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I just had this appear on my news feed




Think what many airsofters are like then think if you'd want to give them a gun


Also whoever wrote that clearly didn't look at what the vcra actually says

On the plus side it might save the MoD a few quid if recruits have already got their kit

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I saw this and honestly thought it was a joke then it popped up on my news feed too! Lol

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While the BFBS article of course isn't objectively correct on the law.. like.. come one now, for journalists, they got pretty close right?? Compared to most pics of SF blokes that the sun puts out and labels every item of kit totally incorrectly.


Personally, I got my first AEG 06, joined up in 07, not because of airsoft but I'd spent my entire childhood being taken to military museums of all kinds at any opportunity by my parents, so that seed was thoroughly planted in my mind. They didn't intend to give me that mindset by any stretch, not much service history in my family at all, but that's how it went.


As we know of course the reality is totally different to this game/hobby, but that's absolutely fine, that's what basic training is for. There's no difference between an avid CoD gamer and an airsofter in that regard, both might have misconceptions going in which will be very quickly dissolved. They'll either follow instruction and pass, or they'll get put back and try again if they're unsafe or don't generally get with the program. Fact is there are... concerns, with retention and I don't think recruitment numbers are very high either. Spending your recruitment budget on targeting people who might actually have an interest is one of the better decisions I've seen in quite a few years personally.

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"High-end gas-powered airsoft rifles can be purchased for as little at £250 and upwards of £1,700 online in the UK."


For once, a press piece is actually (semi) accurate with some details.


But TBH, i would like to think airsofters over the age of 23 are switched on enough to know that these are toys, and military life is more than just shooting people. And the 95% of the rest wouldn't pass the fitness or aptitude tests.


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1 hour ago, rj1986 said:

"High-end gas-powered airsoft rifles can be purchased for as little at £250 and upwards of £1,700 online in the UK."


For once, a press piece is actually (semi) accurate with some details.


But TBH, i would like to think airsofters over the age of 23 are switched on enough to know that these are toys, and military life is more than just shooting people. And the 95% of the rest wouldn't pass the fitness or aptitude tests.


£1700? Those are rookie numbers. Remember when RA-TECH were selling an M14 EBR GBBR for £3k? And it didn’t even work out of the box 🤣

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31 minutes ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

Yes, that is exactly what it is about.

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The contract is worth up to £120,000


Or approximately three "starter set bundles" on usedairsoft.


There does seem to be a core of sense to this, although how it actually translates to recruitment is quite another matter. I can see £120,000 being blown on mouse-mats, mugs and biscuits without a single visit to an actual airsoft site to say "Hey, do you want to try a really hot gun?"

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25 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Or approximately three "starter set bundles" on usedairsoft.


There does seem to be a core of sense to this, although how it actually translates to recruitment is quite another matter. I can see £120,000 being blown on mouse-mats, mugs and biscuits without a single visit to an actual airsoft site to say "Hey, do you want to try a really hot gun?"

The MoD seems to regard the airsoft element of Engage to Recruit as being successful and effective.

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10 minutes ago, BigStew said:

This has got be joke. Does the MOD really want an army full of Autistic obseives?

If only people read the article rather than just the very misleading headline.

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13 minutes ago, BigStew said:

This has got be joke. Does the MOD really want an army full of Autistic obseives?


1 minute ago, Colin Allen said:

If only people read the article rather than just the very misleading headline.

Yeah they aren't looking to grab players in their old DPM 


It's a government contract for someone to fulfil to supply targets and airsoft L85's

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I think perhaps this is being misinterpeted.


I didn't read it as they're looking to recruit airsofters at all.


What I took from it is that the MOD are looking to procure RIFs for use at recruiting events. I'm sure we've all seen the recruiting tables where real weapons are chained to the table and you're allowed to pick them up and handle them.


I imagine the RIFs are for a similar purpose, and can also perhaps be used for small shooting ranges alongside the stalls, as well as allowing more stalls to be set up, without having to tie up real weapons. There comes your engagement part - young guys with an interest in firearms, probably not even knowing what airsoft is, walk past the stall and get invited to come and try shooting one for free. Wow- this is fun - how'd you like to get paid to shoot real ones?

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2 hours ago, BigStew said:

This has got be joke. Does the MOD really want an army full of Autistic obseives?

someone from MOD has been browsing AliExpress for ideas…




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2 hours ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

t's a government contract for someone to fulfil to supply targets and airsoft L85's


Oh, we're going to be sensible about this now? :( 


Is the WE the only GBBR L85?  Given that we're moving towards the L403A1 / KS-1, I wonder if they'll just skip straight to an Assault-Rifle-15 GBBR.

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32 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Oh, we're going to be sensible about this now? :( 


Is the WE the only GBBR L85?  Given that we're moving towards the L403A1 / KS-1, I wonder if they'll just skip straight to an Assault-Rifle-15 GBBR.

Cut to a meeting in Whitehall where someone with hentai cat ears and a HRC discord mod give a presentation on why VFC is better than a TM.

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20 minutes ago, rj1986 said:

Cut to a meeting in Whitehall where someone with hentai cat ears and a HRC discord mod give a presentation on why VFC is better than a TM.


We're not talking about P90s.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Oh, we're going to be sensible about this now? :( 


Is the WE the only GBBR L85?  Given that we're moving towards the L403A1 / KS-1, I wonder if they'll just skip straight to an Assault-Rifle-15 GBBR.

The document states that they are interested in the L85A3.

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9 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

The document states that they are interested in the L85A3.



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If the MoD are reading here goes


Improve pay, make sure buildings on bases are suitable and fit for human habitation and stop putting soldiers in court for doing their jobs.


Can I have my £120,000 now as these would improve recruitment and retention levels far better than letting joe public fondle a couple of toy guns

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1 hour ago, Colin Allen said:

The document states that they are interested in the L85A3.


Huh, I'm ready to stand corrected, but didn't think there was a GBBR A3.  Why order off the shelf when you can "procure", I guess.

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