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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. Nah - They'll take Specna's route - ship their guns without any grease. Problem solved.
  2. I ordered one of the PVC ones - still got to wait a few weeks for those. The embroidered ones look great though.
  3. I've reported the listing too. Hopefully eBay will pull their finger out and review the listing before the auction end. At least with PayPal there is some recourse for the buyer. I just hope the buyer is savvy enough to work out that what they've bought isn't legit. ☹️
  4. Well, this guy covers everything quite nicely:
  5. Don't worry, the fanbois will have access to the 'Novritsch Video Academy' - which totally makes it worth it. It'll teach them how to not only play a tosser, but also how to take their shit gun apart and break it even quicker.
  6. 'kin hell - 500-odd quid for that? You could build a nicer gun for less money.
  7. As a paintball tank, it'll be fine for general sports usage such as paintball or airsoft. They are immensely strong, and I've not heard of many catastrophically failing other than when some idiot put 3-in-1 oil in the fill nipple at a paintball tournament (never, ever oil an HPA regulator kids). The tank launched itself like a rocket across the safe zone. How is he gonna send the tank would be my question. He'll need to remove the regulator first (which can be bitch to do without marring the anodising), even then RM/PF and other couriers hate the bottles as they are pressure vessels.
  8. Are willy-licks a valid currency in lieu of a secret handshake on the forum? Asking for a friend...
  9. Thanks very much - I've not made up my mind whether to participate yet - I'd have to dig into the new pew fund I've been saving into. I'm just weighing up if I willing to wait longer to buy the new pew I've been lusting over, or test this kit. And I would have to re-wire my AK GB. 50/50 at the moment.
  10. @rocketdogbert Nice. Are they Aliexpress specials or sourced from elsewhere?
  11. @AK47frizzle Colour me interested. I love the look of this. I can fulfill nearly all the requirements too if you need a tester - I would just need to pick up a couple of MP5 Mags. Got everything else.
  12. I saw the same advert on Discord a few days ago. Struck me as a Jeremy Clarkson wannabe.
  13. A bit disappointing, this could have been put to bed once and for all. He's either: - Ignorant to everything in this thread, even with you tagging him - Keeping his head down to stay out of the inevitable shitstorm and not incriminate himself. - Aloof, and doesn't see the need to communicate with us as he believes that he's done nothing wrong and doesn't need to justify himself. At the end of the day though, until he's demonstrably broken the rules (which have since been tightened because of feedback on this thread), he can do what he wants, and if that means not talking on here and being part of the community, so be it. As the mods have said, posting elsewhere on the forums is not a prerequisite of use of the classifieds.
  14. Thanks - I'll pick up a patch shortly. I honestly cannot think of a meaningful comeback to that. Well played, old chap, well played.
  15. Out of interest, how does one became a supporter?
  16. And the gauntlet is thrown down. This should be interesting.
  17. That's a fair comment. I will point out that he seems to have many satisfied buyers (or you could argue 'customers'), that in itself is a good thing for the forum in my opinion. The better the collective reputation of the sellers on here, the more popular this forum will be. You can see that there has been work done to root out scammers with recent announcements and this very thread serves as checks and balances for those who sell on here. I know you think that he's spamming - but if he's keeping people happy and coming back to the forums looking for more, that's a good thing right? I mean he has more positive feedback and followers than you, me and @Adolf Hamster combined.
  18. But whilst there is another valid explanation, and he is operating within the forum rules, why should he be banned? Your gut feeling? That's not a valid reason either. Don't get me wrong - he could very well be a retailer. But without real evidence, and a change (or clarification) of the Classified rules, it's unfair to keep calling for him to be banned. You've done it a couple of times now in this thread. Perhaps a moderator could contact the guy and establish his motivations, just to put the matter to rest? Again, perfectly valid points too. I was just playing devils advocate. But until either he comes on here to clarify his intent, or the Mods make contact with him, it's no good sharpening the pitchforks and lighting the torches based on opinion and supposition. Just my 2p.
  19. Don't get me wrong, It does look a bit fishy on face value. But I will point out a couple of things - - 1) He is only selling singular Items, many of which have a 'slight' variance on what you would get on a true NIB gun (i.e. some are wired to deans, have got an extra mag(s) included etc.) - 2) There isn't much consistency with the brands he sells, he basically covers every major manufacturer from ICS to TM, with a smorgasbord of others in between. That is relatively unusual for all but the bigger retailers. I think (and I could be wrong) he could buy a fuck-tonne of guns with a large disposable monthly income, and bins off anything he gets bored with/doesn't like fairly quickly. For context: I work for an Investment Bank, where the even the upper-mid-level guys are on six-figure salaries (not me unfortunately). They could drop a grand or two a month on whatever they want, cover their monthly bills and expenses comfortably, and still jet off for two holidays a year. You should see the car park - there must be £50 million quids worth of cars and motorbikes parked in it (again, not me...) Again, I do not know this guy at all, but there could very well be other reasons why someone would sell in this manner.
  20. Playing devils advocate: what exactly has he done wrong? I mean specific rules he has broken? The mods have already said previously that he has, by and large, operated within the forum rules: To be clear, I've never bought from, communicated with, or met the guy. Post it up in the Appraisals section: https://airsoft-forums.uk/forum/151-appraisals/
  21. Plastic body with a sprinkling of metal parts - OEM'd by A&K, good review by BigBirdAirsoft:
  22. I'm kinda tempted to build a 'sleeper' gun out of one of these - 13:1 gears, Warfet, 16TPA motor - something along those lines all whilst keeping the externals completely stock. There's something to said about the old-school furniture - you're quite right @Skara - you don't see many around - it's all rail systems and bolt-ons. I saw this real steel video earlier today - it did make me chuckle:
  23. Oh damn - I can't remember - sorry! I got three new guns in as many weeks (thank you lockdown) so the unboxings kinda blur into one.
  24. Looks alright for a budget blaster. How is the receiver? Any front-end flex? I'm not the biggest fan of Specna, but would consider one of these as a backup/loaner with a few tweaks to the internals. I think he's referring to the very generic nature of your gun. One brick among many thousands of near-identical ones in a wall with nothing to distinguish it from the others. Or something like that.
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