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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. If you haven't already, grease the receiver threads before screwing the nut on. You may be able to get another quarter-turn or so to close the gap slightly. Makes removal easier too. But be really frigging careful. Personally, I would run it as-is. No one, except you, will ever really notice it in the safe zone.
  2. Nice markings. The upper is an A2 type with the associated A2 rear sight. I like the A1 type on the E&C website. To me, this gun looks cooler than anything with a rail system:
  3. I've seen worse on out-of-the-box guns. It's a plastic receiver - I wouldn't torque it down any further. If the rail is solid, with no wobble, then leave it. You can always move the red dot further forward to cover the gap. Is the rail an Aliexpress jobbie? Looks pretty good on there IMO.
  4. Nice - looks like they've got the thin retro handguards - now the question is, where to find them in stock within the UK/EU, I want an M733. Edit - found some better pics: http://www.ec-airsoft.com/html_products/M733-251.html I want one for a Gothic Serpent build.
  5. Ouch. Anyway, to the OP: I would throw in a Macaron/Omega bucking and nub combo, polish/lap the stock brass barrel, use the stock rotary hop unit and call it done. No point chasing the rabbit down that particular hole for a Specna. But that's not the answer you want to hear. So what @Adolf Hamster said.
  6. Random question:- how long is the Safety Brief? Asking for a friend....😜
  7. Gotta say, I was pleasantly surprised with the 16awg Alpha Wire that I got from @ak2m4. Easy to work enough to work with in my Cyma AK. I'll pick up more of it at some point for when I need to do some work on my other guns.
  8. Dye mask wearer. Says it all really...what a wank stain. I think I met Sim many moons ago at Ironsight. He was(is) a cool guy. I feel bad for him.
  9. Hmm, not sure what's going on there. Mine uses a 2 or 2.5mm allen I think. Is there even a grub screw in there at all? Might be worth taking the motor cage apart and check what's in there. I think that a proper re-wire will help - I tested the high-speed motor on the stock wiring loom, before changing to 16 gauge Alpha Wire & Gate ASR (place holder MOSFET until I get a Warfet).
  10. Is the silver disc still behind the motor? If it's missing, the grub screw will be bearing down on the motor stator hole and not applying pressure to the back of the motor itself.
  11. I know. I should have made my mild sarcasm a little clearer. But it's been done to death now - he's acting within the forum rules, and the Mods have tacitly acknowledged this. Rules have been 'tweaked' to reduce the number of sale items due to the feedback on this very thread. Until the Mods decide to implement a minimum (non-classifieds) post count like Arnies (which is a bad idea IMO), he's here for the long run. No point going over the topic ad-nauseam.
  12. He started a thread about a potential scammer a couple weeks back didn't he?
  13. Another more expensive than new...but it's OK, it's been re-shimmed and got blue bits. Totally worth the £45 more than TaiwanGun. 😉
  14. Yes - but not massively increased, the stock motor is quite torque-y (neo magnets). ROF will go up from 11ish to around 15RPS in full auto though. If you delete the fuse and solder on a deans connector, that will also help a bit. I have also tried an SHS High Speed motor, and that was bit mental. 21RPS. But the fuse blew in minutes and the wiring, motor and LiPo got hotter than I was comfortable with - it was sucking down the amps.
  15. Glad you like it. Mine is running a Gate ASR at the moment as a place-holder until I get enough cash for a full-blown Warfet. Using 16 gauge Alpha wire to the motor, a new trigger switch with the Gate signal wires etc. I'm Keeping the stock wiring set complete as backup if I need it. Getting 15-16 RPS on a 16TPA Rocket Airsoft motor with otherwise stock internals on a 7.4v LiPo. I am toying with the idea of a 13:1 gear set though for giggles.
  16. Therein lies the rub. A 1/3rd of a mile isn't much, but that's 10 minutes walking through public streets lugging airsoft gear, without trying to attract the attention of the general public while doing so. I'd rather park as close as possible to the venue, even if it costs 7-8 quid more, to reduce the risk. That, and I'm a lazy fucker.
  17. Indeed. The venue is within reasonable travel distance for me to play, but once you factor parking, it's a tad on the expensive side. Hopefully the quality of the venue itself would make it a worthwhile trip.
  18. Ironsight in Andover is pretty good. Should be about an to get to from Portsmouth.
  19. Just out of interest - is the outer barrel a one-piece affair with a proper delta ring? Planning to pick one up next month for giggles.
  20. Yeh. It's a bit steep. They are only £130 new delivered from TaiwanGun in...ahem...proper colours.
  21. I wonder if anyone who ponied up the 50 USD/Euros preorder deposit saw the final spec and price and said ‘nah, fuck that’.
  22. Just had a quick perusal of Milspecs FB page. Wow. Just...wow. It's like watching a freight train derail in slow motion.
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