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Why do people 'upgrade' cheap AEGs?

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I'm not referring to replacing broken parts or servicing old and out of warranty guns. When it comes to parts AND labour, I struggle to see the advantage to upgrading a <£300 AEG unless it's a form factor not available at a higher quality stock.





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Because myth busters proved you can polish a turd!


Seriously though people don't always have disposable income so once they have a gun (probably a first gun) they would rather do that up with the bit of money they have than fork out loads more for better base gun then spend even more to do that up.

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It could be simply a money issue.  A limited budget meant buying what they could afford at the time instead of saving up and having to wait longer.  Or because they did not do due dilgence first and just bought any old BB gun.  When they realise that the stock gun is not good enough and have to upgrade it to be on par with other players.


Alternately, some players just like tinkering with toys and seeing how they work or experimenting with different set-ups, so upgrading is more of a hobby.



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Why do people fix cars after they are over 3 years old ?  Because it's cheaper to upgrade than buy new constantly, plus If you like your gun and just want a little more out of it then there is no sense in changing 

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Because those cheap guns perform exactly the same as the £300+ ones. I would take a Cyma AK anytime over a G&G or G&P. If you know what you are doing, you can get better stuff for cheaper. If you don't then it's a safer choice to go for the expensive guns.

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Same reason people upgrade mundane cars to sometimes ridiculous levels of performance. Whether it's cost effective rarely comes into it. It's not uncommon to see the £2000 car with £20000 of upgrades and work outperformed by the untouched car that cost £10000. But I think it's very possible to take a £120 CM16, spend £100 on carefully selected parts and have it perform at least as well as a £350 rifle. It would arguably be a better Airsoft gun... Lighter, tough polymer that can take a few knocks... But given the choice between the Plain Jane that works really well or the average performing but high spec appearance, which do you choose?

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For me, it's because it's easier to say to the wife:


"I've just ordered a new part for my rifle"

Instead of

"I've just bought a new gun"


She'd go livid if I kept buying guns.

Upgrading the existing gun is good for keeping her sweet.


Plus I'm well happy with my rifle since ditching the standard barrel and hop unit for a Prometheus/Prowin combo, so I don't need a new rifle just yet (saving my pennies for a TM Recoil mind...). Just could do with a better spring in the Specna and it'd be perfect.

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Having been guilty of this...


Started with a Raider CM16. Felt out ranged and not so impressed with ROF and trigger response I spent 80 odd quid on a speed upgrade at my local shop as I played with another rifle they had done it too and it was a beast.

Obviously it wasnt the same as my raider was not as good as the other to start with.


However I wish I had spend the money on other upgrades as the trigger response is still rubbish and I have found I dont use full auto so the upgrade was pointless for me.



I guess it was being naive on my part and not knowing too much about available parts and how airsoft guns worked back then.

Its currently in pieces in a drawer at home because (apparently) the piston needs replacing and I do not want to pay a tech any more money to fix it as I feel I have spent too much on it already and want to tinker with it myself

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Because if you build it or even get someone else to do it for you it becomes more your own gun. If everybody just bought stock guns then every gun would just be another brand A or brand B gun and that's kind of boring.


There is also the cost factor, if you have a gun where the externals are ok you could reach the same levels of performance for half the price of a new higher quality gun.


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2 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Because ... it becomes more your own gun.



As does giving it a name :P



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6 hours ago, lemon191 said:

Why do people fix cars after they are over 3 years old ?  Because it's cheaper to upgrade than buy new constantly, plus If you like your gun and just want a little more out of it then there is no sense in changing 


I have specifically excluded this from my question.

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  • Mostly Retired Moderators
42 minutes ago, Jedi_Master said:


As does giving it a name :P




If you're coming to the Mall Game I'll introduce you to my Custom (has a foregrip and a tracer) M4....


She's called Esmeralda Hasslewaithe the 3rd.



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one reason is that upgrade parts are pretty cheap and everyone is allways looking to upgrade even the best of guns so why should the cheap ones be any different..with my JG ak spetz i had to change the spring to lower fps ,so at the same time i replaced the piston/head for the silent type, mainly because i thought its less then £15 so what the hell , amongst fitting a jefftron mosfet and all metal hopup and branded hop rubber + 9.6v battery the guns shoots really well for what costs have been put into it,

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Think the more important upgrades are the owner of the gun....

With me - deffo could improve my skill level - a LOT but I have an medium chill level I think (most times)


with others - upgrade to a more chilled level - sometimes see players with a higher stress level than their guns


plus there is a few downgrades where some have a high w@nker level on the field - I'm not perfect btw

(this w@nker factor is normally more annoying tbh)


The dick factor though is much more dangerous and this should be removed or reduced as much as possible

(dicks are a possible risk to all especially the main player's health if others administer their own downgrades)


ahhh wtf - when Mrs Duck says I'm immature  ( I know you are ner ner ne ne ner nahh I mutter under my breath )

Great - I don't feel so worried about being an old fart playing with toy guns still

As been said - your gun so do what ya want

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So to redirect this. When is it appropriate to suggest persons not upgrade their [stock/undamaged, but not necessarily new] gun and instead replace it and then upgrade the new gun later.


When operating by the caveat that AEGs with no version in the £300-400 price range exist, I struggle to find any AEGs (excluding ICS/TM) in the £160-£280 price range which appear to be good value when compared to an AEG in the £80-160 price range or £280-400+ ranges.


I always feel like the general advice for AEGs given here is buy cheap or buy expensive for your first gun, so spend £80-140 or £280-450, rarely are users without specific preferences advised otherwise and often advice indicates buying cheap to ensure the eventual 3-6 month later expensive purchase is done with better knowledge of airsoft.


Which brings me to this thread, most people asking about upgrades are not holding guns in the £280-400+ range and if they are they're put down quickly unless evidence of personal experience is adduced. Those asking about upgrades on cheaper guns are generally encouraged because when something goes wrong the loss is minimal and as noted above sometimes a mergre £100 upgrade budget + labour can hugely improve an £80-160 gun quite efficiently. Or alternatively depending on resources they're direct to buy in the £280+ ranges.


So why is it that we're a bit hit and miss on the on mid range guns. I have received the general impression that rarely can a £160-£280 gun be brought up to the quality of a gun in the range above that for the same costs but that the cheaper guns can.


So should mid range guns be upgraded at all, or just replaced with expensive guns? Do mid range guns even have a place in airsoft (when their form factor is far from unique.



Just rambling because the other day I wanted to tell someone to scrap their guns - as others eventually did.



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Not everyone has tonnes of money to shell out on their hobby. certainly not me anyway.

If i could improve the performance of my AEG by buying some relatively inexpensive parts and fitting them as time and money permits then what's the issue?

As long as your happy with what you're doing, what you have and you still get enjoyment from playing with it then that's just fine.


opinions are like bumholes. everyone has one

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I wonder if it's because broadly speaking we can categorise different price ranges as follows.

Cheap and cheerful. Can be made to shoot really well with some careful mods.

Expensive. Built with good parts and attention to detail. Works straight out of the box.

Mid range. Looks the nuts but a quick look inside reveals the same internals as the cheap and cheerful gun, OR not all that exciting to look at but actually really well made and put together (eg ICS).

Just a quick look around my local site puts most of the guns in the first three categories, with a surprisingly small number buying the sensible, well made mid range item.

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Depends on a few or number of factors....


Depends on gun:


The Noes or not really worth it - or avoid if possible

Bulldog 500A1 - forget it unless you are a sad bastid and love a big challenge for $hits n giggles

SRC - Sportsline's - depends some dragon's have a plastic box, most have metal box - but 1 piece hop

(SRC answer - nah not really - maybe a little but only when stuff breaks but ffs don't go nutz)

BBGuns4less - Krinkov bright orange AK plastic box - see SRC Dragon, can work but still nah




Cyma's 5xx range:

M4 - OK probably best cheapo gun out there sub £100

AK - the top battery dust cover is plastic and will require care or metal one

(tbh if poss buy the slightly more expensive 028 range or others - another £10or so well spent imho)


Better but more expensive Starter's:

Cyma's - the slightly better ones on offer, JG D-Boys blah blah blah

(£100 to say £150 or so)

G&G's - M4's nuff said but perhaps avoid the daft etu ones and just get something old skool that upgrades ok

ICS - another nice one


You get the idea...

NEXT - who is going to do the work/upgrades ???


Yourself - as long as you some basic common sense the why not ?

even as a large learning curve then yeah go for it especially if it is f*cked or semi f*cked

(what have you got to lose)


A shop or " Tech " and I use the term loosely coz there a few that may not be worthy of that term

This will cost so you need to use a good one with proven track record or reviews

Time is never free so this cost factor will have to be considered as well as the big question:




PRICE OF PARTS - let alone who fits it all:

Gearbox upgrades can vary from say £10 to oooh £100+ if you replace all plus motor/mosfet etc....

Hop-Barrel-Bucking can vary from £10 to £50 or more

On average say £50 - £75 might be average starting point but it is hard to quantify

but half of this might be needed at some point with just general wear & tear or a part failing

The issue comes from when you start/stop if box is open then replace/upgrade that too

(before you know it that original budget might be looking to double for example)


The other factor is down to the owner - it is their gun after all....

Whatever you do to a Raider it will still be a Raider or on the outside it will appear to be

Does this bother the owner - if not then no worries


If you have a G&G 18k motor fitted to most Carbine/Raiders and some others then that is $hit for upgrades

If you have the chrome blue "powerful motor" - this is better and might be in CM18's FireHawk's and maybe some others

The orange efrit neodym motor in some others like predator's are quite good

Why does this matter - well a new SHS motor is £30 so that could go elsewhere if not needed right now

(can always replace later but if going nutz with 13:1 gears then you might want a good motor & then maybe mosfet)


All of this adds up not just in money for parts but a very costly issue is time

time not just in fitting but trouble shooting any issues also - it can really mount up

(if you was paying somebody then either just repair/replace or go as nutz as you feel you want to but in one go perhaps)


Then things is - everybody & every gun will be vary on what they perceive is worth doing

It is hard to quantify what the level of nutz is, but I feel the manufacturers need to rethink their spec


If I was buying a gun over £200 -well deffo over £250 I would strongly expect it to come with:

a mosfet, AoE corrected, Deans etc....

Now I know Krytac/Alizzard was saying they can't use deans & can't use china copy deans but surely...

(Stop calling me Shirley)

Surely they could use Star power connectors:


Image result for star connectors deans compatible


but hey ho - there ya go my quick rough short thoughts - pah when have I ever given a brief quick response

it is not easy to give a simple one-for-all answer - depends on gun/budget/owner themselves etc....

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I think sometimes people just get comfortable with what they use. My main gun is still my faithful Sig and that gets worked on all the time. Admittedly it wasn't exactly a cheapo when I bought it sort of upper mid tier but yeah you could just buy better but it wouldn't be the same. I have owned all sorts in the last few years Recoils, G&P, Krytac but none have lasted more than a few months and very few have ever made game days except the Sig because it's the one I feel most comfortable using.

Sometimes just buying more expensive doesn't get you what you need and familiarity is more important.  No gun I have ever used shoots better than it anyway.


 Can't see me ever changing from it now, I will still buy new guns but they will always be back ups or stand ins. 

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I think most have covered this point, but from my point of view, i brought an semi plastic M4 for around £70, i found a full metal upper & lower for £35 and then got a full metal floating RAS for another £30. All in all my son's Full metal M4 cost me £135 shoots good enough  to contend with all others and it was way less than £300.00. Thats why, also the retailers need to know that yes it would be nice to own a £300 gun , but being mass produced prob from china shouldn't come with such a price tag.


Popular sport Exploit the player 

Quote :Krytac free draw for a chance to win a Vector (buy a new gun to be entered) 

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I am cool with folk buying then 6 months later wanting to upgrade.... but to me it makes no sense to buy a gun and shove bits in it straight away when there are guns that perform better out the box than yours would after a new barrel and bucking. So if you can but better in that instance you are a mug to not do so.


Sniper rifles are a tad different though as they do need upgrading out the box.

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