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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on it when it arrives, perhaps a short review? I'm not expecting the rail to be super rigid or strong, but it's probably good enough for BBwarz/LARPsoft.
  2. I've been eyeing one of those for a few weeks now, I'm tempted to order one out of curiosity. Yeah, it's plastic, but I'm starting to prefer lighter guns with plastic rails/receivers these days.
  3. What rail did you buy from Amazon? What raider do you have (an original or a 2.0?) Original: 2.0: Both should use standard AEG barrel threading so unless the Amazon rail is proper borked I don't know why it shouldn't fit. I wouldn't spend too much on a rail for a budget blaster such as the Raider, and if you have a 2.0 I wouldn't bother changing at all. Personally, I would spend £16 shipped for one of these and call it done if you REALLY want to swap out the rail: Fireclub Keymod Rail
  4. Oh, I completely agree. But by the logic of some in this thread, any attempt to show their service on social media results in them becoming ‘Walting bellends’. And Obi Wan has proven that he’s anything but, IMO.
  5. Jesus, even Obi Wan Nairobi has an Instagram account now. Is he a Walt?
  6. Oh, I know. But the dude has deployed to hot and sandy countries looking through his Instagram: If he's got the stones to deploy to a warzone, work as a medic in said warzone, then as far as I'm concerned - he can wear whatever the fuck he wants. The only bellends are in this thread judging him based on a single photo.
  7. Umm...why? Has he offended you in some way?
  8. Ok, so if licensed, Airsoft would take take a few weeks/months to ban, instead of a few hours/days. A ban is still a ban. Very few politicians would be willing to stick their neck out to defend a bunch of LARPers shooting plastic balls at each other in either scenario. In the mean time, the barrier to entry will be raised so high (assuming we follow Australia's model of a firearms license) that many individuals won't bother applying for said license, and the UK airsoft industry will slowly die out. For example, how many airsofters fall into one of these categories (taken from UK police guidance) 2.28 Relevant medical conditions include: (i) Acute Stress Reaction or an acute reaction to the stress caused by a trauma; (ii) suicidal thoughts or self-harm; (iii)depression or anxiety; (iv)dementia; (v)mania, bipolar disorder or a psychotic illness; (vi)a personality disorder; (vii)a neurological condition: for example, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s or Huntington’s diseases, or epilepsy; (viii)alcohol or drug abuse; and (ix)any other mental or physical condition which may affect the safe possession of firearms or shotguns. Any of the above could be grounds for refusal. Maybe the Government devises a lesser form of License and throw airguns in with it? Will they be willing to put the infrastructure in place to do such a thing? Who will foot the bill? (Hint: us) Maybe long term Two-tones will become mandatory. Maybe Speedsoft will become the future of Airsoft. Lots of maybes....
  9. Like they did with Self-loading rifles and handguns in the UK? A license means nothing when it comes to bans.
  10. Sounds like it's going to require a Category A License, which includes: Air rifles Blank-fire firearms at least 75 cm in length Rim-fire rifles (other than self-loading rim-fire rifles) Shotguns (other than pump-action or self-loading shotguns) (this includes lever-action shotguns) Break-action shotgun/rim-fire rifle combination firearms You would also have to attend a mandatory 'safe handling, carriage and use of firearms' course, which I heard (so could be wrong) is around $200 AUD.
  11. Moan all you want about VCRA/UKARA/Two-Tones etc. - we don't have it as bad as Australians. The Gel-blaster business has just been decimated overnight in South Australia with new law changes. In summary: It is an offence to possess a gel blaster without a license. It is an offence to possess an unregistered gel blaster. The sale and possession of gel blasters becomes regulated. They will be subject to licensing and control. If a person or business does not wish to become licensed then it will become illegal for them to sell or possess a gel blaster Obtaining a Firearms license isn't a trivial task either. Between now and April '21 (end of the amnesty period), you can't even take one out of your house, let alone to a skirmish site, without a Firearms License. I just hope we can keep our heads down and that our politicians are too busy with Brexit/Covid to notice what's going on 'down under'.
  12. Sweet mother of god...why? Why spray the upper black? Why fit all those 'upgrades' and most importantly, why expect someone to stump up SEVEN HUNDRED-odd quid for it!?! [/Rant Over] Funnily enough BigBirdAirsoft just done a review of a TM Scar NGRS on the Tube of You. Made a point of saying that it's amazing out of the box and the low FPS affects nothing at all. Then says he fitted a stronger spring and waffles on about fitting a Gate Titan. Then says he fitted a Prommy nozzle and Edgi barrel and a R-Hop. The gun shoots amazing apparently, but had a Semi lockup so bad that full-auto wouldn't clear it and the gun needed taking apart to release the ARL. I like his reviews normally but I couldn't wrap my head around that one.
  13. The EU banned Methylene Chloride, effectively neutering Nitro-mors. You can still buy the chemical on eBay though...
  14. 'New' Nitro-mors is nowhere near as effective as the old stuff, but it should be strong enough for the steel parts. I would go careful on any zinc parts (front sight, trunion, rear sight mount etc). Try a small patch somewhere on the gun before committing to the whole thing.
  15. Actually, even the real steel Daniel Defense Mk18 has a 1-2mm gap:
  16. Personally, I couldn't care less how you spend your money. If you want to be decked out in gucci RS kit and happy to drop a grand or two 'upgrading' your tupperware death cannon - kudos. I've got a decent job and could head down that path if I wanted to, but it's just not for me - my £150 guns get the job done just fine. I'd rather spend the money on hookers and cocaine. I do find it funny (and this is not aimed at you) that there are a number of people with 'all the gear but no idea'. Happy to flex the credit card on 'upgrades', but making the square root of fuck all difference when it comes to in-game performance, indeed more often than not making things worse. Don't worry, my jokes used to be aimed at PTW users back in the day, when Systemas were de rigueur and cost far more than a TM. The 'bestest gun evar' a guy at a skirmish site tried to convince me once. Of course he had to send it off to Tackleberry and spent another £500 on 'upgrades' just to make the thing work properly.
  17. No no, I actually meant TM NGRS/MWS users. Take from that what you will. It was a slightly tongue-in-cheek joke ribbing those who have a penchant for buying expensive TM guns and spending lots more money on upgrades. No malice or jealously - I just find it funny. Airsoft, after all, is just LARPing with toy guns. But no matter how much you spend, it's still only a toy.
  18. I would say that this is a classic case of upgrade-itus - pouring large sums of money into pointless shiny things....just because. (I shall refrain from passing comments about TM users in general 😜) I would also say that the the crack was because the seller fitted a 7.62 Rail onto a 5.56 pattern rifle. The 7.62 rail mount has an extra 'lump' on the bottom which would clear the front of a 7.62 pattern receiver upon opening, but perhaps not so on a 5.56. Madbull 5.56 rail mount: Madbull 7.62 rail mount: Pics from Evike & Madbull websites respectively.
  19. Isn't that a Gel blaster receiver? Did you have to do any mods to fit a standard Airsoft GB/Hop unit?
  20. @axerite If it helps, here is a picture of the brand new Daniel Defense Mk18 AEGs just released by Specna...
  21. I think the pricing is well off with this one. Its an Edge 1.0 (Gate X-ASR) and is costing £230 (PatrolBase), £220 (Gunfire). For less money, you can buy this: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-rock-river-arms-sa-e02-edge-carbine?pv=9070 and this: Cheapo Mk 18 Rail £155+£25 = £180. So that's £50 for the logo. I suppose you could spend that on a new E&C gearbox to replace the shite stock one.
  22. But this ain't really a Mk18. Daniel Defense make a gun they call the 'Mk18' for the civilian market simply because they fitted the same rail they supply for the SOPMOD block II program. A marketing gimmick. Real Mk18s use Colt rifles as the base, and now 'block 3' is a thing, Mk18s are being fitted with Geiselle rails. I think TM and G&P produce the closest in terms of accuracy to a Mk18 block II.
  23. I don't suppose you are getting any more gearboxes in your next E&C consignment @ak2m4?
  24. Meh. Another M4. But it's OK, this one's got licenced trades. Yay I suppose..... 🙄
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