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40 minutes ago, Tackle said:

While I can't comment on druids playing style etc, personally I only generally use single shot, especially gratifying with my M14 & fal, & hopefully my new G3, & all my guns are sub 1j, all running between 300-335 FPS (but well sit up hops) & do well in a sneaky dmr stylee, if a knackered old fartknocker like me can get by with less than 1j, then surely it won't hold back fitter livelier players.

The point  I, & I suspect druid was making, was that in these anti gun times, if the sport was threatened in any way, a 1j ruling would be one possible way to placate those who lobby against us ?


You are trying to apply logic to the anti-gun brigade, it wont work. Our gun laws in this country already dont make a lot of sense as is. Its best just to try and fly under the radar as much as possible.

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3 hours ago, typefish said:


Sorry, I didn't see your message


I'm the chairman ☺️


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3 hours ago, typefish said:


Sorry, I didn't see your message


I'm the chairman ☺️

Coo. Bow, Scrape... lol

We probably met at the last agm at the Grange?

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5 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

What we need in this country is something similar to the second amendment 

Wholeheartedly disagree with you there mate. Having a RIF is great fun, it looks cool and you can shoot your mates with it. You can’t do that with a real firearm. 

There is a reason why things like Sandy Hook don’t happen in this country, and it’s because any old knobhead can’t run round with a gun they bought at an indoor market with no checks or license or registration process. 

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6 minutes ago, DRay said:

Wholeheartedly disagree with you there mate. Having a RIF is great fun, it looks cool and you can shoot your mates with it. You can’t do that with a real firearm. 

There is a reason why things like Sandy Hook don’t happen in this country, and it’s because any old knobhead can’t run round with a gun they bought at an indoor market with no checks or license or registration process. 

I think the narrative that you can just buy a gun in the US is completely false. They do a comprehensive background check on anyone that buys a gun. Convicted criminals can’t buy guns and with the right checks and balances it shouldn’t be a problem. Criminals will always break laws and obviously I wouldn’t advocate skirmishes with live weapons. 

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7 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

I think the narrative that you can just buy a gun in the US is completely false. They do a comprehensive background check on anyone that buys a gun. Convicted criminals can’t buy guns and with the right checks and balances it shouldn’t be a problem. Criminals will always break laws and obviously I wouldn’t advocate skirmishes with live weapons. 

My family live in Missouri, my baby sister legally bought a .357 magnum, to replace her old gun which was stolen in a burglary, she was 20 & not legally allowed to buy a six pack of beer, that's some twisted logic right there.

As for the "checks" they do, it's harder to get a contract mobile phone in the UK than it is to legally buy a firearm in the USA.

Any lunatic that doesn't have a criminal record can get one.

Madness 😳

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Whilst I believe that we should have the right to legally bear arms in the UK I understand why we don’t and why people wouldn’t want that law in place. My point in a roundabout way is simply that more if we start imposing more regulations on rifs it will get to a point where they will be banned like in Australia. The government will simply pass one law ever now and again and before long we can’t go out anymore. 

The best way is to self regulate which is done fairly well at the moment but if the authorities hear discontent they will jump on it for political point scoring and we will all be classed as gun lunatics. 

with regards to buying weapons in the US I agree being able to buy a 357 at 20 but not being able to drink till 21 sounds stupid but I would argue alcohol and drugs are a larger public health issue that guns. 

there will be exceptions and lunatics but then anyone in this country can buy a knife and just go out and start stabbing. How can you stop the lunatics? 

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49 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

What we need in this country is something similar to the second amendment 

I think we still have the right to practice archery on a sunday 🎯

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To all the people who have the guts to call themselves "snipers"....

If you can't cope with 1J guns, then you've picked the wrong role.

Range is actually at the very bottom in a sniper's priority list.


With that being said, the group is ran by the hunteering guys, who are KM but dumber.

Basically a huge marketing operation for Lee Wade's girlfriend so that she can sell the god awful leaves she makes, also the super useless quest of hitting a 3x3m tarp at 120m while arcing the gun so much it basically becomes a fucking artillery piece. All this while autistically screaming "pushing the limit of airsoft sniping" all over the place.

And obviously trying to bash KM and his crowd of equally brain damaged chairsofters..


I thought the Italian airsoft community was bad but you guys are outstanding 😂😂






Meanwhile there is third, less known sniper community, Sniperworks, who are actively trying to improve the sniper game by giving away actual useful information and doing live streams where theydiscuss all things tactics/teching/camouflage with those who are good at them.

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2 hours ago, Tackle said:

While I can't comment on druids playing style etc, personally I only generally use single shot, especially gratifying with my M14 & fal, & hopefully my new G3, & all my guns are sub 1j, all running between 300-335 FPS (but well sit up hops) & do well in a sneaky dmr stylee, if a knackered old fartknocker like me can get by with less than 1j, then surely it won't hold back fitter livelier players.

The point  I, & I suspect druid was making, was that in these anti gun times, if the sport was threatened in any way, a 1j ruling would be one possible way to placate those who lobby against us ?



if it's a choice between a 1j limit and losing the hobby (or worse, 2-tones for all :o) then sure a 1j limit is livable, however:


1 hour ago, Solar said:

You are trying to apply logic to the anti-gun brigade, it wont work. Our gun laws in this country already dont make a lot of sense as is. Its best just to try and fly under the radar as much as possible.


is absolutely correct, the anti-gun brigade are very much the "ban all the things" types unfortunately. tbh i'm surprised airsoft survived the first round under its lens.


remember reading a while back some anti-gun spiel about how airsoft was using "lethal weapons" and practicing "racist rituals" (referring to the occasional terrorism reference), it's kinda worrying the mindset of folks like that.


45 minutes ago, Skara said:

To all the people who have the guts to call themselves "snipers"....

If you can't cope with 1J guns, then you've picked the wrong role.

Range is actually at the very bottom in a sniper's priority list.


i'm kinda 50/50 on that, certainly trying to run a 1j bolt gun on a field of 1j mg's ar's and smg's is quite the challenge. but it can be rather fun if you pull it off.


until you meet someone else who is enlightened in the ways of the heavy bb and you're right back to square 1 :P


of course i don't snipe, i just hang back and take pot shots at guys at the edge of my range.


1 hour ago, GenuineGerman said:

What we need in this country is something similar to the second amendment 


i'm assuming you're directly referring to real firearms rather than some second amendment version of the right to bear pew pews.


whilst i do think that the variety and types of firearms that can be legally owned by civilians should be much broader than it is currently, i very much do not support the removal of the barriers to obtaining them easily.


the biggest problem America has is the sheer volume of firearms in circulation to the point where people who are not interested in them still buy one because it's the done thing to do.

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50 minutes ago, Skara said:

To all the people who have the guts to call themselves "snipers"....

If you can't cope with 1J guns, then you've picked the wrong role.

Range is actually at the very bottom in a sniper's priority list.



I'm going to simultaenously agree and disagree with you on that. The issue with everyone being 1J is that HPA now has the silence that bolties pretty much exclusively had. How many ghillies with MTWs have you seen floating about? I've seen absolutely loads, but none are interested in playing that spotter role with me and my VSR/m14 😢


However, you are correct. 1J is viable for a proper sniper role as most of the sniper part of the role is about the fieldcraft. Heck, I'll frequently advocate for it, but it shouldn't be a requirement; I even go far as to say that 1.6J for DMRs is pointless as the benefits of the extra energy aren't worth the MED drawback, but that's my potentially unpopular opinion :P. The higher power is potentially the only mechanical advantage bolt actions still have over other platforms now that you get MTWs putting out comparable ranges and being just as quiet, but also being full auto.


And yeah, as has been said, the more rules and regs that come in to limit and regulate the hobby, the closer we get to being like Australia and having it outright illegal. It's an easy vote winner, so politicians just love excuses to clamp down on "violent gun crime"

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1 hour ago, GenuineGerman said:

anyone in this country can buy a knife and just go out and start stabbing. How can you stop the lunatics? 


The difference is a knife isnt going to get a death count as high as a gun and people are more likely to be able to out run a guy with a knife than a bullet.


Remember those 3 terrorists who stabbed people in london a year or so ago...  now imagine if guns were readily available....

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7 minutes ago, kasaran said:


The difference is a knife isnt going to get a death count as high as a gun and people are more likely to be able to out run a guy with a knife than a bullet.


Remember those 3 terrorists who stabbed people in london a year or so ago...  now imagine if guns were readily available....

I agree in a single incident probably but again how many news reports to you hear about young people stabbing each other to death and how many shootings? 

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5 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

I agree in a single incident probably but again how many news reports to you hear about young people stabbing each other to death and how many shootings? 


So lets give them all guns is your solution? I dont see how this helps your point?


You're saying knives are worse because stabblings happen more often in a country with limited gun ownership?  


Guns serve only one purpose.  Which on an island not at war and without large carnivorous animals like bears, they have very limited use publicly.  Knives are however multi use so its not like they can be banned...

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Fuck me, are we really all THAT bored. In the last few weeks we've discussed Trump/Biden, "Toxic Masculinity", spent way too much time on KM and now real firearms regulation.


I second @herosharks notion. 

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15 minutes ago, kasaran said:


So lets give them all guns is your solution? I dont see how this helps your point?


You're saying knives are worse because stabblings happen more often in a country with limited gun ownership?  


Guns serve only one purpose.  Which on an island not at war and without large carnivorous animals like bears, they have very limited use publicly.  Knives are however multi use so its not like they can be banned...

At no point did I say let’s give everyone guns that’s just a stupid thing to accuse me saying. The point I’m making in the UK you require licensing to own a real firearm so how many incidents do you hear of lunatic legal owning firearms licence holder going on a rampage and killing lots of people do you read about and how many gang related stabbings do you read about? 
seen some of these zombie knives they carry, they should be banned. 

Again should guns be carried in public of course not but there is an argument that the range of firearms you can legally own is too limited in this country and it will happen to airsoft as well  

1 minute ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

Fuck me, are we really all THAT bored. In the last few weeks we've discussed Trump/Biden, "Toxic Masculinity", spent way too much time on KM and now real firearms regulation.


I second @herosharks notion. 

I did enjoy the toxic thread lol


I third the motion 

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2 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

I did enjoy the toxic thread lol


Forget schools, forget, gyms....Hell,we don't even need barbers! Just for the love of Novritsch, let's re-open the airsoft sites before AFUK implodes.

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5 hours ago, Zarrin said:

I assume you don't snipe or do much DMR stuff - it would diminish the effectiveness and enjoyability of those roles considerably.



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