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Wearing Tactical bags in Airsoft matches

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This could sound a bit ridiculous, it's however you interpret it.


So basically, I own a black Tactical Bag, for reference it's called a Kombat UK Operators Duffle Bag.


Because I'm a bit of a twat, I've literally only just discovered that it has a backpack feature.


It's a nice addition for MilSim and it offers back protection in games which my Chest Rig lacks, not that I really care about being shot in the back, but it just gives me that slight advantage.


It carries my kit quite well aswell as guns that I want to switch between in the field such as my M56 shotgun.


But would you consider it practical?

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4 minutes ago, British_Squaddie said:

it offers back protection


Do you mean this huge pack here:



It's not back protection mate, it's hit absorption.


If you were wearing that at a game I was playing at, I'd be having a word with a Marshall to get you to leave it in the safe zone. 


It covers half of your entire body and there's no way you'd know if you were hit from behind.



8 minutes ago, British_Squaddie said:

it just gives me that slight advantage


Yeah, no shit.

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Never really see the point in people carrying large back packs within games.... leave when respawn is to dump your stuff, if your like most of us you’ll have a chair set up as well!! :lol:

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36 minutes ago, djben9 said:

Never really see the point in people carrying large back packs within games.... leave when respawn is to dump your stuff, if your like most of us you’ll have a chair set up as well!! :lol:


I done it for a bit.


First game it came in handy as someone managed to lose their HPA tank so I carried it in my bag and gave it to a marshal at the end. The second game was a milsim game so had food, water and general shit in it.


I've also contemplated using a rucksack whilst playing for exercises purposes - weighted rucksacks give big leg gains and adequate shoulder gains.

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Go right ahead, wont be long before you realise that the weight is annoying at best and reducing your performance at worst.


I wouldnt call it hit absorbtion either, most sites will count a hit to the bag as a kill (even if it were a "real" bullet it wouldnt) and all that'll acheive is making your outline bigger. If you dont take it then expect other players/marshals to start taking exception.


Only use of rucksacks i've seen have all been small low profile ones for carrying gas/bb's/grenades or a hydration pouch.

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6 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

most sites will count a hit to the bag as a kill


As they should. The concerning part is OP referring to it as "back protection" and "advantage".


If that does indicate a belief that it's OK to ignore what you can't feel, then let's nip that in the bud right away.  If you feel it, hear it, or even suspect that you've been hit, take it.  Just as you'd expect any target that you've successfully hit to acknowledge it, regardless of the amount of armour, padding or gear that they've chosen to cover themselves with.

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16 minutes ago, E21A said:

And there was me concerned I wouldn’t notice my hits with a plate carrier on! 🙄


I was concerned I wouldn't feel it with a helmet on in CQB but im pretty damn sure the noise of a BB hitting my helmet, vibrating through my skull, will be very obvious, lol

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1 minute ago, Seven said:


I was concerned I wouldn't feel it with a helmet on in CQB but im pretty damn sure the noise of a BB hitting my helmet, vibrating through my skull, will be very obvious, lol


Yes, I find it is very obvious when hit there. I always play CQB with a helmet; saved me from a few injuries in the dark.

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9 minutes ago, Jedi_Master said:


Yes, I find it is very obvious when hit there. I always play CQB with a helmet; saved me from a few injuries in the dark.


Indeed. I can imagine, and given my chosen style of play im going to be in a lot of possible injury scenarios, lol.



That and im a clutz and my head always pays the price... Lol

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24 minutes ago, Seven said:


I was concerned I wouldn't feel it with a helmet on in CQB but im pretty damn sure the noise of a BB hitting my helmet, vibrating through my skull, will be very obvious, lol


Yea, the PC makes a nice sharp snap when hit so is easy to know I’ve been hit 

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57 minutes ago, E21A said:

And there was me concerned I wouldn’t notice my hits with a plate carrier on! 🙄

I took the foam plates out of mine.  Saves weight and makes it more form fitting. the carrier is more than enough padding anyway.  You can just about feel if not hear the impacts of bbs.


40 minutes ago, Seven said:


I was concerned I wouldn't feel it with a helmet on in CQB but im pretty damn sure the noise of a BB hitting my helmet, vibrating through my skull, will be very obvious, lol


Helmets are great. Protecting you from the bbs and low hanging tree branches.  They also make a loud tick noise that lets you know you have been hit.  In those senarios its your duty to shout BOOM HEADSHOT and walk off to respawn.

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1 hour ago, E21A said:

And there was me concerned I wouldn’t notice my hits with a plate carrier on! 🙄


That's why I wear a belt and braces now rather than a vest.


Really, we should all be playing naked.  MTP body paint optional.

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

If you feel it, hear it, or even suspect that you've been hit, take it.  Just as you'd expect any target that you've successfully hit to acknowledge it, regardless of the amount of armour, padding or gear that they've chosen to cover themselves with.


oh how i wish more players followed this outlook.


maybe i've just been playing at sites where the mechanics of "if it's in the back it doesnt count" and "running makes you invunerable" are in play....

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To answer the OP question, Practicalities depend on the games.


You said useful for Milsims, some need you to carry all your gear for the day in which case a reasonable sized bag would be practical from a carry all my crap point of view. But as mentioned it will make your outline bigger, stick out behind trees etc and its something else that can get shot therefore meaning you are hit!

Protection wise, your looking at it wrong. If you want protection from boo boos caused by bbs then get a nerf gun or play laser tag. Talking about gear in a protection way is the wrong attitude for a softer, you need to feel your hits. A bag packed with gear, stuffed with crap will make it extremely hard for you to feel hits to your back yes. But also you may miss hits therefore  risk being called a cheat.


For a normal skirmish game a bag is pointless, even in woodland (unless the site recommends you bring more gear out with you, I have only seen ONE site which states you will be out from the safe zone for most of the day so bring bottles of bbs, water, snacks etc, the rest you go back to after an hour or 90 mins or so between games).

If you want ways to carry more gubs, either use slings/sheaths or just pop back between games to change or leave a little armoury in the safe zone.

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3 hours ago, kasaran said:

I took the foam plates out of mine.  Saves weight and makes it more form fitting. the carrier is more than enough padding anyway.  You can just about feel if not hear the 


I tried with the foam out but can’t get it tighten up enough, just moves around all the time. 


3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


That's why I wear a belt and braces now rather than a vest.



I considered this but they’re not worth as many tacticool points 😂


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I would have thougt it would still be a struggle, no matter what, Cordura isn't that flexible. 


I fixed the shoulders and one side of my black JPC with duct tape on the inside, so I only have to open one side to put it on.  Can't remember how yours attaches, if it is under the mag pouches, then that way wouldn't work so well for you




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Personally I’d see having a backpack on as a proper pain, but I prefer minimal gear in return for movability


used to have a little backpack on my molle but removed as was annoying and couldn’t get to it without removing vest

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1 hour ago, E21A said:


I tried with the foam out but can’t get it tighten up enough, just moves around all the time. 



I considered this but they’re not worth as many tacticool points 😂





I hope you realise a large amount of SF guys (especially UKSF) use yoke harnesses for the exact reason of: they're tactically amazing.

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46 minutes ago, steakandpotato said:




I hope you realise a large amount of SF guys (especially UKSF) use yoke harnesses for the exact reason of: they're tactically amazing.





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So it would appear all those years in the army I was doing it all wrong when first hint of trouble I dumped my Bergen and took off like shit through a goose looking for cover , I should have kept it on as P R O T E C T I O N ! 😳

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