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1 hour ago, Dobbin66 said:

kicking mustang was on my team

I suppose every game day has its negative sides. 


Bad jokes aside, glad you enjoyed yourself

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3 hours ago, Dobbin66 said:

kicking mustang was on my team 


No he allowed you to be on his team. Lol

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Glad you had a good time!


Like who and what you want!


Don't be swayed or silenced by the so called many they are often just the loudest, oldest or most influential in their clique's.


Listen to all but think and decide for yourself what is slander and what holds truth, there's always a little of each to every argument.


If you take a position express yourself regardless of the general consensus and implied stigmas, you may be opposed but most will not hold disdain from one thread to another and it's worth being here as the knowledge and experience is high.


Hope you enjoy your time here and in your next game, regardless of whose on your team!

Edited by BigBell1987
Changed Click to Clique's as it was incorrect as pointed out by a petty forum member with lots of posts that make him awesome.
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55 minutes ago, Speedbird_666 said:

Sounds like we've got a new Mr_No_Face here.


Full of piss'n'vinegar and holier than thou opinions. I miss him and his insults towards older players. Good times. 

Miss him ?......... You need to work on your aim mate😜

I miss him in much the same way an arsehole misses piles. 


download (20).jpg

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2 hours ago, BigBell1987 said:

Don't be swayed or silenced by the so called many

You mean the many who are going on experience, rather than a goby know it all who's been involved in the hobby for 5 minutes? 

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2 hours ago, BigBell1987 said:


Glad you had a good time!


Like who and what you want!


Don't be swayed or silenced by the so called many they are often just the loudest, oldest or most influential in their clique's.


the aim of pointing out the negative aspects of the KM persona aren't aimed at silencing, more helping inform that he's a character who might not be the best role model for starting out in the sport.


2 hours ago, BigBell1987 said:

Listen to all but think and decide for yourself what is slander and what holds truth, there's always a little of each to every argument.


yes indeed, i know there are various accusations of km's actions that are somewhat apocryphal in origin, whilst i assume they must have started from somewhere especially with respect to site bans (at least before that critical mass when places banned him on principle) i've never seen anything purporting to be true original sources for a lot of claims of his in-person conduct, not that i've gone looking for them tbf.


what is evident from the content he publishes however, is a poor attitude and evidence of doctoring footage with false accusations, the latter of those isn't such a big deal if you go into it knowing that it's fiction, but the former is something that can be damaging especially for newer players who might gain a false impression on what this sport is like or how it should be approached (ie having some empathy for the guy on the receiving end of your righteous pewing). of course km is by no means alone in this respect, but he is the most extreme of the large airsoft channels in this regard.


2 hours ago, BigBell1987 said:

If you take a position express yourself regardless of the general consensus and implied stigmas, you may be opposed but most will not hold disdain from one thread to another and it's worth being here as the knowledge and experience is high.


indeed, this community continually surprises me with its capacity to handle divisive topics then just move on, it's a breath of fresh air compared to most of the internet.



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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

it ruins gamedays & potentially gives the game a bad name


And runs the risk of attracting people who are only happy if they're winning some unnecessarily provoked conflict, whether it's during the very silly game of hide-and-seek with toy guns, or the even sillier pastime of discussing it.


Me, I prefer to avoid that sort of drama, and it's easily enough done with a choice of site, or a few clicks.

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A lot of the sources for examples of him being a cunt are his own videos, eg deliberate head shots, ignoring the MED, using a hot gun in cqb and one that sticks out for me is the clip he posted of him shooting another player in the back from close range with a TAG round 

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13 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

the clip he posted of him shooting another player in the back from close range with a TAG round


Or putting his pistol (doubtless shooting hot) directly on the back of someone's head, with his finger on the trigger.


Or shooting dead players standing at their own respawn in the face, deliberately, because they were talking to each other, and "dead men don't talk". He must have superhuman[*] hearing to tell what they were saying from 25-30m away.


Or... (and so on).


[*] Of course, his real superpower is to be able to start fights when he's not even present. :D 

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Unlike most on here I have played with him on my team (thankfully) twice now, and I can very firmly attest that he is indeed guilty as sin of all the accusations against him.  Moreover, he absolutely definitely edits his videos to splice footage together from various times in the day, so not only is he a nasty piece of work (check out his racist rants) he is a fraud and a crap player as well.


Plus he has a face only a mother can love....

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55 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

people who are only happy if they're winning some unnecessarily provoked conflict,

Like a certain poster here? 

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51 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

A lot of the sources for examples of him being a cunt are his own videos, eg deliberate head shots, ignoring the MED, using a hot gun in cqb and one that sticks out for me is the clip he posted of him shooting another player in the back from close range with a TAG round 


certainly i can think of a number of examples of poor sportsmanship from his vids, although not the examples you've listed (admittedly i'm not exactly a regular follower of his content these days)


the deliberate headshots i'm not entirely sure on, insofar as i can see how the "reticle" on the scope cam is almost certainly fictitious and i can see how that could be easily be edited to give the impression of intentional headshots. 


that said, even if we assume the best (that he's never intentionally aimed for headshots outside the widely recognized acceptable cases) the impression that he does is enough to set a poor example for people to follow, especially when backed up with the ol' "tell em to wear face pro" argument trotted out like disliking pain is some sort of character flaw.


34 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Or shooting dead players standing at their own respawn in the face, deliberately, because they were talking to each other, and "dead men don't talk". He must have superhuman[*] hearing to tell what they were saying from 25-30m away.


yep, that's exactly the sort of thing i mean when i say poor sportsmanship.


yes if someone fails to acknowledge a hit then they're fair game for little further persuasion, but that example went well beyond the point where a reasonable person would see that they weren't playing and the only course of action is either to move on, or get the marshalling team involved.


19 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

Moreover, he absolutely definitely edits his videos to splice footage together from various times in the day


tbh, i don't really see that as particularly egregious given how well known it is that airsoft youtubers do this, as i said before if you know it's just a fiction spun to tell a good story then that's not a problem (hence why every other airsoft youtuber gets a pass on it). ofc if you're new to the sport or perhaps looking to start, it's not ideal to have a false impression on what this hobby is like.


sadly "a fun days airsofting, everyone played fair, don't remember if we won or not" whilst thoroughly enjoyable in the real world isn't going to get the clicks like "airsoft cheetar gets 360noscoped irl by a 500fps stealth sniper [instant karma] [he regretted it]".


19 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

Unlike most on here I have played with him on my team (thankfully) twice now, and I can very firmly attest that he is indeed guilty as sin of all the accusations against him.


however that is perhaps more concerning.


19 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

so not only is he a nasty piece of work (check out his racist rants)


yes that's another strong point for his detrimental effect on the hobby, the last thing we need is for the hobby to be tarred with that brush.

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Clique clique boom!


Divisive statement it is not, the division already exists and you see it as divisive because it opposes your narrative, I didn't create that division with my statement, a statement which could be applied to life/society in general not just Airsoft and can therefore be applied even by a person who hasn't passed the number of posts or skirmishes required to have an opinion.

"Cunt" ouch MY words cut me deep.


Never insulted anyone for being old, I implied that old usually means one has enough experience to wield some influence, not really an insult.


Goby? Cue MerriamMonkey! Oh wait he's already been back through here and failed to pull you on it, cliquey much?

Again no experience in Airsoft needed for my socially based observations. Also don't be a hypocrite, your gobby, you know it and your clique knows it but you use it in favour of their narratives so they don't pull you on it.

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Wtf you on about, I'm not even sure who your rambling response is aimed at. 

Regarding km, 40 odd sites ban him & you, a noob, are telling another noob "ooh don't be swayed, make up your own mind" as if some new km evidence will come to light that explains away all his transgressions. What's your stance on covid vaccines & flat earth ? 

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Fella, there are no cliques here.  Only those who think KM is a cunt, and you.   I couldn't tell you who half these people are let alone what they think, so take your KM love and your weird conspiracies elsewhere.

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Earth = Round 

Vaccine = I'm not well enough read up on them.


Not very satisfying answers I'm sure, maybe this will help.

Mask mandates are stupid!

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