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  On 26/08/2014 at 08:29, n1ckh said:

That is very true Richie

I took the oath but end of the day, who did I have to rely on in the mix of it ?

God, queen or country ?? It was the men next to me, the ones who saw each other through training, the guys who stood shoulder to shoulder, they were family to me


"they were family to me"

My parents said the Army is full of thugs ( D: ) , this proves to me that they are well and truly wrong along with a lot of other things I've read on here, makes me happy that one day I'll hopefully be serving. :)

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no matter what you do in life, your passing out parade with be one of the proudest days of your life. that one day tells you that you have achieved what most people cant or wont achieve


in many cases (possibly most), that instant bond and respect will become evident throughout life and that includes after service. you will meet other ex forces and there is an instant mutual respect and often friendships formed on that basis alone. being a soldier becomes your nature and even when you give up the right to the job title, you may never give up the nature which is no bad thing B)



of course you will meet some tossers who served but you will always meet tossers. just ignore them

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Its strange how reading that just knocked all the respect for the armed services right out of me. There was I thinking these individuals put their lives on the line to defend the British way of life, there isn't a single British way of life comment in the whole thread. The level of prejudice, racism and general nastiness is not something I expected. If they really think so lowly of the people they defend why bother, we can have a guess at the reasons. These guys are the ones that don't get it, life and hating others isn't what any individual should be about, these people are failing at life.

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I agree with some of the stuff they said.

Pls don't hurt me.


Edit: Before I start a flame war I agree with the following statement:


The downside being you then have to explain "manly death wars'" involves overdressing in badly fitting military or riot police style kit and running around firing small plastic beads at other nobbers, who also take it far more seriously than can be good for you.


The point is people take it way too seriously.

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Ironically, what those replies your thread received demonstrated to me, was a bunch of wannabe internet warriors with so many self-esteem issues that they could fill a psychology text book. I mean really, if all those embarrassingly childish taunts about not having a life/wife/girlfriend doesn't demonstrate a bunch of people who haven't had a decent relationship in years, if ever, then I don't know what would. If they weren't such tools, I might actually feel sorry for them.

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  On 14/09/2014 at 16:36, Chock said:

Ironically, what those replies your thread received demonstrated to me, was a bunch of wannabe internet warriors with so many self-esteem issues that they could fill a psychology text book. I mean really, if all those embarrassingly childish taunts about not having a life/wife/girlfriend doesn't demonstrate a bunch of people who haven't had a decent relationship in years, if ever, then I don't know what would. If they weren't such tools, I might actually feel sorry for them.

hence the question mark over their service. we have ex forces here yet we do not show the same level of narrow mindedness displayed on that forum and i am not referring exclusively to airsoft. those who did serve tend to be more accepting because we had to be so people who claim to have served yet have complete disrespect for anyone outside of their group make me doubt that they have served at all. there are some exceptions to every rule but i would say that it is in our nature to be accepting and open minded. you had to be or you couldnt trust anyone you shared a room/regiment/battlefield with. you simply could not have an armed forces with that kind of culture in it


it would be interesting to see how they react to an ex serviceperson promoting this sport to them

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Ignorance is what blinds people to things and causes no end of problems, wars etc


They say ignorance is bliss but its also deadly at the same time

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i have just mentioned on facebook tonight that one of the main attractions to this is the attitude between players. once you are at a site it is a utopia where we can forget the outside world and concentrate of having a bit of fun with the lads and it doesnt really matter if you win or lose. it about participating in a team sport with others who are also there to spend the day enjoying ourselves miles away from the monumental supply of tossers out there in the real world. no doubt there will be some bad apples around in this world but so far the overwhelming majority are decent and respectful people

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its really only a combination of looking at what you want from the sport and observations. the common element seems to be a day out with the boys (and a few girls) enjoying ourselves without getting too serious about the results. you win some, you lose some but there are never arguements, just a bit of banter which is fine as long as you keep your sense of humour about it

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  On 14/09/2014 at 18:05, Richie Boyle said:



it would be interesting to see how they react to an ex serviceperson promoting this sport to them


They'll react in the exact same way.


I'm assuming (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) that not many people posting on here in shock and dismay at the attitude exhibited on Arrse have actually spent much time on different forums? The herd mentality is prevalent among a great many of these internet based hives of douchebaggery, it matters not what an individual member might think of something, if the forum bellends smell blood in the water there's always a feeding frenzy.


Chalk it up to experience and get on with your life. It's not worth your time and trouble.

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That forum... Makes me feel like back in my country going into interwebs and making one spelling mistake. Everyone wants to behead you and make you eat your own ****


Oh them ignorant people... Its weird tho. Ever since I used to be in college studying Public Services I met couple of people from the Military Police, Royal Marines and the Army and they were never that bunch of ignorant twats like those on that forum. I guess thats what you call



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  On 15/09/2014 at 09:17, Lozart said:


They'll react in the exact same way.


I'm assuming (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) that not many people posting on here in shock and dismay at the attitude exhibited on Arrse have actually spent much time on different forums? The herd mentality is prevalent among a great many of these internet based hives of douchebaggery, it matters not what an individual member might think of something, if the forum bellends smell blood in the water there's always a feeding frenzy.


Chalk it up to experience and get on with your life. It's not worth your time and trouble.

Nevertheless, I think it would be interesting. I believe that there is more to this than the usual dickheadery. To these people carrying a gun was/is a huge part of their self image - they are special, a gun = power and only the special can have them...


...and thus anybody else doing it, even in play, is a massive threat to their egos. It is entirely subconscious: if it were not they would genuinely feel dismissive, since AEG's are not guns and those airsofters who strut around making out like they are SF (and we've all seen 'em) are bellends. But if someone is genuinely dismissive, no matter what the internet argument, they dismiss (after all it's not like there isn't a million and one other things they could turn their attention to online)... they don't rant on about what cunts whomever has irked them are.


But if someone who is 'special' like them and can prove it says airsoft is cool, unless these people are able for one split second to muster up some self awareness, then the threat to their ego is monumental. I'll bet it wouldn't matter what is said, they must be seen to have the last word, in the most caveman-ish way to 'win', and if that is not possible, for eg if you stay civil and can intelligently counter every argument they put forward, they will keep banging away at it, getting more and more offensive, until the thread gets closed. The funniest thing is that in situations like this, online or irl, you can even tell them what they are doing and prove it by making predictions about what they will say which then prove to be correct, but they will literally not be able to stop, even if the ban hammer, or being booted out of wherever you are, looms...



There is a certain amount of this behaviour which goes on amongst any group, especially groups of men, but it is usually much more subtle and hidden behind stuff which is arguably just humour; you know, "it was just a bit of banter - don't get your knickers in a twist". As mods all we can do is try to keep a handle on 'the vibe', but as individuals we could proof read our posts and, if we are ribbing somebody, briefly consider whether it is just banter or, for whatever reason (which we ourselves may not know, or know for sure, but which we nevertheless feel), we are poking somebody to put them down... ;)

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Mark Owen (the SEAL chap) made a statement about airsoft (I posted on here somewhere) that would serve your purpose but honestly - it's all just pissing in the wind. Arrse and it's like are populated by mouth breathing knuckle draggers that purely exist to massage their own fragile egos. It's not worth wasting your time on.


As a wise man once said - it's like teaching a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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Well yeah, it's a funny analogy, but there is a point: it is practice for when you come across these kinds of people irl who are expressing objectionable views. You can just let it go, but doing so fosters the culture in which whatever they have said is considered, if not 'ok' exactly, then normal. So if we think of the kinds of views which the stereotypical ex/uniformed pillock holds as a scale with 10 being egregious at one end and just daft being 1 at the other, then if we let a 5 become normalised, then when he's feeling confident, or belligerent, etc, then he will come out with 6's & 7's and if he gets away with that, it'll be 8-stylee xenophobia, 9-stylee gender/sexuality/race/religious persecution and eventually 10-crypto-fascism.


But these people are belligerent when challenged and it can be difficult to get your ducks in a row when somebody is arguing with you aggressively, using the age old loom to lend credibility to an idiotic position, ad hominem, etc - but if you've practiced it beforehand, what to say is right there on the tip of your tongue, all you have to think about is how to say it for maximum effect and whether you can wipe the floor with him intellectually without getting a punch in the face, or whether it's worth the punch to further 'the cause'...

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i wonder the the anti-bully thing is a forces thing or simply a question of standards and morals. i hate them too and being honest, with cyber-bullies i do take great pleasure in ripping them to pieces using intellect and humour rather than lowering myself to their tactics of abuse and obscenities. their goal is always to upset their victim and nothing winds them up more than the victim showing absolutely no sign of this because they are then becoming frustrated. once that begins it is simply a case of adding a little humour to your own reasoned debate and when the opportunity presents itself (as it always will), humiliate them into submission. 90% of them will suddenly disappear and will not respond to your posts. all you have to do is remain polite and put forward a reasoned response to whatever gibberish they are throwing at you. when they give you the opening you go in for the kill and call their bluff or whatever the situation calls for. even some sarcasm if it can be presented as banter. providing you have a quick wit and you know what you are talking about then the end result will only be a matter of time :)


i remember a guy known as space cadet. he was well known for his tall stories but he slipped up big time with me. he spinned me some yarn about working for the RAF as a civvy in whatever war zone was recently started. his story was that the army boys had done a 6 month tour and had almost set up communications then he went over and it took him 2 weeks to finish the job of setting up morse communications for the RAF. my response was that i served in the signals and therefore knew that the army had binned morse 8 years ago (at the time) and didnt realise that the RAF had kept using it after the army binned it. i could almost hear the 'OOPS' in his head :lol:

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