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The 'What have you just broken' Thread

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so now the piston head has snapped off the piston on my first AEG. Not going very well so far lol. Would i be right to assume any Piston would fit, or would have to be specifically made for an ics m4 sir?

was thinking this; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AIRSOFT-AEG-PISTON-ALL-7-METAL-TEETH-UK-DELIVERY-complete-kit-/390596976418?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item5af164df22

If somebody could tell me wether or not it would fit then i would be much obliged :D

should do, the ones in mine are standard.

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well having fitted a new nozzle spring and hop unit to my CTW it would appear something has gone in the gearbox as it now just makes a horrible noise and the selector gear seem far to wobbly :(


Oh well off to JDs I go next weekend, will just have to run the Vector and Sniper at the next game.


I cant complain as its the first fault with the gun

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BB feeder on my mag is borked. Happened during a skirmish,thankfully my BattleBro happened to have a spare VSR mag.

Anybody know of a fix for this? it blocks the cylinder nozzle from entering the hop chamber when empty,I have a strong feeling I will smash it as I slam my bolt into the gun.


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Does the mag come apart, UTJ? If you can get the spring out from the bottom, some kind of flange added to that plastic 'follower' might stop it poking out - something like a washer of the right size super-glued in place at the bottom, so the rounded bump bit still contacts the BB's...


Not exactly airsoft, but the Soviet era watch I bought to go with my developing KGB loadout packed up yesterday. It's a real bollock because it's a pretty complex jewelled alarm movement so it'll probably cost more than it's worth to get it fixed :(

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You say that Ian i Found my Fossil Big Tic Watch today some Fupper's been and had the Links from it.. geuss that's another trip to the bleeding jeweler's!

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You say that Ian i Found my Fossil Big Tic Watch today some Fupper's been and had the Links from it.. geuss that's another trip to the bleeding jeweler's!

The fupping baxter!

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Not quite wot I broke but more wot I thought I broke my MK46 turnt out too be the microswitch, quick vist to maplins and it now back up and running

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i appeared to have destroyed the spring on my G&G CM16 which allows me to pull back the charging handle. No more uber-coolness :(

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i appeared to have destroyed the spring on my G&G CM16 which allows me to pull back the charging handle. No more uber-coolness :(

It's completely useless anyway, lol.

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You can replace the spring easily, or if you wanted, you could replace the charging handle

True, i looked in the box and there was a sheet with all the part numbers. I may be able to get a replacement :)

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Try saying Hoor in a thick Dublin accent!

Being from Glasgow I just assumed you meant an woman from a house of ill repute ;) Besides that a pretty standard insult back home lol!

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my src sr4 r.i.s, was shooting it happily and everthing was functioning well then it just simpily wouldnt function :( , i left it to the site i bought the gun off and they said it would most likely be just a fuse or a loose connection. the site rang me back a few days ago to tell me the full firing mechinism was broke. having the gun for about 4 mounths now my dad asked if the warrenty covers it but the guy said no , he says it's had a few-to-many knocks. this was the bad thing cause im always careful with my gun (well i thought i was) and ive only used it about 6 times now and have never ever dropped it. gonna get it fixed but the site owner said it will be about 60ish for parts and 20ish for labour :(

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I think they're ripping you off, you could get an entire new gearbox for less than that.

Get it back off them and send it somewhere else. Patrol Base will sort it for way less than that I'd have thought.

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Yea name and shame the poxy Shop aswell!


Would have thought the Fair use of good's act could be used to persuade them to fix it under warranty aswell!

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You are really getting ripped off. Replacing the trigger assembly on a V2 is a bit of a pain(Well,for me at least,I bloody hate V2s) and rather cheap. It should cost about 20 quid for the parts and 10 for labor. It took me less than half an hour to install a new trigger system into a V3.

As Ed said,you can buy a decent gearbox for 80£.


Find a better shop.

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This weekend my ICS AKS-74U went into terminal decline. Last night it stopped firing on semi-auto: safe or full auto only. I took the selector lever off, oiled inside and also above the selector gears so it would run down onto them and gave it a good wiggle. Reattached lever taking care that it was done up tightly - no change. Today it started to sound like the battery was dead, but it was freshly charged, and then it wouldn't quite fire. When I took my finger off the trigger it fired - did this a few times. I'm guessing something around the switch and/or tappet plate, but any suggestions would be gratefully considered.


My main trouble is that, although the gucci penetrating oil I bought for the job did free up the front end enough to move a fraction of a millimetre, I still can't actually get the damn thing apart!!! :(:angry:

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Broke my friend's USP mag release whilst trying to repair his gun feeding problem... so now he has to use bluetack and have his hand under it. He's cool with it.


For those of you who don't believe me, this is his gun Photo-0058_zps5202ec3c.jpg

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My marui scar-l stock catch, slipped down a muddy hill last weekend and snapped it. 4 months for a replacement from Japan... Should have bought a G&G!

Pleas tell me where you got it from and how much as mine has been broken for ages so cant fold the stock. dont mind the wait as long as i can get one!

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no broken per say, but i have ordered and recieved a clone/copy of a doctor sight off ebay, and a acog mount from ant supplies for it.


The acog mount wount fit my acog for 2 reasons, firstly i have a epic acog'alike with a illuminated recticle, and the wheel to change colour/brightness is in the way, and secondly, its too wide 50mm versus the 40mm normal .... abit like me :lol: .


just to add insult to injury the doctor'alike sight wont fit on the acog mount due to a small switch that extends into the ris mount .... however the hole centres look spot on :(

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