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I Love Airsoft but....


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2 hours ago, DoooomRider said:





Ding ding ding, we have a winner yeah it was a 1v1 reenactment fight, we were both wearing full-plate armour, I had a poleaxe he had a glaive, our weapons locked pushed against each other somehow, I don't remember it too well (metal stick hitting you in the head has that affect), it struck my cheek cut either side of my eye, cut through my eyelid and smooshed my eye leaving a 90% graze on my eyeball, I almost lost consciousness managed to steady myself but neither of my eyes would open which is bloody scary, went to the hospital they poured disinfectant into my eye which really hurts (to quote the nurse "like having an icicle jammed in your eye") and had to put cream on the eyeball for a while. was kinda cool crying blood occasionally but as a teacher not great but yeah not the most fun

Hey no fair.  Stewards inquiry.I didn't realise it was a comp. I could have come up with something. 😉


I can't imagine how that must of felt.🤕

Sounds like millimetres away from a life changing accident. Thankfully no permanent damage nevertheless fuck! Bet it looked quite impressive though.👍




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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Ouch.  I went up to early 14th century, padding + mail + curies / coats-of-plates, and my anecdotal experience was that the more armour folk were wearing (or facing), the worse the injuries tended to get. 

 Possibly the result of being overly confident in what the armour could protect from so take greater risks and end up with worse injuries ? 


3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

There seems to be a fair bit of overlap between airsoft, punchy and hitty-weapon sports, and motorcycling, which I would generalise as "adrenaline, warrior spirit, dumbness and optimism".

Yup all of the above , I do hate it when someone tries to pigeon hole others but my take is it’s sort of like the whole ‘alpha male/female V beta male/female’ thing , the people who are willing to take risks(no matter how regulated and controlled they may be)seem to generally be drawn more to the pastimes based on individual achievement and not as much on ‘team’ achievements , and as a result more chance of injury than the “I’m not doing that I mite get hurt” type of person who generally stick to structured team pastimes which have a lessened risk of injury. 
As an example In Airsofting yes your on the blue or red team but there not teams in the traditional sense where everyone has an assigned job to perform these teams are almost more of a faction than a team used purely for group identification purposes , so we can tell ‘our team’ and avoid shooting our own side ‘in the heat of battle’ as it were . So more of an Alpha than a beta because there prepared that if they do fail then it’s a good chance it’s due to their own failings and not really the teams responsibility  ?

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1 hour ago, Shamal said:

Hey no fair.  Stewards inquiry.I didn't realise it was a comp. I could have come up with something. 😉


I can't imagine how that must of felt.🤕

Sounds like millimetres away from a life changing accident. Thankfully no permanent damage nevertheless fuck! Bet it looked quite impressive though.👍





Yeah, laying on the floor debating the rest of your life as blind in one eye is unpleasant, it hurt a lot!


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8 minutes ago, DoooomRider said:


debating the rest of your life as blind in one eye is unpleasant, it hurt a lot!



Fortunately the pain for my issue was relatively minor, actually it was really just the operation under local anaesthetic which caused any discomfort in that sense but yeah I was panicking about not being able to drive etc again. Although even that I was told I could legally do.


Hope all is good now!



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6 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:


Fortunately the pain for my issue was relatively minor, actually it was really just the operation under local anaesthetic which caused any discomfort in that sense but yeah I was panicking about not being able to drive etc again. Although even that I was told I could legally do.


Hope all is good now!



Yeah it's all good, it's a little more sensitive but I take it steady as I can, take the time to heal and do as they tell you. With airsoft just take your time and don't be afraid to step away and say it's too much

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1 hour ago, Druid799 said:

Possibly the result of being overly confident in what the armour could protect from so take greater risks and end up with worse injuries ? 


Partly that, you do feel a lot more confident when armoured up, even when it's out of proportion to the protection offered - I've formed a theory that this is a key factor in morale.


There's also the consideration that the more armour you see, the harder you'll start to hit.  This also has airsoft implications.  The more you experience Crye-babies claiming "Didn't feel nothing, mate" as you whang BBs off of their plate carriers and stacks-o-gear, the heavier you're going to get on the trigger compared to being up against Team Mankini.

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On 23/05/2022 at 21:47, Cr0-Magnon said:


Ooh that's interesting. I was looking at those. The cheek weld doesn't look great though?


I had to Google "Glaive" haha, yeah we need more on that!


Cheers for the words of encouragement.

 put your sights on a 1" riser. sorted.     Also means I can wear my glasses without steaming up, have coms built in, only 1 strap to put on/off and amazing vision (no restrictions). Ive gone i4 and Bolle 800 before that, not going back


Oh and I can go one better than a Glaive, I lost my right eye to an Arrow !!!!!!.    My nickname for years was Harold the 2nd. oh and yes it hurt

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On 24/05/2022 at 13:57, Rogerborg said:

There's also the consideration that the more armour you see, the harder you'll start to hit.  This also has airsoft implications.  The more you experience Crye-babies claiming "Didn't feel nothing, mate" as you whang BBs off of their plate carriers and stacks-o-gear, the heavier you're going to get on the trigger compared to being up against Team Mankini.

Yes this is true.  One recent game I found a bunch of day rental puffa-jacketed teens seemed to be impervious to single rounds, it became "let her rip, or aim for the head".   That does me no credit, but by heck lad, it felt good at the time (and had the desired effect of getting their hands in the air.  I suspect they walked about 20m before returning to the fray, but small victories...)

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18 minutes ago, MadMole said:


Oh and I can go one better than a Glaive, I lost my right eye to an Arrow !!!!!!.    My nickname for years was Harold the 2nd. oh and yes it hurt



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33 minutes ago, MadMole said:



Oh and I can go one better than a Glaive, I lost my right eye to an Arrow !!!!!!.    My nickname for years was Harold the 2nd. oh and yes it hurt

Shit! I take it that it was a freak accident and hopefully not aimed?



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19 hours ago, Shamal said:

I take it that it was a freak accident and hopefully not aimed?


Ouch, I hope so too.  I've done a bit amount of re-enactment archery and it's a case of trust on both side: that the archers will ensure that our arrows are always heading downwards when they reach the targets, and that said targets won't say "What arrows?" and look straight up just as you're dropping a cloth-yard of rubber-blunted cedar straight down onto them.


But in the heat of the moment, I have seen absolute wankspankles flat shooting at full draw, in one case resulting in the miscreant being physically tackled and restrained by his own side.  Like airsoft, reenactment is a great hobby, except for the very occasional freak accident, and the 5% who will never listen or learn, and who should really find a different pastime.

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On 24/05/2022 at 12:42, Druid799 said:

 Possibly the result of being overly confident in what the armour could protect from so take greater risks and end up with worse injuries ? 

Risk Compensation Theory applies in a surprisingly varied range of applications.  

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12 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Risk Compensation Theory applies in a surprisingly varied range of applications.  


Passenger seats in cars should have seatbelts and airbags. The steering wheel should have a big rusty spike sticking out of it.

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9 minutes ago, Druid799 said:


My first wife did exactly that although it was a ford Ka without airbag.

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Luckily the arrow was a blunt stick and kiddies bow. My 9 year old cousin decided to shoot me from about 5ft away to wake me up (I was 13 and family had stayed over their house) and got me straight in the fortunately closed eye. but bye bye back of eye

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1 hour ago, MadMole said:

Luckily the arrow was a blunt stick and kiddies bow. My 9 year old cousin decided to shoot me from about 5ft away to wake me up (I was 13 and family had stayed over their house) and got me straight in the fortunately closed eye. but bye bye back of eye

F**k that’s a ruff one to deal with my friend .

off on a tangent(well this is AFUK after all !😁) back in the days of only 3 tv channels my brother thought it was a good idea to screw a brass dart on to the end of the length of bamboo he was using as an arrow and shoot it at me , it just missed my eye and hit me in the eyebrow where it stuck , the reason I realised it had stuck was as I came too laying on the floor all I could see through the scarlet haze of my vision was pink clouds and a bamboo stick standing straight up in the air ! As I sat up the vertical stick became a horizontal stick(which due to its weight made it hurt like fuck !) and my brother giving it legs in to the distance ! SO I made my way home grizzling like a good un slug trails running down my face mingling with blood and snott bubbles appearing from my nostrils(never at the same time always alternating nostrils never did figure out how that happens , just another one of life’s great mysteries I suppose ?) any hoo get home stagger up to the front door knock on it( not an easy task when you’ve a 2ft bamboo sticking out of ya noggin !) mum answers it sees me let’s out a blood curdling scream at the sight of me which wakes my dad up who was sleeping in his chair after a hard days work spoiling squaddies days(he was military police😈) he gets up stretches , burps , farts scratches his arse walks up to me say “ooohh that looks nasty who did it too you ?” As he places his hand on my forehead and yanks it out whilst also saying to my mum “stick a plaster on it he’ll be fine !” I tell him my brother did it . Several hrs later as it’s starting to get dark I see him skulking down the back path to the house so I rush over to dad saying “Garry’s coming in through the the back door !” He gets up and just stands behind the door with the bamboo in his hand , my brother slowly enters the room looking around to see where my dad is and instantly assumes the fetal position on the sofa and my dad proceeded to deliver what I thought was one of the classic beating of the 70’s with the bamboo and me standing next to him going “hit him harder dad , hit him harder !” Years later much to my horror I discovered dad wasn’t actually hitting him but neither me(on my vengeance high) nor my brother(in the grip of abject fear)realised he was actually hitting the sofa not Garry ! Talk about having justice stolen from you ! I tell you I was feeling like Gerard Butler in ‘law abiding citizen’ I felt so wronged by it !🤬

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59 minutes ago, MadMole said:

Luckily the arrow was a blunt stick and kiddies bow. My 9 year old cousin decided to shoot me from about 5ft away to wake me up (I was 13 and family had stayed over their house) and got me straight in the fortunately closed eye. but bye bye back of eye

Kids eh! They shouldn't be allowed. 🤕

4 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

F**k that’s a ruff one to deal with my friend .

off on a tangent(well this is AFUK after all !😁) back in the days of only 3 tv channels my brother thought it was a good idea to screw a brass dart on to the end of the length of bamboo he was using as an arrow and shoot it at me , it just missed my eye and hit me in the eyebrow where it stuck , the reason I realised it had stuck was as I came too laying on the floor all I could see through the scarlet haze of my vision was pink clouds and a bamboo stick standing straight up in the air ! As I sat up the vertical stick became a horizontal stick(which due to its weight made it hurt like fuck !) and my brother giving it legs in to the distance ! SO I made my way home grizzling like a good un slug trails running down my face mingling with blood and snott bubbles appearing from my nostrils(never at the same time always alternating nostrils never did figure out how that happens , just another one of life’s great mysteries I suppose ?) any hoo get home stagger up to the front door knock on it( not an easy task when you’ve a 2ft bamboo sticking out of ya noggin !) mum answers it sees me let’s out a blood curdling scream at the sight of me which wakes my dad up who was sleeping in his chair after a hard days work spoiling squaddies days(he was military police😈) he gets up stretches , burps , farts scratches his arse walks up to me say “ooohh that looks nasty who did it too you ?” As he places his hand on my forehead and yanks it out whilst also saying to my mum “stick a plaster on it he’ll be fine !” I tell him my brother did it . Several hrs later as it’s starting to get dark I see him sulking down the back party to the house so I rush over to dad saying “Garry’s coming in through the the back door !” He gets up and just stands behind the door with the bamboo in his hand , my brother slowly enters the room looking around to see where my dad is and instantly assumes the feral position on the sofa and my dad proceeded to deliver what I thought was one of the classic beating of the 70’s with the bamboo and me standing next to him going going “hit him harder dad , hit him harder !” Years later much to my horror I discovered dad wasn’t actually hitting him but neither me(on my vengeance high) nor my brother(in the grip of abject fear)realised he was actually hitting the sofa not Garry ! Talk about having justice stolen from you ! I tell you I was feeling like Gerard Butler in ‘law abiding citizen’ I felt so wronged by it !🤬

Bloody hell! 

The things we did.🙁

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We used to throw darts in the air and see how high we could get them to go.  Inevitably one came down atop of a kid's noggin and he high tailed it home, complete with new vertical head gear.  Poor little chap hammered on the front door until his mum answered it, pulled the dart out with one vicious yank, and clouted him around the side of his bloody bonce as hard as she could.  He disappeared inside with a mean pull from mater and that was the end of that.   

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10 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

We used to throw darts in the air and see how high we could get them to go.  Inevitably one came down atop of a kid's noggin and he high tailed it home, complete with new vertical head gear.  Poor little chap hammered on the front door until his mum answered it, pulled the dart out with one vicious yank, and clouted him around the side of his bloody bonce as hard as she could.  He disappeared inside with a mean pull from mater and that was the end of that.   

Hahahaha ! Up their with “don’t come running to me crying when you fall out of that tree and break your leg !” 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣

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44 year old plumber here who played a lot of Rugby and crashed a lot of motorbikes as a youth.  I'm 6'7" and 130kG so you can imagine the state of my knees.  I've had torn pieces of cartilage removed from both of them now.   To cap it off I had a mountain bike accident a few years back that ripped a kidney in half.  Thankfully that sorted itself out with a bit of key hole surgery and a long stint in bed.


So airsoft...…  An overweight, middle aged, functional alcoholic running around the woods with random blokes lobbing pyrotechnics around - what could possibly go wrong?  Well this weekend I went for a flyer over a tree root when someone popped out of a building surprising me (and a couple of others I think) at the same time as his teammates lighting us up on full auto?  I think I have a torn ligament in my foot, and one knee has swollen to the point that I look like Heir Flick from the Gestapo when walking around.


Fun times though.  I love airsoft simply for the bonding experience with my rapidly growing up teenage son, as well as the exercise, which sees me running easily 4 miles on a skirmish day - which there is now chance of me doing otherwise.  Makes all these minor injuries worthwhile. 



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