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501st Airsoft, Tunbridge Wells

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I think I already know the answer to this question, but has anyone played at 501st Airsoft, which is a new site near Tunbridge Wells?

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Oh, good spot - 30 minutes away from me according to google, I might be tempted, if only for a bit of variety. Web presence seems extremely limited however! Looking at the booking page, it appears that it is full day bookings only and that spaces are limited to 50 (which might provide a clue as to the size of the playing area).

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1 hour ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

Nope, but mostly because it's a stones throw from my house and I'm a regular at battle lakes so a new site that arrived on our door step that opens the same weekends the lakes does was a shitty move 😂


But then looking at the photos on Facebook, it looks like bare woodland with a few pallets thrown about the place, nothing exciting at all

Given that BL is one weekend per month and that the dates only sometimes overlap, that does not seem to be a huge issue.

The photos of the site are somewhat underwhelming, which is why I was asking if anyone had actually played there.

1 hour ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

Oh, good spot - 30 minutes away from me according to google, I might be tempted, if only for a bit of variety. Web presence seems extremely limited however! Looking at the booking page, it appears that it is full day bookings only and that spaces are limited to 50 (which might provide a clue as to the size of the playing area).

Indeed; the photos on FB are somewhat uninspiring and, based on them, numbers appear low.  I might wander down there to try it out at some point.

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49 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

Indeed; the photos on FB are somewhat uninspiring and, based on them, numbers appear low.  I might wander down there to try it out at some point.

Please report back if you do!

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Be interesting to see if the bucketheads are aware of this place.

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2 hours ago, Lozart said:

Be interesting to see if the bucketheads are aware of this place.


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39 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:



The 501st Legion. Stormtrooper cosplayers that are about as close to being "official" as cosplayers get. Total stitch counting anoraks that run the group like some kind of paramilitary!


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1 hour ago, Lozart said:


The 501st Legion. Stormtrooper cosplayers that are about as close to being "official" as cosplayers get. Total stitch counting anoraks that run the group like some kind of paramilitary!


Ah!  I assumed that it was a nod towards the 501st PIR.

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4 hours ago, Lozart said:


The 501st Legion. Stormtrooper cosplayers that are about as close to being "official" as cosplayers get. Total stitch counting anoraks that run the group like some kind of paramilitary!


Wow... what a bunch of nerds.


Now if you excuse me, i have to research what sling is now the Gucci thing and spend $400 on it.

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That is nothing, the 501st will let almost anyone in. The mando mercs costume club however, check this out https://mandalorianmercs.org/costume-requirements/



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  • 2 months later...

I’ve played at 501st quite a few times the management are amazing and I turn too him for advice all the time it’s a great field with lots of potential but it’s up and coming so could do with some support from the community not the negativity 

501st made me fall in love with the sport and will always be home territory 

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This is a fledgling field and being run on a shoestring budget.  Connor is a good lad and could really do with some community support. This is old school "pee up a tree" airsoft. He doesn't have a burger van, covered safe zone, electricity etc, but he is just starting out and I'm sure those things will come.

He's  committed to giving you a good time and does cook a good lunch.

It on every two weeks - next game 15/9/2024

Show it some love and go and give it a go.

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On 05/06/2024 at 18:29, The_Lord_Poncho said:

Oh, good spot - 30 minutes away from me according to google, I might be tempted, if only for a bit of variety. Web presence seems extremely limited however! Looking at the booking page, it appears that it is full day bookings only and that spaces are limited to 50 (which might provide a clue as to the size of the playing area).

501st is a 10 acre site with mixed terrain for a more interesting and unique experience. You can find us on our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok :) where we post daily content ). We’ve only been open for 5 months now and have built up from raw, untouched woodland. We have hosted larger games with the Medway Mercenaries and VJ’s Daredevils. If you have any queries in regards to the site, feel free to get in touch via social media or the 501st WhatsApp Community! 🫡

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, hunter511 said:

Don't sit on that fence mate..... you'll get splinters.


That said I will admit to a certain curiosity as to whats inspired such a depth of feeling.

Information received, which it is not up to me to divulge.

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Fair enough @Colin Allen the only question I wouldn't mind knowing, as I did fancy popping along, is whether this is a safety issue and as such I should avoid it.

Happy for this to be via PM rather than on an open forum if you would prefer.

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To be fair to everyone here, if its a safety issue, shite gameplay, or even a massive amount of nepotism, all of which are common occurrences, then surely it's in the public interest to know, any one of us could blow the green fees, as well as a considerable amount on fuel & much valued time travelling to a site just to be thoroughly disappointed, & then times that by maybe 30+ players who make the same mistake ?.

Unless it's something really horrific, not even gonna mention the possibilities ?, then most info is a fair game.

Also it should be considered that sites aren't always aware of failings unless players speak up, they can't fix what they don't know about ?.


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@Colin Allen please do not base the site off of that review. I was there on that exact game day and have receipts to prove. Some people had struggled to understand the idea of it being a new site on a budget with ongoing development. Moreover, the frequent vandalism to the site had resulted in the safe zone being trashed the night before the game day. It was explained to me that the site had been vandalised before and the Marshalls were on site the day before game day to build up the play area. However, on their arrival at 5 o’clock that Sunday morning, they had realised the safe zone had been vandalised again and rushed to fix what they could before people started to arrive on site. I don’t actually know where that review got the loaded mags in guns story from as to my recollection nobody had magazines in their guns at any point in the day. The chrono station was set up and run well and I went through it no issue at all. The main issue of that review was the thunderflash remark. I was a witness to the thunderflash going off having being metres from it when it was safely thrown away from the netting out into the play area before going off. Upon my second visit to this site yesterday, the Chrono station and panneling to wall off the chrome to prevent accidents has been heavily developed upon. Overall it’s a great site that takes people on a journey of an attack/ defence style of airsoft with strategy developing throughout gameplay, instead of the run and gun that is seen most days.


Edited by Joe Caliandro
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