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Bad Publicity?


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Yeah but they would quickly put a bill through to increase joule level temporarily and a law that only reds can be armed...

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1 hour ago, Airsoft123 said:

On the bright side Im hoping that Boris eases the restrictions tomorrow so that sites can re-open and we can release/vent/have fun and resume to normality (or in my case resent not running as much as I'd hoped through the winter).  Bring on the sun, fun and guns.

im sticking to my initial thoughts of outdoor Airsoft early to mid April and indoor Airsoft/cqb late April/early may - there’s no point in rushing this anymore another month or so over another 3 month lockdown

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1 hour ago, Airsoft123 said:

Former shadow Diane Abbott would be reinstated to operate the chronograph/site limits...1.....2....3....4

In the interest of fairness Hancock would outsource the chrono at massive cost to taxpayers, to his neighbour. who knows nothing about airsoft, wouldn't even turn up to the skirmish and wouldnt know how to operate it 😄

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3 hours ago, Asomodai said:

In the interest of fairness Hancock would outsource the chrono at massive cost to taxpayers, to his neighbour. who knows nothing about airsoft, wouldn't even turn up to the skirmish and wouldnt know how to operate it 😄


better than them trying to do it by committee, who would presumably start out trying to find the most effective method of measuring muzzle energy and finish by , well, wait, they wouldnt.


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On 21/02/2021 at 00:46, MiK said:

@Shamal just search KM (in full) & Hypocrite on YouTube - it popped up on my recommendations 

Looks like KM has made a statement about said video. I won’t pass my view on his statement but suffice to say this whole thing hurts the sport in general 

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14 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

Looks like KM has made a statement about said video. I won’t pass my view on his statement but suffice to say this whole thing hurts the sport in general 


Got a link?

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57 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

The guy that made this video has pinned a statement by KM on the comments. I’ve not seen a direct response video by KM 

So while explaining he isn't a racist he talks about Tommy Robinson. His comment is along the lines of saying "I can't be racist, some of my best friends are African Americans" 


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1 hour ago, MiK said:

@GenuineGermanI think the KM repsonse video ?

He has raised a privacy challenge which is likely to be based on the use of his real name, though the name is used a number of times throughout the video and the challenge is with regard to a specified time frame.


YouTube have notified and given the option of blurring etc, if no action is taken then YouTube will pull the content

Rather than act the video poster then puts it all out to see.  Standard internet dramas.

The video could remain, probably with Mustangs name still in it at the start, and ‘dramas’ avoided 


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8 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Depressing stuff.  


One of the many great things that draws me to airsoft is, in my view, it’s lack of politics. You buy your kit show up play and enjoy. Simples.

Sucks that all this is gaining any sort of traction at all. 

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19 minutes ago, Dogsbody100 said:


One of the many great things that draws me to airsoft is, in my view, it’s lack of politics. You buy your kit show up play and enjoy. Simples.

Sucks that all this is gaining any sort of traction at all. 

Quite agree.

When you start doing something like airsoft with a view to it generating an income the real reason,fun, becomes secondary.

The impetus for doing it and, doing it controversially, is that you are thinking of how many 'hits' is is going to earn you when you have edited and processed the material.

Something like: rubs hands together,smiles and thinks 'Yes! This is gonna make me some dosh!' 


Edited by Shamal
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Unfortunately I don't think this is one of those case where if we ignore it it will just go away. These sort of characters ((I use this in the loosest possible terms) not singling out KM either, i mean all of these numpties) have a lot of sway within the sport thanks to there social platforms. Something that we don't have but what we have as a community is a voice to change this by working together to say stop please portray our sport in a positive light. I don't mean lets light the torches or dust off the pitch forks but there needs to be a dialogue. I have said in the past if you don't like the content don't watch it but I'm starting to think maybe by doing that I'm just burying my head in the sand and not realising how serious the implication is of what this situation can cause. Thankfully the media hasn't picked up on it and i doubt it will however just imagine if it does? the images of the Sun or Daily fail plastering images across the internet with captions such as "Innocent Game or Paramilitary Training Camps?" honestly scares me.


Not trying to be alarmist as hopefully this episode quietens down quickly but it will only happen again.  

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managed to make it 4 minutes into that video.


is it seriously getting to this point?


it's one thing i hate about the way the internet works these days, every goddamn thing you've ever put online can get weaponized against you. as if nobody's ever made a mistake, changed an opinion or just posted shit without thinking about it.


these days if you put your mind to it you can dig up and label anyone you like as the racist bad-guy, it's not humanly possible to maintain an image without someone somewhere finding a way to take exception to it.


i might have been on board the train that wanted to sort out the problem km and similar youtuber's content is having in terms of harming the image of our hobby, but at this point i am definately out.....



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43 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


it's one thing i hate about the way the internet works these days, every goddamn thing you've ever put online can get weaponized against you. as if nobody's ever made a mistake, changed an opinion or just posted shit without thinking about it.


these days if you put your mind to it you can dig up and label anyone you like as the racist bad-guy, it's not humanly possible to maintain an image without someone somewhere finding a way to take exception to it.




I agree to an extent, but there is a difference between going "i think cucumber is awful" (which it is btw)  and someone replying "Why don't you like cucumber, you anti vegan!"to what some of those supposed tweets said.


If it was him, he wasn't far off full on Katie Hopkins mode.

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14 minutes ago, rj1986 said:


I agree to an extent, but there is a difference between going "i think cucumber is awful" (which it is btw)   said.



sacrilege, cucumber sandwiches are amazing 😄 

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1 hour ago, Dogsbody100 said:


One of the many great things that draws me to airsoft is, in my view, it’s lack of politics. You buy your kit show up play and enjoy. Simples.

Sucks that all this is gaining any sort of traction at all. 


Unfortunately the lack of actual airsofting at the moment is bringing all sorts of things out into the open. Things that normally just bubble under the surface have been given the view view of the community and to be honest, a lot of it is not good.

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31 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

sacrilege, cucumber sandwiches are amazing 😄 

Ban him! Lol

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:

these days if you put your mind to it you can dig up and label anyone you like as the racist bad-guy

I think you should keep watching the video tbh. Some of those tweets were vile.

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