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Everything posted by n1ckh

  1. Ummm i would say no to an FRP helmet as it may be to thin As for your other question, sadly I can't give you an answer about the cosplay But The bag is fine for transport and the camo tape is fine for your site If your going as a sniper to the cosplay, why not cover it over with Hessian etc
  2. Hahaha The krankies were excellent
  3. I got 3 shots to the ribs by a regular who accused me of blind firing at him only to see at my next game that he was a Marshall I've had people moan at me that they were already out so I remind them to put there hand up but as mentioned above, when walking to respawn I put my rifle behind me or take the mag out if I'm going back to the safe zone
  4. ^^^ Completely agree sir colonel I was stood behind a helo when I was dead, wasn't sure what to do so i moved, Marshall asked what I was doing, so I told him, he said ok no worry's and sent me to the furthest point away from my team to get medic'd which i thought was completely fine I usually see once every game, people under the same colour arm band right in the line of fire after the enemy noticed them and I have to turn away so I dont make it obvious what I've seen especially when its team matee
  5. I tell my team mates I'm dead or other players if they can't see my arm up How do people react when told to move if your in the line of fire ?? I generally move a few paces out of the way
  6. Howdy Jordan You've got Bristol courts which is a CQB site, strike force that's just opened in gloucster which is CQB Then there's black ops cribbs & portishead aswell Team I'm on are going to strike force on may 10th
  7. Call Of fucking duty springs to mind Does my swede in when my eldest treats airsoft like that grrrrrr
  8. I'd say go for it mate, if he can do it then you both crack on I've heard of people in wheel chairs playing, even CQB sites with stairs where people have helped them up & down the stairs
  9. Could be the spring came of the trigger (happened to mine) the spring pulls the trigger contacts back when you let of the trigger
  10. As they say "1 rule for one and 1 rule for everyone else" I'd love to be at an auction and say 'are you registered to sell that ??' Its the person I feel sorry for who buys it then gets it taken away or in trouble for it if they dont have a clue about what they've bought
  11. I like airsoft zone aswell I bought my first 2 rifles from them when I started out last year, I've had no bad dealings with them so far but very impressed so far
  12. It was a mates spring so he gave it to me when he downgraded his but it was virtually brand new I have noticed most of the time the spring has stopped in the compressed position, shame G&G dont have a spring release button like my mates ICS I'll be getting PTFE tape later after I've taken my daughter home then I'll have some peace to have another go at it
  13. Cheers duck Its weird as I've done the same mods to my 36c & and my sons m4 and there fine :/ I've got 2 hop units, the original and upgrade one that both have springs on, I bought a new green buck as I put that one in my g36c As its for CQB and a back up, I suppose its ok but I'll defo do what you guys suggested
  14. Ahhh ok Thanks for the warning
  15. Thanks guys for your replys I bought a pack of piston head O-rings just in case it was the ring as its been in there since I bought it 8 months ago so that's been changed, I might try the floss idea under the ring and see what that does Think I'll try a different cylinder next just to see how it goes or just leave as is Good thing is I have my g36 I use outdoors aswell
  16. I've done the compression test with just the cylinder head in the cylinder, put my thumb over it and pushed the piston forward with very little resistance I'm going to try the Teflon mod just to rule that out but I'm fairly certain its the cylinder I only installed the piston head yesterday and hasn't been skirmished yet, could the piston itself be the problem ??
  17. 'Which way does the magazine go in" "Its stopped shooting"
  18. I've got the cm16 raider which has a few upgrades in the box running 8.4v NiMH SHS O-ring nozzle SHS double O-ring cylinder head SHS 14 metal tooth piston Super shooter double O-ring piston head M100 spring Everything else is basicly standard, its shooting between 265 & 270 fps but want it shooting around 300 for CQB sites as that's what its for now Airseal around hop up, nozzle & cylinder head are fine so I think the air is escaping around the piston head, ive put grease in the cylinder but no matter what I do, it keeps happening, i dont think the cylinder is out of shape and its the right way round in the box Not sure what to do now ??
  19. Does the SFOD mean Special Friends Office Desk lol
  20. "I got him" then the kiddy got shot by the sniper he thought he'd hit lol
  21. You could get a 14 tooth piston and file down the last tooth to make it 13 but you'll need to do AOE aswell, file down the first 2 teeth
  22. I got a replica Emerson bump helmet in black and its served me well so far the amount of times I've whacked my head And in my experience, peoples comments will always differ on products so one person has a bad product/experience doesn't mean they're all like that I'm not being rude or ignorant with this comment BTW I wear a helmet not to look good or to think/be something I'm not, I wear it cause I'm tired of headaches, scratches and being shot in the head I started out with a plastic swat helmet which my boys love wearing because combined with the face mask, makes them look a bit like Darth Vader lol
  23. My cm16 started out as stock but when the piston teeth got a groove carved into them, that's when upgraded I use mine for CQB & my upgraded G36C for woodland sites Externally I have a 10" free float rail to cover the foresight I cut off stubby silencer/suppressor 300mm tight bore barrel dark earth flip up sights Dark earth rubber rail covers Club foot crane stock
  24. How about replacing the existing foam with something like memory foam but make it just that little bit deeper thst when the case is closed, the foam forms around it more
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