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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. @Erby19 Something like this?: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/external-parts/outer-barrels/xt-outer-barrel-aeg-set
  2. The 'woke' crowd will argue it's unethical to even use the word 'Midget', let alone sticking a flare up his arse and sending him forth with a minigun. But I want to see this show. It sounds hilarious.
  3. Cool. But i get the impression there are a lot of 'Friday afternoons' in the Specna Edge factory.
  4. Yeh, Travis Haley is pretty supportive of Airsoft. Plays with his sons.
  5. Yeh. I wouldn't trust one as a main/only/first gun. I've got one and I've had to replace a good few internals (Cylinder, Piston Head, Semi Cutoff Lever, Bearings, motor/grip). This was just to get it working to an acceptable standard. There were also no shims or grease on the gears out of the box. I fully expect the GB shell to die at some point - it's the thinnest/lightest/most poorly made I've come across. I would easily recommend any of the newer CYMA guns over the Edge series.
  6. For a first gun? Seriously? With all their QC issues? Yeh, good luck with that.
  7. You might be better off cutting your losses, selling what you have, and buying something new. It's all well an good if you have a higher-end gun to fix up. But if it's a Cyma, well, they are not that expensive brand new (~£150 from a UK retailer). You could end up sinking an awful lot of money in parts and labour with a Tech. You could probably get £50 for it as a boneyard gun to offset some of the cost of buying something new. There are some great guns for around £90-£150 to get you started again.
  8. You'll most likely have to remove the gearbox from the gun, remove the right-side fake selector plug/cover, use the hole to tighten the screw on the back of the left side selector. Crappy explanation, but luckily this video should cover it:
  9. Looks pretty much the same as this: https://www.bespokeairsoft.co.uk/airsoft-accessories/suppressors-tracer-units/cccp-qd-silencer-full-metal-with-flash-hider-long-black
  10. If you are going down the G&G Combat Machine route, these are better value for money in the sales - same gun internally, just different externals. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/g-and-g-armament-combat-machine-cm16-r8-l?pv=5063 https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/g-and-g-armament-cm15-kr-apr-airsoft-aeg?pv=13331 Shame you weren't a couple days earlier, Patrolbase were selling Combat Machines for under £100.
  11. My Cyma CM650A (SR47) for £85 arrived today, courtesy of the Patrolbase sale. I bought it as a cheap loaner. But I like it, I like it a lot. I might end up using it a lot more than I originally intended.
  12. The issue is that there are so many solid M4's out there, that it's actually easier to compile a list of manufacturers/product lines to not buy. Also, you don't mention your budget. So I will tell you a few of brands that I would personally avoid: - VFC: look great externally but are made of cheese internally. - Ares: Funky electronics (that will do 3rd burst) but are made of cheese internally. - KWA: Apparently are reasonable guns, but proprietary parts can be a ball ache for upgrades. - Krytac: See KWA - SRC: Nasty - Specna Edge**: Looks ok externally (and loads of rail/length choices), but are wank internally. Once re-shimmed, greased and a fair few parts switched out, will work ok until the gearbox shell breaks because...you guessed it... it's made of cheese. Again, this is my personal avoid list - I'm sure the others will disagree. **Note, my criticism of Specna is leveled only at the Edge Series. The 'Core' and 'One' series are supposed to be reasonably decent as they have (according to rumour) different OEMs.
  13. There were some cracking deals to be had on Patrol base. £85 for a Cyma CM.650A/SR47? Oh go on then...mine arrives Thursday. I even had consent from the missus. There were a few Specna Edges for £70 - £100, which was worth it just for the external parts. Nearly added one to the order, but the missus would only let me buy the one gun.
  14. I use one of these for CQB. I don't even run a stock on it (although I bought the adapter should I change my mind), just a single point sling on the back and a vertical grip. Not sexy, but I love it.
  15. Seen this floating around FB today. Not sure what to make of it....
  16. Therein lies the rub - each manufacturer has a different idea of what they should label their spring power as, and two supposed identical springs from the same manufacturer can yield different results due to manufacturing tolerances. The quality of the steel and the coil pattern are also additional variables. As taking apart a CZ Bren can be a bitch to replace the cylinder, I would use the quick change mechanism and source either a weaker spring, or even consider cutting one down . Personally, I would put the ASG M95 spring in @~365fps and shoot a 1000rds or so through it. There's a good chance that the the FPS will drop to sub 350fps as everything beds in.
  17. My bad guys. I dragged the politics into the thread. Apologies.
  18. Interesting. So you are implying Democracy is a bad thing because you didn't get the outcome you wanted? I don't remember the late '90s/early '00's as halcyon times. Two costly wars, huge public spending, financial collapse and a cute note left in Whitehall - 'there's no money left'. But hey, that's all OK! Labour wouldn't have given us a referendum. I won't comment further on this, consider the above rhetorical - this thread should remain as useful information for post-Brexit buying and not politics, but previous comments whinging about the outcome of two Democratic voting processes deserve a little push-back. TTFN... 😘
  19. I would be interested to hear how a Labour Government would have done any better... 😉
  20. I think this is inevitable in the long term for Airsoft. Facebook hates anything contrary to their arbitrary values and politics in the bubble known as Silicon Valley.
  21. I had double-shooting in semi with a fresh battery, it would settle as the battery voltage dropped a little but it was still heavily pre-cocking. The newer motors apparently have Neo-magnets.
  22. This is why I put a Nano ASR in mine. At some point I might stick a WarFET in. But it works nicely as-is. I wouldn't run an 11.1v. Mine, like @RonLancs had overspin when I tested it. You can get a solid 15-16 RPS with just a high torque and 7.4v LiPo. That, and a 11.1v would be harder to get into the very limited battery space, whereas a 7.4v Turnigy Stick battery fits perfectly into the mock gas tube. Again, the gun is very usable out of the box, upgrades can come later.
  23. I stuck a Gate Nano ASR in mine, with 16AWG Alpha wire. Didn't make that much difference TBH. You can argue that it helps the trigger contacts, but I had guns running 2S LiPos for nearly a decade without a Mosfet and they never had an issue. Best upgrades are - a thorough barrel-clean (the stock barrel is decent enough), a new hop rubber/nub, adding a deans connector and maybe a higher torque motor. Total cost under £50. I would leave everything else stock until it breaks. Mine was actually reasonably well shimmed and greased out of the box. The CM.045 is a chunky thing (all AKs are), so once you start bolting things up front it becomes pretty nose-heavy. I found the stock grip to be a bit uncomfortable when trying to do stuff like reloading. A £5 Cyma Ergonomic grip helped sort that.
  24. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole TBH. It's over-priced for what it actually is, and CYMA (the OEM for the gun) make better models - cheaper. Cybergun are twats, and you are paying a premium for shittily-implemented Colt trademarks. Personally for a similar price, I would be looking for Cyma Platinum series or Specna ONE series (not Edge - they are shit), possibly discounted ICS offerings, ASG Proline Armalite M15 (made by Lonex) or even A&K full metal jobbies.
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