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To DMR or not to DMR

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As mentioned in another thread, I'm steering my towards a DMR for my next major purchase. 


I don't have the patience for bolt actions and gillie suits, but I quite like the thought out approach to cover and picking sight lines. 


Also quite happy to be limited to one-ish shot at a time. 


I suppose the main thing putting me off is the price of the heavier BBs which I also appreciate should be proportional to the ROF.  I can't help thinking theres a certain amount of piss taking though with the price almost doubling. 


Comments appreciated on the roll versus regular AEGs.  Or is it worth investing in a regular aeg with decent range, albeit with less accuracy? 

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Cyma m14 socom, stock they're pretty much as good as TM's version, for half the price, maybe even less, but are 100% compatible, even for upgrade parts. 

Then take it out, set it to semi & use it for a few games to get in to the dmr mindset, I'll be very surprised if you don't love it, & then consider a couple of upgrades to get it close to 450fps, it won't take much to get it there, & at the same time set it to semi, I'd consider a programmable mosfet & remove the selector knob, just til you see how it is for lockups (my old one never did😁), if alls good then permanently mod the selector plate. 


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Defo what Tackle said!


The trigger contacts are not perfect on them, so a 'fet makes perfect sense.

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Dmr to whether you'll get the most from the dmr role will depend on what the sites you play are like in terms of dmr rule sets (most of my locals dmr has to be dmr calibre, not long m4 etc) and the terrain. The way that some sites grow up in the summer; the loss of longer sight lines and the MED meant it is so much harder to be effective.

In regards to the heavier bbs, it's a must; limited shots and controlled MED means rounds need to have a better chance of getting to and of being felt by the target, so a bb that will hold on to its energy better and be less effected by wind etc makes sense. Cost wise I dont find it too bad. Yes they dearer, but I'm using low and mid caps only, even running all my midcaps I'd still be carrying less rounds than a single high cap mag so 3000 geoffs last a couple of days at least.

Before sinking a pile of funds into a dmr use an aeg as a dmr for a few  days. By that i mean play in that dmr manner; only use single shot, give yourself a MED, force yourself to either not take the shot or transition to a sidearm.

If you are comfortable after that then the extra range you can get with the dmr will just be a bonus.

If you find it too frustrating then as your still effectivly an aeg, you flick the fun switch and charge back in.


Personally I play dmr-esque anyway, having only recently returned to aegs from exclusive gbbr use. Low cap mags and semi only was easy but I've recently dropped a softer sping into the 308 to get back under the aeg limits and given myself a 3rnd burst. The reason being that with the sites I'm playing currently the range i have is more than enough with the rif well built and good ammo. I can help team mates more by being effective in the ranges the site has and I can still play my low cap, flanking style I like.


Long post I know but hopefully it's relevant.

Edited by concretesnail
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I'll echo the 1J bolty vibe.  I love shooting a no MED 'sniper.'


As for general play, it does depend on the site.  At Gunman Tuddenham I'll use the 1J bolty, as it is a small site.  For a larger site, I'll use the M14 DMR as I have space to pull back.  I NEVER take position without knowing where I'll go to next though.  I have never used my sidearm in years of playing.  Usually it gets left in the kit bag.  Playing DMR well takes a more measured playing style.  


TBH I usually play support gunner with about two milsims per year with a DMR (on large sites), so listen to Impulse and Concretesnail rather than me for experience.  I do what I do though, and an accurate 1J is a fun option.   A semi locked CYMA M14 works for me too.   It's worth a go I'd say.


Remember that repeatable accuracy is king though.  All the power in the world is no good if it's in the wrong place. 

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i would suggest getting a KC-02 and upgrading with Rogueworx parts, you'll have a DMR that will easily perform as well as a tuned BASR

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@Impulse, I too have owned tm & cyma m14's, & had no issues, not even with mags, possibly the manufacturers had made changes at some point to iron out any kinks ? 

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19 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

Thanks for the advice chaps.  Lots to digest there...  Will keep an eye on @Asomodai's DMR sale when it pops up too. 


Just to chip in, I'd 100% back up the Cyma M14 route. I have a completely bog standard Cyma M14 Socom (albeit with some cosmetic tweaks) that regularly outranges its price! Last time out, using 0.28s it was getting sufficient range that even the marshals commented on just how far I was hitting with it.


They can be a bit heavy if you're used to M4s and the like, the SOCOM is probably the best balanced, the full length one can be a bit unwieldy and the EBR is heavier than a heavy thing and completely front end biased. Worth a try if you know someone that might give you a lend for a game though.

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I've retained a strong hankering for an M14 variant, but they seem to be in short-ish supply at the moment.  Action Hobbies have the SOCOM version in stock for £200, are they still good value at that price?

(I'd have to invest in some more mags and appropriate mag pouches which is going to hold me back at least until I'm playing regularly again, what with Spec Ops still being on hiatus)

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20 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

Thanks for the advice chaps.  Lots to digest there...  Will keep an eye on @Asomodai's DMR sale when it pops up too. 


It's up for sale now. 


1 hour ago, Lozart said:


Just to chip in, I'd 100% back up the Cyma M14 route. I have a completely bog standard Cyma M14 Socom (albeit with some cosmetic tweaks) that regularly outranges its price! Last time out, using 0.28s it was getting sufficient range that even the marshals commented on just how far I was hitting with it.


They can be a bit heavy if you're used to M4s and the like, the SOCOM is probably the best balanced, the full length one can be a bit unwieldy and the EBR is heavier than a heavy thing and completely front end biased. Worth a try if you know someone that might give you a lend for a game though.


It's why the SVU is perfect, it's a bullpup so balances very well :D

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Just to throw something else into the mix I have recently DMR'd my G&G MBR 308 SR and it's really nice 

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