The stock nozzle wasn't great, so I splashed out on a Prometheus which seals and feeds. ASG M125 spring with a bearing spring guide coupled with a Modify 6.03 barrel if giving the desired FPS. There was no reason to change out the gearset but a saw a deal on some standard ratio Prometheus V7 gears that I couldn't resist... Quick shim and that's all happy. Stock bushings are fine. If you remove the selctor bar from the V7 gearbox, the cut off lever cannot be lifted. This gives a clean and reversible semi only lock. The Cyma motor wasn't great so I switched that out for an ASG Infinity 30,000. The ASG motors are a bit on the big side so a fair bit of filing had to happen to allow for proper motor height adjustment. Cabling was switched out for some decent gauge stuff and a Gate trigger cable was put in place. Currently there's a NanoHard in the stock set to no active-brake and 7.4V battery protection. Active brake was making the spring go TWANG bizarrely, but the gun doesn't require AB on a 7.4 and the trigger response is spot on. Finally, the Cyma Hop unit was not a great casting and actually asymetrical. I got a TM unit from FireSupport and went with the obligatory ML Macaron/Omega nub route. Fun project internally, but as usual I've spent more than the base gun on UpGrAdEs! I still can't hit anything, but I certainly cant blame the M14
    1 point
  8. So 2021 looks like its not going to happen. Sites and shops are going to really struggle I think this year. Going to be one crappy year guys!!
    0 points
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