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Everything posted by Namaco

  1. Alright thanks lads! Really appreciate for the info. Will probably end up buying one later on but when... God knows. Happily I know how to use radio in a proper way thanks to some milsim experience xD
  2. I've always wondered. Is it any worth getting a radio for airsoft? Do a lot of people use radios? From what I've seen and amount of playing on my local site on TWA not many people use radios but as I plan on going to sites that are further away from me which makes me think people in there might be using radio. So tell me AF-UK. Is it worth getting a radio for airsoft?
  3. Glock just... Looks so sexy! how can you not want to buy a glock and love it? Damn you heartless people. Well I guess I just go for the looks when it comes to guns.
  4. Airsoft today was fun but everything hurts me like hell. I'm a old old man

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mr-bodycounter


      Namaco! I recognise you, you were the bloke with the G36C from the site, I had the really loud and short M4.

    3. Namaco


      Yea thats me xD I had the rented G36C indeed. I go with a nickname of "Alphabet" for a certain reason lol Good to know more people from TWA on here!

    4. Namaco


      That short M4 though. Gave me eargasm

  5. All packed up and ready to go for TWA tomorrow. Finally managed to stabilize my roam2 on my helmet so it doesn't flop around. LETS GOOOOO

  6. Well TWA allows to use external mags for their rental G36 but have to buy and use the BB's from their place. Duh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Namaco


      Friend used to play airsoft before and he owned one of the G36's, after his one broke he stopped playing airsoft and I was like "I will take ya mags I will take a GOOD care of them"


      I might as well get myself a G36 later on but planning to go for a AK. So meanwhile I will be going to play using the rentall G36 I might use the mags right?

    3. Mr Monkey Nuts

      Mr Monkey Nuts

      if you have already bought their bbs in the past why cant you just continue to use them?

    4. Namaco


      Talked with them and they allowed to. Phewph. Now at least I won't need to buy another bag

  7. That forum... Makes me feel like back in my country going into interwebs and making one spelling mistake. Everyone wants to behead you and make you eat your own **** Oh them ignorant people... Its weird tho. Ever since I used to be in college studying Public Services I met couple of people from the Military Police, Royal Marines and the Army and they were never that bunch of ignorant twats like those on that forum. I guess thats what you call
  8. http://i.imgur.com/1IpX4b3.png LOOK at that price! Damn they must be some sort of "specially" crafted and enhanced pads
    1. Sitting Duck
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      only use knee pads but suppose you could give elbows to a small airsoft puppy if ya wish

      or use them when you do spectacular dolphin dives, but won't stop gun breaking as you hit floor

    3. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      Bargain, Buy it now!

  9. If they need plumbing or some construction needed well yea I ain't the Pole for that job xD But on the topic. I guess everyone has their taste and to me that just looks like a burned black blob on a pan that was suppose to be a pancake.
  10. Good enough. Sure the kids will love it enough
  11. Come on now stormtrooper. We know you want one but you would of miss every shot. Uncle Vader won't be happy
  12. Old man Ian is going nuts xD That just... Makes the Thompson look so ugly D:
  13. badumm As a anime freak I had to buy this. Too bad ass not to. Was looking for it EVERYWHERE and I found it!
  14. Holy crackers been ages I came here! Hello peeps! Anyone going for skirmish to TWA Woodlands on 20th?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Namaco


      I think I remember it but hard to (short memory xd) Well I hope it will be fun on 20th anyways

    3. TacMaster


      Welcome back, Alphabet :)

    4. Namaco


      Thanks a lot Tac!

  15. Honestly in love with my ROAM2... Hopefully my headband mount will arrive tomorrow so I will be ready to record on saturday on TWA Woodlands :3

    1. Namaco


      Aaand TWA Woodlands is cancelled on 4th D:

    2. AirsoftTed


      UCAP Sandpit is open on the 5th mate, thats where Im headed instead. Depending where you are its probably easier to get to than TWA

    3. Namaco


      Hah I work on 5th not mentioning its my birthday xD

  16. Happy new year motherfudgers! WORTH DRINKING! Looking forward 4th of January skirmish, anyone going to TWA on that date?

    1. AirsoftTed


      I'll see you there mate, happyu new year!

  17. Anyone has any ideas how to make contour roam2 stick onto helmet/hat (helmet with cover) I forgot to buy headband mount and Im sure the adhesive that comes in the package won't really stick to the material whatsoever... :`|

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jcheeseright


      3M adhesive backed Velcro, it will stick to ANYTHING.


    3. Namaco


      Well It is only as a backup plan unless the headband mount wont arrive on time before 4th, Managed to get express delivery, estimated is on 3rd just before skirmish. I want to try it out on a skirmish and Im sure adhesive wont hold it anyways xd

    4. Namaco


      thanks lads!

  18. Aw Shi'... Gun I wanted to buy once I get my UKARA just disappeared from a site I found it on now I cannot find it anywhere.. CM040 (AKS-101) Now I have to find something new :`| More research...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Russe11


      Or have you checked out JDairsoft.net and their £85 CA guns? They still have some left.

    3. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Get a CYMA Above 045 in model,it'll be half steel and have a steel receiver.

    4. Namaco


      Damn thanks Russe11! Saved my arse there!

  19. Ah well... New thing to my loadout is my helmet :`| ((Click on the picture for full SIZE)) Well it has my beloved Polish wz.93 camo but well... The cover was not designed to fit MICH but Polish Helmet so it does not fit it completely but will use the power of Eastern Europe to make it sit -.- Will try to put a full load-out picture of me in it together with my mask & balaclava once I get into a airsoft match :3 EDIT: Told ya Eastern European will find a way... Got it right in like a baby in a diaper! Wont be using it alot tho... Not fan of it somehow but meeh
  20. God damn it I wanna go airsofting ASAP D: damn Christmas

    1. jay83


      Haha tell me about it!!

    2. jay83


      Haha tell me about it!!

    3. AK47frizzle


      shoot yo' neighbours, shoot yo' cat, shoot yo' sister, shoot yo' dawg, shoot everyone

  21. Anyone knows where I can get some "unique" or at least nice urban camo clothing? Im talkin about something like Russian urban tiger etc

  22. Stuff from Hong Kong Arrived on the estimated date... On the other hand Military1st already f*cked up my order and want £2 for re-send even when its not my fault.

    1. Esoterick


      Tell them to jog on, I'd just cancel the order if they won't foot the bill.

    2. Lozart


      Hmmm...never had any trouble with Military1st. Even offered a free swap out when I ordered the wrong trousers by mistake.

  23. Soo... A little shopping has been made... Mich 2000 helmet (replica ofc duh) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330727130012 So I can put on my Polish wz.93 camouflage cover on it :3 Half Mask http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321094526364 Yes... I do not like it but due the stories I heard for a veteran airsofter... I decided to buy one. Buut as I hate walking around with one I decided to buy a balaclava to fit over in my helmet + give me some heat in cold weather AAAND to hide the mask away :3 http://www.military1st.co.uk/10898a-lightweight-1-hole-balaclava-spandex-paintball-black.html
  24. I hope I will get my UKARA paper approved on next skirmish by the site so I can send it off... Those G36C's I get are getting on my nerves by jamming everytime...

    1. Insanityx


      Yeah, those things suck. The one I used in my second game wasn't too bad. Though almost everything out ranged me by an awful lot. I'm hoping to get in a game in soon while the weather is cold but not too wet so I can get my site membership + UKARA registration sorted.

    2. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      Got my membership sorted last week and my first pistol yesterday :)

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