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dead men tell no tales


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This saying makes me laugh.

I was on the field and notice quite a few people with radios talking After they were hit.


Ino rules can bent a few times but all the time is quiet annoying


Anyone had this experience?

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Yeah it pisses me off too, can't think of any particularly memorable occasions but it's a general annoyance. How hard is it to wait till you respawn after a few seconds.

Sometimes people forget and it slips out which I don't mind but when it's blatant and there's effort going in to discussing it, that's when it bothers me.


If you're reading this and you talk when dead, you're a knob.

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I dont mind talking to people around me when im dead and the area is clear, but i wont talk about enemy positions, their numbers etc untill im mediced back or i regen

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I've had this when i snuck up on an enemy position at Skirmish Billericay.


Two guys and I were flanking behind the other team, and slowly started double tapping the guys at the back. Managed to take out 4 - 5 before one gent guy shouted at his team whilst walking away.This actually resulted in a kid trying to run and gun sideways, right into a tree.


If you're dead, I don't mind you shouting 'Good shot' or muttering curses. But actively telling your team that you were hit from behind is a douche move.

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I tell my team mates I'm dead or other players if they can't see my arm up


How do people react when told to move if your in the line of fire ?? I generally move a few paces out of the way

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Couple weeks ago I saw someone walking along talking on their radio about opposition troop movements etc. At first I thought he was on my team and pushing forwards. Then I realized he was on the other team. To me this indicated that he was a live player as only live players are allowed to provide such information to teammates, and he must have just been stretching his arm, so I gave him a nice little burst of 25 rps.


He wasn't too happy about this so I explained my reason for considering him a live player and he didnt argue, just sulked off towards his respawn.


This is now my tactic for such douche-bags, if you're gonna act like a live player you're getting shot like one :)

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^^^ Completely agree sir colonel


I was stood behind a helo when I was dead, wasn't sure what to do so i moved, Marshall asked what I was doing, so I told him, he said ok no worry's and sent me to the furthest point away from my team to get medic'd which i thought was completely fine


I usually see once every game, people under the same colour arm band right in the line of fire after the enemy noticed them and I have to turn away so I dont make it obvious what I've seen especially when its team matee

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Oh yea, of youre in the way of someones line of fire, you need to step aside or hit the deck or youre gonna get shot some more.


I love yelling out 'Marshal you're gunna get shot'...


The yellow jackets move quickly away from the sniper scope.

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I love yelling out 'Marshal you're gunna get shot'...


The yellow jackets move quickly away from the sniper scope.

I was once hidden in a bush looking about 30m to the corner of a building. I spotted two enemy players on the corner, the first of which was shot by someone in the building above just as i set my sights on him.


The second person was stood behind the first, and i didnt hear him call hit, so i assumed he was medicing rge first guy and put a short burst at the pair. The burst must have hit because the first person turned to face me.


The way the rules work, either the second person was medicing when the first was hit, and they were both now hit, or he wasnt and the first player needs to step aside and let me shoot the second. However, nobody else called hit moved.


I put another short burst his way and shouted "move", but the pair stood still.


After the fourth burst, the first guy yelled angrily that they were both hit, and didnt seem too happy.


The way i saw it, he should have let me see that the second guy was hit unless he wanted another rinsing

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I just keep shooting them till they shut up. If they argue or kick off about it I just reply with "oh since you were on your radio I thought you weren't dead!"


Either they'll shut up or grumble something unintelligible and slink off to respawn in disgrace. Always handy if a marshall is nearby :)

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Following this point, but from the otherside.


If a player is walking away with his arm up, gun at his side and clearly out. Don't shoot them for laughs, I've been full auto'ed by a guy doing this once, and he wasn't aiming at my body. I ended up spitting his BB's back at him.

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This ranks up there with those who do not take their hits, really grinds my gears and takes away the trust element of any skirmish, whilst it's generally a case of letting a marshal know, I wholeheartedly agree that repeat offenders need to be lit up with a round of .25's!

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This ranks up there with those who do not take their hits, really grinds my gears and takes away the trust element of any skirmish, whilst it's generally a case of letting a marshal know, I wholeheartedly agree that repeat offenders need to be lit up with a round of .25's!


From my previous post, 3 marshals were around the bloke when he did it as the team had been doing it all day long.


Needless to say, me and a Demon were not very happy with the site or the marshals for allowing the behaviour all day long.

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From my previous post, 3 marshals were around the bloke when he did it as the team had been doing it all day long.


Needless to say, me and a Demon were not very happy with the site or the marshals for allowing the behaviour all day long.


Disappointing experience for you then.... Our local site generally doesn't tolerate this & have seen people banned because of behavioral issues, but there's always exceptions as you've stated

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Disappointing experience for you then.... Our local site generally doesn't tolerate this & have seen people banned because of behavioral issues, but there's always exceptions as you've stated


Those exceptions seem to be the "Locals" or those that are on a first name basis with the marshalls because of stuff like this. This ruins the game and you know it's time to find a new site.


We're looking at Epsom tunnels during may, and then maybe Apocalypse in Kent after.



Also, pretending to be dead so you're friends can regen from you is another douche move.

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I got 3 shots to the ribs by a regular who accused me of blind firing at him only to see at my next game that he was a Marshall


I've had people moan at me that they were already out so I remind them to put there hand up but as mentioned above, when walking to respawn I put my rifle behind me or take the mag out if I'm going back to the safe zone

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I would really love to see the dead man rule go a little further. You really shouldn't on regen be telling your team mates where they are, the character you were that died is dead and that information died with him. Now you personally can't forget it but you really shouldn't be telling others about information gathered because it wasn't recon that made it back.


Its hard enough getting the dead man rule applied as is but people really ought to think about the implications on the realism of what is going on based on how its being played and this rule not only really matters, but doesn't actually go far enough.

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I'd agree with that bright candle


As tom Hank's said


"the message carries on while he has breath in his lungs" or words to that effect

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Same here, if attack or defence is going no where, I just bugger off else where

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I do use my radio when I'm dead, but before you all shoot me down:


We play at the sandpit, often there are lots of us. It's a big place and often we lose contact with each other. You head out as a squad, or a few sometimes, one gets hit and makes their way back to the regen and might find it hard to re-join your group for various reasons.


I will often make calls on the lines of "dead man walking" or "Nick is OM to regen", I often leave it a minute or two before I make the call to clear the area and do not mention where I was hit. If I do mention locations, ie where I am now, I only do this when well behind the lines in fairly generic areas. I won't give any details away about others movements but it does allow members of the team who are also making their way back to regen or just about to leave the regen decide they may hang back so we can form a small squad to return to the game in force.

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I couldnt care less who tells their teammates where I was when I shot them. I wont be there when they come back.



Same here, if attack or defence is going no where, I just bugger off else where


Played a game two weeks ago. Hit someone from inside a room out of the doorway, and saw two more guys behind him in the distance. The first guy walked right in front of my line of fire, so I tried to shoot around him. He then proceeded to have a go at me but I apologised anyway. Soon afterwards I realised my attack was a failure so I decided to leave the room via the back door. A minute later the marshalls announced "Weapons down! Weapons down!" through the PA. Turns out the guy I first shot came back with a solid-state grenade and attempted to throw it into the room, as he thought I was still there (I presume). He threw it at the glass door instead and shattered it everywhere.


So remember kids, don't stay in the same area for too long or you'll get impaled by shards of glass.


(It was actually safety glass so it shattered into billions of harmless pieces)

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