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TRMR Stolen.


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I'd assume that any site instigating a lockdown would only do so after a search of the area it was deployed had been carried out rather than instatly assuming it's been nicked. The few times I've used a bfg and had to search for it a marshal has helped 

Edited by Cannonfodder
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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

I'd assume that any site instigating a lockdown would only do so after a search of the area it was deployed had been carried out rather than instatly assuming it's been nicked. The few times I've used a bfg and had to search for it a marshal has helped 


By which time it's likely long since left the site, been sequestered in a car, or in a bush by the gate.


I mean, thieves don't tend to be the smartest, but I'm struggling to see the scenario where someone is going to be daft enough to put it in their bag or their pocket and then stay on site, on the assumption that its owner is just going to shrug it off.


Which I guess is an argument for not shrugging it off and making some effort to recover it.  But I'd expect the search for it to be a case of finding a black cat in a dark room, when the cat isn't there.  Especially if you tell the cat that you're about to come looking for it.


I'm seeking a practical solution here, by the way. The first step I'd prefer a site owner to take is to not loudly announce a lockdown or search, but to walk around the safe zone with the owner and just start looking in bags. Actions over words, every time. But I've banged that drum until it's just a hoop with a ragged hole in it.

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37 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

By which time it's likely long since left the site, been sequestered in a car, or in a bush by the gate.


37 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

I mean, thieves don't tend to be the smartest, but I'm struggling to see the scenario where someone is going to be daft enough to put it in their bag or their pocket and then stay on site, on the assumption that its owner is just going to shrug it off.

You'd be surprised, I've seen theiving little shits do some really dumb shit and try to talk their way out of it only to dig themselves into a deeper hole.


37 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

not loudly announce a lockdown or search, but to walk around the safe zone with the owner and just start looking in bags.

That does sound like a good idea but if I saw someone nosing around at my gear without knowing what they're up to I'd be asking questions.


Unfortunately there's no perfect answer to this senario but as long as the site is seen to be doing something that's the important thing. As you (I think it was you) posted in another thread, if nothing is done the only lesson learned is that there's no consequences 

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The simple answer is for sites to ban their use, might not be 'customer' friendly but reduces the risk of theft of that kind of item, people will either ignore it, hand it to a marshal or some opportunist might think...cool, finder keepers.

Personally I'm in favour of a ban, whether that is enforced before any accusation or after is for site owners to decide.

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7 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

The simple answer is for sites to ban their use


The Depot was very close to it, I wouldn't have blamed them if they'd gone ahead. It's all downside, including lower sales of disposable pyro.

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10 hours ago, gavinkempsell said:

The simple answer is for sites to ban their use, might not be 'customer' friendly but reduces the risk of theft of that kind of item, people will either ignore it, hand it to a marshal or some opportunist might think...cool, finder keepers.

Personally I'm in favour of a ban, whether that is enforced before any accusation or after is for site owners to decide.

So sites should ban them because thieving cunts sometimes steal them?  The "logic" behind that is somewhat worrying.

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A lot of indoor site specifically don't allow disposable pyros though. As I understand it this is due to ventilation problems with the smoke created

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7 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

All crime is committed by the living.


As someone currently handling inheritance tax for an estate, I can assure you that HMRC have different views.



2 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

So sites should ban them because thieving cunts sometimes steal them?


... and then sites get dragged into the process of dealing with it.  It's not right, but it's pragmatic.  After all, the substance of why we're there is to shoot and get shot: bangs are flavouring.

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4 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


As someone currently handling inheritance tax for an estate, I can assure you that HMRC have different views.



Same here. They're terrible cunts, aren't they?


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27 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


As someone currently handling inheritance tax for an estate, I can assure you that HMRC have different views.




... and then sites get dragged into the process of dealing with it.  It's not right, but it's pragmatic.  After all, the substance of why we're there is to shoot and get shot: bangs are flavouring.

I remember seeing reports of other kit being stolen in safe zones, including helmets and pistols; should those be banned as well?  After all, they could equally be considered “flavouring”.


Banning BFGs because people might steal them is perverse.


I disagree as to why we are at Airsoft sites.  We are there to play a game; bangs, whether they are BFGs or paper pyro, are very much part of that game at sites where they can be used.

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2 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

I remember seeing reports of other kit being stolen in safe zones, including helmets and pistols; should those be banned as well?


If I was unclear, I'm not advocating for a ban on BFGs. I have 4 of the things.  I said I'd understand it.



2 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

Banning BFGs because people might steal them is perverse.


Pineapple on pizza is perverse. Not wanting to have to spend time dealing with lost-maybe-stolen BFGs on a regular basis isn't unreasonable.  It would be better to identify and evict thieves, but short of that, removing opportunity is a very regrettable amelioration that can be applied.



2 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

I disagree as to why we are at Airsoft sites.  We are there to play a game; bangs, whether they are BFGs or paper pyro, are very much part of that game at sites where they can be used.


I'd be miffed if I couldn't use my BFGs, but I wouldn't stop playing because of it. Would you?

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Theft of bfg's is only one issue that threatens sites allowing their usage, but over the years I've seen numerous people struck by them when they're used inappropriately. 

If a site banned them for that reason alone, I wouldn't be surprised, nor would I disagree, & I have 2.

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9 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Theft of bfg's is only one issue that threatens sites allowing their usage, but over the years I've seen numerous people struck by them when they're used inappropriately. 

If a site banned them for that reason alone, I wouldn't be surprised, nor would I disagree, & I have 2.

You're not wrong. Playing the now gone bravo site in Birmingham, I took a trmr to the head. Someone threw it over a bar top surface as they came into the pub area and I was down behind it reloading. 

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Banning BFGs to stop them getting nicked just seems like a lazy way of dealing the issue to me as the theiving shits will just move on to helping themselves to other things


19 minutes ago, concretesnail said:

You're not wrong. Playing the now gone bravo site in Birmingham, I took a trmr to the head. Someone threw it over a bar top surface as they came into the pub area and I was down behind it reloading. 

I had something similar happen to me a Bunker 51. Someone tossed an impact BFG through a doorway just as I was walking through, it hit me straight in the face and detonated. Fortunately it was the one time I was wearing my replica GSR which took the brunt of it so i just had a ringing in my ears rather than a broken nose

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12 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

So sites should ban them because thieving cunts sometimes steal them?  The "logic" behind that is somewhat worrying.

Site owners can make their own rules, it's their 'business' and if theft was an issue it might cause their customers to go elsewhere. my local site has banned projectile grenades for H&S reasons, which doesn't seem to be an issue, if theft was prevelant at any business I attended then I wouldn't feel my property was safe to be left unattended & I would take measured to protect it, mud sticks and this thread kinda proves it in my eyes.


Opinions are like arseholes... everyone has one.


Mine is, I'm in favour of a ban if it's warranted, I'm not a site owner so my opinion only affects me.

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5 hours ago, Lozart said:

Suffice to say that nothing in this thread has persuaded me to move away from a butt load of paper pyro. Apart from anything else I do so love showing myself up as the arthritic mess I am by attempting to yeet a bang at the enemy only for it to fall pathetically short and blow me up instead. Good times.

Haha feel your pain fella.

I took out six of my team in a narrow corridor. Oh how we laughed!!☹️

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13 hours ago, Lozart said:


Same here. They're terrible cunts, aren't they?


Sadly, I'm in the same boat. 


HMRC... if anyone deserves a visit from Judge Death...

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17 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


I'd be miffed if I couldn't use my BFGs, but I wouldn't stop playing because of it. Would you?

I probably wouldn't give up completely but I'd be looking around for a new site. A ban due to thefts would only punish innocent players while allowing the culprit off scott free which would only encourage them to do it again


10 hours ago, gavinkempsell said:

if theft was prevelant at any business I attended then I wouldn't feel my property was safe to be left unattended & I would take measured to protect it,

Same here. Probably by not giving them my custom 

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18 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

If I was unclear, I'm not advocating for a ban on BFGs. I have 4 of the things.  I said I'd understand it.

I know that you were not; my comment was intended to point out that your "flavouring" argument was somewhat flawed.


18 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Pineapple on pizza is perverse. Not wanting to have to spend time dealing with lost-maybe-stolen BFGs on a regular basis isn't unreasonable.  It would be better to identify and evict thieves, but short of that, removing opportunity is a very regrettable amelioration that can be applied.

Penalising innocent people because other people are tempted to commit crimes is perverse and is essentially an act of surrender to the criminals.


18 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

I'd be miffed if I couldn't use my BFGs, but I wouldn't stop playing because of it. Would you?

I don't use BFGs.  However, watching, and providing covering fire for, the lad as he works his way through a village armed with two BFGs and a pistol is like watching Messi at his peak; training wins every time.

I suspect that he would still play if he could not use them, but why should he have to give up using them because some thieving cunts cannot keep their hands off other people's property?

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


If you're going to be like that, then you leave me with no option but to block and report, sir. Block and report. 🚫

My lawyers will contact you.

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