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The Film Thread- no spoiling please!

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I recently went to see a new release called Trance, directed by Danny Boyle. Utterly amazing, so many twists in the plot.

Anyway, post any films you have recently seen and your opinion of it- but don't spoil the plot! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

may as well...

Olympus has fallen-good watch. can tell its another attempt by americans to try and match bond. dosent quite but certainly entertaining and worth the watch.


iron man 3. brilliant. but then i like most comicbook movies. rather than just following on form iron man 2 it actually follows of from the avengers and does hold to the comic book thing of him realising hes slightly outgunned so has to figure a way to keep up. and without actually mentioning anything in this movie you can see him developing the idea for the ulteron project(or whatever its called) which is something im looking forward to in future movies...

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Anyway, post any films you have recently seen and your opinion of it- but don't spoil the plot! :)

Dumbledore dies


For some reason i've gone into Asian mode for the last 6 months. Asian music, films and TV...

Re-watched Ip-Man the other day.

Can't beat a bit of Wing Chun.

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Dumbledore dies


For some reason i've gone into Asian mode for the last 6 months. Asian music, films and TV...

Re-watched Ip-Man the other day.

Can't beat a bit of Wing Chun.


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Nah, not really my kind of style.

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the hurt locker is always the best film for me, watched it several times. Just love the part when the guy fires the barret and the shell slowly falls to the ground

The book it's based on is farrr better the book is called 8 lives down and its about a British ATO ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Saw The Purge recently... It's alright. It makes itself out to be a horror film, but it's really not scary at all. It's just those creepy mask things. Ew.


Some pretty cool gun bits though! Overall though... 6/10 I'd say.

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Question: It is only movies with gunfights ?

In doubt...

(because of my poor vocabulary i just will write some words about the different movies)

Kill List: by Ben Wheatley = stressful, dark, (in my french version) not censored with differents violence actions (i don't know how it goes in england)
(plus it's an English movie)

Heat: by Mickeal Mann = (I hope that everybody have already seen this movie) bank robbery, gunfights, DeNiro + Al Pacino

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

thread needs a bump.


downloaded a film last night, then found out it was on film 4 the very same evening... d'oh.


Battle Royale.


A Japanese film about a group of school kids are put on an island, and forced to fight each other to the death. last person standing gets to survive.


Yes it sounds very much like The Hunger Games, and does have a lot of similarities, which makes it a deffo to put on your watch list if you enjoyed that series. May I point out however this was based on a book written 12 years before the hunger games so any ripping off would be from the hunger games side.


no spoilers but I loved the film. worth watching.

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Who says you've got to watch it to want a mk12 spr :P

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battle royal is definitely worth a watch, watched it years ago and liked it instantly. would be cool to have a british remake(trouble some chavs killing each other...) but unlikely right now with the hunger games.


one i watched recently and was pleasantly surprised with was Abraham Lincon, vampire hunter. as a vampire genre movie fan(twilight is not a part of that genre) i wasnt sure what to expect but it has enough action in it and civil war bits etc to be fairly different to any other vamp movie that its worth a watch.


also watched the expendables 2. the guns were the best actors in it.

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Lone Survivor, absolutely epic and I challenge any one of you not to want to build a recce style SPR immediately after watching it!

Januarys Airsoft international has a work shop guide to building one.

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The new lone ranger movie is total rubish save your money for a better film(that would be any that isn't the new die hard movie which is equally rubbish).

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