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Everything posted by n1ckh

  1. Bet that made his day lol No one could accuse you of not taking your hit but did he take his hit when you fell on top of him lol
  2. That's going hurt big time I guess that's why you never stand right on the corner but about a foot away & defo wear something to cover your manhood
  3. Bloody hell, some bad injuries but fingers crossed you guys are on the mend shot in the cock ouch, I got hit very close to my bollocks and that hurt enough That's one thing I learned & was taught, never stand full on when firing, always at angle, less of a target like when laying down & firing
  4. Just wondering what injuries people have sustained while playing CQB and if people could learn from them to avoid sustaining the same or similar injuries Worst I've come off with (so far) was a split finger nail & finger tip, bruised joints & plenty of deep welts which one is still healing & the others have left scars mainly on my left arm as that's more exposed to the front
  5. I've been lucky then as I've still got my teeth despite being shot in the mouth countless times Just got to get the mask away from the bridge of my nose a bit but once gameplay starts, it goes out of my head
  6. I remember that For the same reasons as beastmode, I got sick of being shot in the mouth all the time and scratching my head as I just wore mesh goggles or glasses and a jungle hat So glad I went goggles & mask, I can't count the amount of times being hit on the head, goggles or mask
  7. Far as I know, it's free for the spring & swap over but not sure as I do it myself
  8. The sight will work on the rifle you've linked When I've ordered RIF's from Taiwan fun, I put my ukara number in the comments box & they write it on your package so you'll be fine getting it to the door It would be destroyed if your number wasn't on it They also swap the springs to abide by UK laws for free so get them to do that while it's there Also put a few mags through it so you can break in the spring when you've got it
  9. It makes me laugh when people advertise anything as 'brand new but only used once' soon as you buy something, it's no longer brand new but 2nd hand
  10. I've done the same with my goggles & mask In fact, it was snakeeyes who inspired me to do it, like snake, the mask floats which is more comfy & allows me to get my radio Mic inside the mask With mine, the fabric was glued down so I pulled it off, trimmed the wire & glued the fabric back with hot melt glue
  11. My mate beastmode wears dpm trousers & shirt with mtp chest rig & bump helmet, he's gone with afgan style sa80 but says he's swapping over to mtp trousers & shirt to match everything else
  12. My team mate had a similar encounter at the Bristol courts he said a guy was shooting at him & said take your fucking hits to which my mate replied that none was hitting him ?? Turns out, the kiddy played a 40 minute game with no mag on his rifle pmsl
  13. I play woodland and enjoy it if its done right from the start with the right mix of people, I go up against the better players as there far more challenging and I always try & push forward, I hate sitting around waiting & leave the rentals alone It's the same for cqb for me, I need to keep pushing forward or there's no point for me but like anything else, I know there's going to be moments of standing around the emotions of wanting to get going always kicks in my old army days & how much I loved it
  14. One thing that annoys me is talking through a briefing cause then you get players asking what we have to do I right down all key points of the exercise and all info needed but even though it's irritating, I still tell people And yes it's a mix of newbies, rentals & experienced players
  15. Hahaha I've got one of those at home, modifyed it with a hicap flash mag cause I'm tired of constantly winding it
  16. Try king arms mags I use them in my M4, my G36c & my son's use them in they're M4's A box of 5 cost me £30 on eBay
  17. Only dealings I've had with king arms is there M4 mid caps They work better in both my M4's & my G36 with the M4 magwell adapter
  18. Some people would suggest the SHS blue delay chip in plastic but mines slightly oval shape in metal, no signs of damage to the tappet plate as of yet
  19. I had the same problem on mine & my son's M4's I bought 2 delay chips of eBay (my g36 already has it) they sit on the sector gear so it pushes the tappet plate back further and holds the nozzle back that little bit longer I've had no problems with misfeeds or misfires since installing them
  20. Excellent mate, I can see you making a few quid in the future
  21. I think my dream car would have to be an old Bentley blower or a 76 mustang fastback
  22. Ooooops Foot in mouth desease strikes again
  23. Same here, if attack or defence is going no where, I just bugger off else where
  24. Portishead is smaller than cribbs but to much cover My mate went to Bristol courts & loved it so we're planning on going there after may 10th Its our first time going to to strike force in Gloucester and its 52,000 sq ft from the write up, its an old industrial unit
  25. I'd agree with that bright candle As tom Hank's said "the message carries on while he has breath in his lungs" or words to that effect
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