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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/15 in all areas

  1. Apart from the cool hovery thing of course...
    2 points
  2. Hey guys, Been interested in paintball/airsoft for a while now and recently started a nice job which means i can afford an expensive hobby I'm recently 30 and have always been a gun nut. Play mostly PC games like league/killing floor 2/csgo etc and think airsoft could possibly be a good thing for me to take up. Been looking around possibly looking to play a few different sites as i like variety but the closest site to me is Elite Action Games in Worthing. Are there any regulars here that go there? What is it like? When is the best times to check it out? I'm planning on checking it out soon with a friend and my gf. Don't have any gear yet although pretty sure i'm gonna end up with a Krytac CRB for my first AEG as it looks like a boss, (I like to tinker with my toys but i don't have much free time so I'd prefer a solid stock gun that i can use) so i'm gonna be hiring guns from the sites till i get UKARA etc. So anyways, hello to you guys and if anyone goes to the Worthing site please let me know we can arrange a meetup and say hello before unloading plastic hell upon our enemies! -Sean
    1 point
  3. dex

    Battle belt advice?

    I'd have to go Warrior every time. Their kit is absolutely bullet proof. I use a WAS plate carrier, chest rig, pouches and belt in various load outs. For the money they cannot be beat.
    1 point
  4. Alrighty, you should source a boneyard VSR and use the parts from that, because purchasing the parts seperatly will end up costing you more than the rifle you intend to convert to a springer.
    1 point
  5. Some details/pictures of the sniper would help.
    1 point
  6. MZKaleem

    ASG Glock 19?

    Thanks, just looking around right now for the nozzle on eHobby. Those shims sound like a good shout too, just ordered them. We'll see what happens next. Cheers.
    1 point
  7. Pretty cool to see somewhere like that in such a well-done film. They dressed the place up nicely. Though watching that was one of those occasions I do kinda wish I wasn't in to airsoft and firearms. Recognising the chinese-made Ops-core clones, GPNVGs, Viper UBACSs and vests as well as all the RIFs etc does kill the illusion a little bit; doesn't stop it being a good short movie though ofc.
    1 point
  8. Seany.exe

    Celcius ak

    1 point
  9. The interior scenes were indeed filmed at the Mall.
    1 point
  10. Here's the force core Aks-74mn I bought. Arrived in 4 days from Gunfire. Not bad considering it has to come all the way from Poland. Very happy with the solid feel to it.
    1 point
  11. crazy_lizard

    Yup... Hooked.

    Very true I've totaled up my dream load out all o can say is ouch lol gotta rethink my load out Hmmmm may I could get my missus a gbb 911 for her birthday and she could let me use it???
    1 point
  12. As a rule I wouldn't bother attaching images. Apart from anything it's ever so slightly detrimental to the site's health. Try using an image sharing site like imgur.com and post the direct link (or hit the image tag and paste the direct link in for it to embed into your post).
    1 point
  13. Hoodies are ok as long as there isnt a chav underneath.
    1 point
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