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CQB training course


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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

Is that the optic from the EM-2 bullpup? Did we just throw it straight on the FN?

It is indeed!

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1 hour ago, Stratton Oakmont said:

“High chicken wing” makes space in your shoulder for a high recoil rifle. You see some people dropping their arm on the full bore ranges to around 45 degrees but I wouldn’t fancy shooting anything with a decent recoil with just the bottom of the stock on the top of my shoulder a la gbrs high head position (but then I don’t have 4 stones of vanity muscles to rest it on just a mortal physique).

No idea, just found it entertaining and the noise of empty beer bottles started ringing in my head.

can you dig it?

Git, I didn't get it🤣, wouldn't mind but I was only talking about the film a couple of days ago, a classic👍

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7 hours ago, Stratton Oakmont said:

“High chicken wing” makes space in your shoulder for a high recoil rifle. You see some people dropping their arm on the full bore ranges to around 45 degrees but I wouldn’t fancy shooting anything with a decent recoil with just the bottom of the stock on the top of my shoulder a la gbrs high head position (but then I don’t have 4 stones of vanity muscles to rest it on just a mortal physique).

No idea, just found it entertaining and the noise of empty beer bottles started ringing in my head.

can you dig it?

Yeah, I get the movie reference; it was the Yank(?) waffling on about "warriors", which seems to be an American thing.

I agree about the need for a more solid shoulder location when shooting high recoil weapons; a "high chicken wing" was also a more natural position for rifles before pistol grips were introduced.

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3 hours ago, colinjallen said:

it was the Yank(?) waffling on about "warriors", which seems to be an American thing


In polite company, we disparage people behind their back, not to their faces.


"Warriors" is a little cringe, and "warfighters" is also entering the lexicon, but there is a need to distinguish between the people who actually shoot and sponge bullets, and the ever thiccening rump of servicemen servicepersons who count beans, run creches, and police pronouns.



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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


In polite company, we disparage people behind their back, not to their faces.


"Warriors" is a little cringe, and "warfighters" is also entering the lexicon, but there is a need to distinguish between the people who actually shoot and sponge bullets, and the ever thiccening rump of servicemen servicepersons who count beans, run creches, and police pronouns.



Combat troops or front-line troops would seem to be perfectly good descriptions without the connotations that some people, particularly in the USA, seem to attach to "warriors".

I was not aware that this was polite society; if I have offended the gentleman, I am happy to provide him with my second's details.

As for personal pronouns, we are "encouraged" to put them in our work email signatures; this does make sense as many of the people that we deal with on a day to day basis are from Asian cultures and are uncertain as to whether some European names are male or female.  If that was the reason we were "encouraged" to use them, I would not mind too much; however, the stated reason was about ensuring that the very small minority of gender-fluid people in the organisation could be addressed by their chosen pronoun.

My initial offering on my email signature of that git, that git, that git's was rapidly rejected; my second offering of that bloke, that bloke, that bloke's has not yet been challenged :).

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1 hour ago, colinjallen said:

As for personal pronouns, we are "encouraged" to put them in our work email signatures; this does make sense as many of the people that we deal with on a day to day basis are from Asian cultures and are uncertain as to whether some European names are male or female.  If that was the reason we were "encouraged" to use them, I would not mind too much; however, the stated reason was about ensuring that the very small minority of gender-fluid people in the organisation could be addressed by their chosen pronoun.



There are only 3 pronoun sets of worth


1: He/him

2: She/her

3: It/fuckin really

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44 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:


There are only 3 pronoun sets of worth


1: He/him

2: She/her

3: It/fuckin really

Damn right, maybe I'm an old dinosaur, but the world's gone mad with this shit, thousands of years humankind has evolved, but in literally a couple of years it's all been turned on its head because a tiny tiny minority feel they don't fit in with the long established "categories", & if you can't get your head around it, your a very bad person apparently lol. 



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35 minutes ago, truckinthumper said:

this has gone sideways..... LOL, I love the internet. 

Yes, us Yanks are a bit odd about weapons compared to the rest of the world. :P

Would that be "a bit odd" as in the lives of schoolchildren being a price worth paying for your right to own guns?

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10 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

guys, dude's new to this place, tempting as it is we don't need to jump straight on him just for being from a country with a different take on civilian firearm ownership.


@truckinthumper don't take it personally, as i'm sure you can understand American firearm culture is as confusing and controversial to us as i'm sure British firearm culture is to you.


Not jumping on him just jumping on american gun culture and how they have lost control of it.


Not against gun ownership as if I lived in America I would no doubt be a gun owner. But I am against how bad the gun control is over there, too easy for nutters to get hold of guns. 

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47 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

But I am against how bad the gun control is over there, too easy for nutters to get hold of guns. 


What about over here?



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Just now, Rogerborg said:

That was a balls up; the system failed, resulting in someone who should not have been able to obtain a firearm being able to.  That is a very different situation from that in several US states where there are minimal checks or restrictions.

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Hm. I don't think you need any kind of real world training to get "better". Youtube has quite a lof of videos about this topic and the rest is up to you.


Changing shoulders when you peak from your left side (if you are right handed) and trying to stay in cover/concealment whenever possible. Changing stances can help a lot you don't see to many people to crouch, sidestep or lying on their back/stomach (all of them situtional but always do what's unexpected to confuse your opponent). Speed and aggression are important and knowing the layout of your site helps a lot. Knowing cheeky angles always score some kills. Slicing the pie and aggressively peeking hard angles. I only play indoor nowadays and all of this comes naturally. Having a proper cardio can make a huge difference, too.

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1 hour ago, ImTriggerHappy said:


Not jumping on him just jumping on american gun culture and how they have lost control of it.


Not against gun ownership as if I lived in America I would no doubt be a gun owner. But I am against how bad the gun control is over there, too easy for nutters to get hold of guns. 

If you want the truth and not what the media publishes, I will tell you what "boots on the ground" (like me and like minded) see. 

We do NOT have a gun problem. 
We have a criminal problem.  
When violent criminals are released within hours or days of either killing or shooting, that should say it all. 

As for the guns: 
No one really knows how many we have out in circulation. Estimates are between 3-12 for each known citizen in the USA. We have approx. 350 million people. 
That is close to a BILLION guns. So, if "guns" were the problem, we would be reduced to 20 million people in no time. 
We also have a pharmaceutical problem. People are on "personality" drugs as that is pushed more than actually helping those with mental issues. 

In a nut shell, our law makers are not interested in "bettering"  society, but profiting from it. 

I really did want to get into the politics at all, but we are no where NEAR as bad as the world is shown we are. 
We also do not have a real "justice" system, but a "legal" system. 
Our lawmakers want to do the natural thing and be our Lords, which is why we shot the British in the face in 1776. ^_^

As you say, nutters do get guns, they also get knives, bats, hammers, etc.. Not only here in the US, but in other nations as well. No one is ever truly safe and you have no other option but to live with the fact there are evil people out there. 

I would say we have less than .005% of "nutters" that show up, the rest of the country is law abiding people. 
Our shitty media knows that dirty laundry pays better than rescuing kittens from trees. :(  

P.S. if anyone has any questions on what things are really like (non airsoft related/ politics) feel free to message me, I will tell you what I see. 
I would rather keep it in a private message or in an off topic area. 


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Dunno if I've told this story, exactly 29 years ago on the morning of my wedding (yep it's my anniversary today), my baby sis who lives in kansas City missouri phones me, wishing me well for the impending nuptials etc, I in turn ask her how she's doing & she explains she's angry, the week before they were burgled, & in her exact words "the bastards cleared us out, what's worse they got my gun but dont worry, I went straight out & bought a .357 magnum, & if they come back I'm gonna put holes in them" 

Now for most of us that's an understandable reaction, who wouldn't want a bit of legitimate payback against thieving scum that come in to your home, especially as she had a four month old baby daughter. 

But the kicker is she was 19, 20 in October & under state laws couldn't even buy alcohol, not til she was 21, but absolutely no problems buying one of the most powerful handguns of the time......... That's kinda fucked up, can't trust her with a beer but a fuckin great hand cannon, fill yer boots lol. 


Fast forward to now, her daughters an occupational therapist, kinda physio for the elderly, & her fiance is a paramedic, both have concealed carry permits & both carry every day without fail.

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Congrats fella 👍

Romantic meal tonight? Kids away? 😉

Enjoy the day. hope you got her a nice sideboard. 


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2 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Not against gun ownership as if I lived in America I would no doubt be a gun owner. But I am against how bad the gun control is over there, too easy for nutters to get hold of guns. 


i don't necessarily disagree, i'm just saying if we start going fully down that rabbit hole it's just gonna end in a row.

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1 hour ago, Shamal said:

Congrats fella 👍

Romantic meal tonight? Kids away? 😉

Enjoy the day. hope you got her a nice sideboard. 


LOL, your quite the comedian Nige, all our plans went up the shitter when the wife's mum decided to have a dementia based "episode" this morning, so it's a quiet bbq, maverick in HD & hopefully a nice meal out in the next day or two, fruitloop permitting 😏

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33 minutes ago, Tackle said:

LOL, your quite the comedian Nige, all our plans went up the shitter when the wife's mum decided to have a dementia based "episode" this morning, so it's a quiet bbq, maverick in HD & hopefully a nice meal out in the next day or two, fruitloop permitting 😏

Sorry to hear that bud☹️

Bloody in-laws. 

Seriously though hope all works out and best wishes.29 years is a bloody good score 👍



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2 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Bit of a reach comparing an isolated incident over here to what is a too regular occurence over there.


It's cromulent because shotgun certs remain shall issue here.  I got one back in the day for black powder musketry and powder storage.  As it turns out, I never even bought a bang-tube, but it was trivial to get the cert, and once you've got it, you can - quite literally - load for bear.


I'd venture to suggest that if we're talking systems then the Murcan Federal background check actually provides more control and gatekeeping than the UK system, if you're mentally minded and willing to play to win.  It's really more a cultural issue: our most recent mass shooter was an immigrant from the Western Colony, who viewed shooter ownership as normal rather than an aberration.



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