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The 'What have you just bought' Thread


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An MTP "commander" panel that I intend to use the back pouch as a more secure dump pouch = £15

3x new sa80 MTP magazine pouches = £15 (£5 each)


Off seller on eBay

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Bolle X800 goggles while also buying .....


A certain 'firesale' Real Sword SVD (yup that one) ;)


Shortly to be advertising my G3 as it's no longer needed as a DMR (annoyingly if a certain member of staff at said shop had not just had an expensive holiday he would have bought it off me).

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How much did the Olight cost, rexfan?



Couple of dog tag silencers & some OD sniper tape from Contact Left - £9.48 posted.


and a few bits for me dremmelesque


Unfortunately it's going to be a lean month airsoft-wise - i just had to buy a new whistle to wear to a wedding cos i'm too fat to fit comfortably into me old one. It's getting a bit beyond what dry cleaning and an iron can do for it anyway - maybe i'll wear it to a CQB with shoulder holsters & dual wield USP's some time (I have 2 of those cheap fuckers now).

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  On 10/06/2014 at 22:56, Ian_Gere said:

How much did the Olight cost, rexfan?


Hi Ian :D


There was a bunch of new Olight flashlights auctioned off on ebay a few nights ago at stupid o'clock so they were going cheap. For All i know it might even be a clone but I'll see when it arrives. It was £20 rather than the £69 rrp so I just went for it :P That and the fact that i was outbid on many better flashlights last minute and that this was the last one up for grabs.


Ive already got enough flashlights that can do the same job but given the low prices it was more of a "spur of the moment buy" :P



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Last airsoft purchase of the month for me:


A CQB mount base for my Maruzen CA870 shotgun :)

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The Matrix/Iron airsoft Green gas SMLE from Evike.

cost £212 including shipping.



Also just bought a sling and bag for it from Soldier of fortune


'cos you may as well have the period correct bag and sling for a gun like this :)

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  On 12/06/2014 at 02:43, Russe11 said:

The Matrix/Iron airsoft Green gas SMLE from Evike.

cost £212 including shipping.



Also just bought a sling and bag for it from Soldier of fortune


'cos you may as well have the period correct bag and sling for a gun like this :)

I thought Evike didn't ship to the UK?

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  On 12/06/2014 at 08:55, cropzy said:

I thought Evike didn't ship to the UK?



They offer a two tone service for RIFs coming into the UK. I gather it's much like shipping from Poland/Hong Kong/etc. that you need to get the retailer to clearly write both your UKARA number and a contact phone number on the packaging to stop customs instantly destroying it if you want a black RIF.

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^^The main difference being that, as Russ rightly alludes to, with it coming from the USA Customs are going to bend him over and give it to him sideways without lube...

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my tiger stripe arrived, in only 2 days!(was quoted 5-7, turning down the fast 1-2 day service, and expecting a further day as it takes stuff a bit longer to reach norn iron so rather impressed tbh...

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Received my new SHS Super shooter gearset for the M4 from your pal and mine AK2M4,

ordered a set of Typhon Emerson G3 pants from ShooterCB gear...other than that pretty quiet on the buying front. I just want my M4 working again :(

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2 x ARS Split barrel bases for Marui EBB ARs


Soon as you take off the darn silly stock TM barrel nut of your SOCOM/SOPMOD the outer barrels ends up way on the piss when you rebuilt the front end, much worse/more noticeable with a freefloat handguard. Expensive for something so small but worth it to make your gun shoot straight, a couple of my SOCOMs have been winging shots off to the right for literally years and obviously I'd assumed it was the hop-up work I'd done.. turned out to be the externals causing the issue of all things.

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  On 12/06/2014 at 12:29, Ian_Gere said:

^^The main difference being that, as Russ rightly alludes to, with it coming from the USA Customs are going to bend him over and give it to him sideways without lube...

Yes, there is only 1 reason why I would buy a gun from America. I cannot get it anywhere else.

A Gun shaped object being sent from a country known for the easy availability of guns guarantees customs will be interested in it. Once they realise they can't keep it, they will apply as much tax and duty as they can. Sometimes you can get lucky ordering stuff from the US but a gun has virtually no chance.

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  On 12/06/2014 at 13:05, Lozart said:

Received my new SHS Super shooter gearset for the M4 from your pal and mine AK2M4,

ordered a set of Typhon Emerson G3 pants from ShooterCB gear...other than that pretty quiet on the buying front. I just want my M4 working again :(


Seems this gun just doesn't want to get fixed. Can't get the bearing off the shaft of one of the old gears!

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End of the day, VAT is VAT, 20% is a fixed value, customs can't change that.


There is some lee-way in the Import Charge code they use but not very much, few quid either way. If anything they're more likely to be looking for 'guns' inside packages from HK because that's where the vast majority of RIFs will be coming in from, there's not going to be much difference. I've had RIFs from HK stopped and had maximum charges whacked on, same as I'm getting with a RIF from the states right now. Personally I'd say the main reason not to buy airsoft from the US is the general xenophobic attitude to sales that so many stores over there exhibit and the fact the prices are quite often worse.

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