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Travailfitness plates

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So just got these plates. Curved steel with soft backing. Get them in a range of weights, I got the 3.5lb ones so pretty close to the real ballistic feel (HPA tank brings up the weight) 


The kicker? 75% cheaper than sone competitors! 


I know you can get hollow dummy plates and fill with water/sand/plaster of paris, but that's faff, time and mess, and isn't much cheaper 


Big fan



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Have to ask bud but why do you want real weight plates ? 

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29 minutes ago, _stylian_ said:

Adds to impression, aids fitness, makes plate carrier sit a lot better. The latter is the real cincher, it just makes it fit snug and tight in a way dummy plates don't. 

Fair enough mate I totally accept the impression argument (essence of the past time after all ?) and I can see the carrier fit argument but then again any ridged plate will do that but I’ll be honest and this isn’t a dig at you , loads of other players have used the same argument but me personally I think the ‘fitness’ reason is bollox ! Some how I don’t really see running around a field for three or four hrs wearing a heavy PC spread out over a whole day twice a mth is really going to help improve anyone’s fitness level ! 😂😂😂😂

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8 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Fair enough mate I totally accept the impression argument (essence of the past time after all ?) and I can see the carrier fit argument but then again any ridged plate will do that but I’ll be honest and this isn’t a dig at you , loads of other players have used the same argument but me personally I think the ‘fitness’ reason is bollox ! Some how I don’t really see running around a field for three or four hrs wearing a heavy PC spread out over a whole day twice a mth is really going to help improve anyone’s fitness level ! 😂😂😂😂

I think training plates make sense if the folk wearing it get an extra life to be medic'd back in because they are carrying about the weight to deserve not walking back to spawn 🤣

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14 minutes ago, _stylian_ said:

Some systems do. Milsim West in the USA does that, and I've seen some Wardogs games give only 1 class PCs with plates for an extra life or extended heal time 

Good point BUT if you are going to put this in place then once you do use the extra life due the plates you have to sit at the spawn point for 30mins , because if you take the impact from a real bullet to your plate carrier you ain’t doing anything for a good while ! 🥴


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1 hour ago, Druid799 said:

Fair enough mate I totally accept the impression argument (essence of the past time after all ?) and I can see the carrier fit argument but then again any ridged plate will do that but I’ll be honest and this isn’t a dig at you , loads of other players have used the same argument but me personally I think the ‘fitness’ reason is bollox ! Some how I don’t really see running around a field for three or four hrs wearing a heavy PC spread out over a whole day twice a mth is really going to help improve anyone’s fitness level ! 😂😂😂😂


Why do you assume it's used that little? I've seen people at the gym wear these. 


I have a treadmill and was tempted to try these plates instead of buying a 'weighted vest' as I'd get more use out of plates than just running. However, I then realised I prefer running in just a t-shirt. (Read: Lazy)



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1 hour ago, SgtTalbert said:


Why do you assume it's used that little? I've seen people at the gym wear these. 

Very true indeed , but unless your using a military gym or you actually use a PC on a daily bases for work then has to be said you are going to look like prize twat jumping around in the gym in a tac vest ? 🤣


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21 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Very true indeed , but unless your using a military gym or you actually use a PC on a daily bases for work then has to be said you are going to look like prize twat jumping around in the gym in a tac vest ? 🤣



As I said, I have seen people use these at the gym, however, I've not judged purely on the fact that yes, in a civvi gym it may look weird BUT I couldn't do what they are doing, ie: weights, ropes, running in weighted plates. Each to their own really. Much like an at airsoft. If someone wants to run Crye or 8Fields, as long as they're having fun, who gives a shit tbh

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4 hours ago, _stylian_ said:

I've seen some Wardogs games give only 1 class PCs with plates for an extra life or extended heal time


I would very much like airsoft to not head down this route.  Once you've got people out there playing to different rules you've got an incentive and an excuse for everyone to start inventing their own special rules just for their own special view of their LARP costume.

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I've always wondered does this not affect a persons ability to feel hits? I've had a few instances of shooting people in something similar and them not feeling it, and I doubt the sound would be enough usually either. 



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21 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


I would very much like airsoft to not head down this route.  Once you've got people out there playing to different rules you've got an incentive and an excuse for everyone to start inventing their own special rules just for their own special view of their LARP costume.

Cos I'm a TSA agent I get to check you for hidden weapons.

Yea I sort of see your argument. Can I wear a stab vest and not be knife killed tho?

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29 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


I would very much like airsoft to not head down this route.  Once you've got people out there playing to different rules you've got an incentive and an excuse for everyone to start inventing their own special rules just for their own special view of their LARP costume.

It works at Bravo One because of the CCTV and Filmsim nature of it (refs with cameras as 'TV crews' etc) - I guess it is a bit like LARP, it's still honour based. If I remember correctly, it lets them take a hit and be 'wounded' so medics can revive, so they get on the floor and stop fighting.

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Unless you use them frequently I doubt the perceived fitness will happen. Daily yes, monthly no. It'll just knacker you if the latter and lead to overheating, backache and so on... but if the former and you're an avid fitness buff, into training, etc then why not. 👍


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2 hours ago, JamesAirsofterAgent said:

I've always wondered does this not affect a persons ability to feel hits? I've had a few instances of shooting people in something similar and them not feeling it, and I doubt the sound would be enough usually either. 




Nope, no different to thick foam or plastic plates in fact noise wise it’s better for noticing hits personally  


5 hours ago, SgtTalbert said:


Why do you assume it's used that little? I've seen people at the gym wear these. 


I have a treadmill and was tempted to try these plates instead of buying a 'weighted vest' as I'd get more use out of plates than just running. However, I then realised I prefer running in just a t-shirt. (Read: Lazy)




Should have mentioned this yesterday as the company owner was on the private day and the majority of people playing on green side were using them

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8 minutes ago, clumpyedge said:


Nope, no different to thick foam or plastic plates in fact noise wise it’s better for noticing hits personally  



Should have mentioned this yesterday as the company owner was on the private day and the majority of people playing on green side were using them


Lol. Talk about a missed opportunity!


Also - good to meet you

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43 minutes ago, SgtTalbert said:


Lol. Talk about a missed opportunity!


Also - good to meet you


I know! I was wondering which one of the marshals was going to be you and I just took an educated guess in the end!!


One of us will be back up pretty soon so more than welcome to check them out when and if we are. I may even do a video this weekend if I get the chance to show how audible the noise is 👍

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17 minutes ago, clumpyedge said:


I know! I was wondering which one of the marshals was going to be you and I just took an educated guess in the end!!


Lol, hopefully I didn't disappoint. Had I of know, I'd of worn my best clothes. 


18 minutes ago, clumpyedge said:

One of us will be back up pretty soon so more than welcome to check them out when and if we are. I may even do a video this weekend if I get the chance to show how audible the noise is 👍


Yes please that would be good - thanks muchly

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my take, & I'm sure the guys on here who have, or still serve will back me (or bollock me if I'm wrong), the yank adage of "train hard/fight easy" can be applied here to a certain extent.

if your day job (emergency services/military) requires you to be able to perform beyond the expectations of normal people, carrying weighty essential equipment, sometimes at speed or in risky situations, then sure, train with appropriate kit to simulate this, in order that when the shit hits the fan, you'll not only cope, but hopefully excel.

BUT if your job is a mundane run of the mill borefest, then don't bother, most gyms, or even our own surroundings have suitable equipment/props that will allow you to achieve what you want, without the risks, & wear & tear associated with carrying unnecessary weight.

these plates are just another fad that will fade in to obscurity in a couple of years, around the same time that a flood of claims hit the press for back injuries etc, think Optigrab in The Jerk lol.


#optigrab hashtag on Twitter.jpg

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