Also I am starting to realise that there are many different types of airsofters.
Airsoft ticks a number of boxes for different people but the Airsoft gun is what binds them together.
For example, there is a group of airsofters who don't really see it as anything to do with war or the military.
Its just a game like playing tag. They know nothing about the guns they carry and they are looked upon as a fashion accessory.
Others like to dress in authentic BDU, others like tactics and so on.
There is nothing wrong with these different variants, but they can be quite different.
These groups overlap in places but not totally, so you get splinter groups who want different things.
I guess what happens is that this evolves so people gravitate to the site that gives them what they want.
The problem starts when people want to have a serious tactical game but you have people, often kids, running round with orange guns charging everything down. This is often used by the serious regulars as target practice.
Does it matter providing everybody enjoys themselves and nobody gets hurt ?