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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. At one point Ultrafire did a 6p-esque clone? There's a legit SF 6P for sale on eBay Z1 sell a what looks like a G2 Clone with T6 LED for £25, plus another £5 for a tape switch. *edit - it's a clone of the G2, my bad* It was sad that Solarforce shut up shop. I still have two of their 6P clones with T6 LED drop-ins.
  2. I just bought a Classic Army G36K 'doer-upper'/boneyard. Hopefully it doesn't become a money-pit to fix.
  3. At their price point, they should be amazing out of the box at least 99% of the time. But nooope. I had a VFC 416 once. It worked. Lovely to look at , but was completely unexceptional in terms of performance. Sold it fairly quickly. This was a while ago, and I appreciate that the newer guns have (supposedly) better internals, but if they don't work, what's the point? You pays your money, you takes your choice I suppose.
  4. Nope. Just 'AEG'. I've been looking around, a few reviews said that it fits CYMAs ok, but needs the tabs dremmeling. But there is no way this one is fitting on mine. It pulls the GB completely out of alignment, rotating around the safety. Not really worth the hassle, I'll find the CYMA alternative which I know will just drop-in. Won't be as nice, but it'll get the job done.
  5. Indeed. There's no way that I can get this grip to work - it throws the GB completely out of whack. Oh well.
  6. Has anybody installed one of these on their CYMA AK AEG? No, NOT the CYMA knockoff version - I'm talking about the legit PTS version. Just got mine, and it definitely is not a drop-in fit on my CYMA CM.045. If I push it up to full mate with the receiver, the bottom screw will not align with the motor cage. If I align the bottom hole on the grip with the motor cage, then I'm left with a gap between the grip and receiver. Either way, the gearbox isn't liking it being either pulled out of alignment of wobbling around. So, before I break out the Dremel and files, has anyone successfully installed one on their CYMA? It's a beautifully molded piece of kit, the quality is exceptional. But if it's too much of a ballache I will send it back and source the CYMA knockoff instead. Ta.
  7. Try telling this guy - This is the current state of play in the New Players section. Over 100 posts in that section, nothing of note outside of it. If this isn't deliberate post-count bumping, I don't know what is.
  8. Don't forget Ares, JLS and Classic Army also made SCARs over the years. Obviously TM have too with their NGRS but that's one of the easiest to identify. Best bet is to look at the gearbox. The choice of components used (assuming it's relatively stock) could provide useful clues to it's origin.
  9. Welcome. I once had a Stark Arms G17 (made by VFC) that had a similar issue, the gun would shoot nearly a mag and then the slide would stick out of battery. Turns out, it needed a lot of lube. Once cleaned and greased/oiled in the appropriate places it worked fine. Try that first and see what happens.
  10. Please don't take any offence when I say this, but when someone, with a very low post count, asks how unfuck their paint-stripping antics, it generally sets off alarm bells. For every well educated and informed individual, there are a dozen dickheads that could potentially fuck everything up for the rest of the community. It would have been remiss of us not to question your intentions. I hope we haven't scared you away from the forum - it's a very useful resource with many experienced hands on board that can help point you in the right direction when you need it.
  11. Were HAO squinting when they modeled that grip? Pretty sure the real H&K v7 grip looks like this (note the angle difference):
  12. Technically, you don't pay for UKARA. You pay your site's membership fee. But some sites add an 'Admin' charge for updating the database for you. I pay £13 for yearly membership to GZ and that's it. Membership also drops the price by £5 per game day, so you recoup the money after three visits.
  13. At a guess, Big Dragon or SHS. Both have a Larue replica on the market, although SHS don't list a 10in on their website. I don't think they come with trademarks anymore either.
  14. Judging by the mounting hardware, I'd say clone. There should be five holes in the back of the rail, the extra two are threaded for an anti-rotation plate to be bolted on. That, and one of the QR sockets seems have gone walkies. Unlikely (but not impossible) on the RS.
  15. At the top of the page mate, there's a classifieds button. Use it. 🙄 In case you missed it:
  16. Well, you wouldn't want the Riffraff being able to join the hallowed TM Master Race now, would you? 😜
  17. I agree with you. But playing devils advocate - I can see why retailers are suddenly opening up their 'Acceptable Defenses', even if said defenses are wafer thin compared to UKARA and the 3 game rule. We are currently in a time where it will be (for the next few months at least) impossible for new, or *some* existing players to gain or renew their UKARA-based defense. Retailers probably realise that with less 'new blood' UKARA-registered players and fewer existing renewed players, that their big ticket sales will take a slump at some point, soon - if not already** In combination with supply/shipping issues from Asia, Brexit and Covid-19, they are probably thinking 'let's widen the nets as far as we can get away with' to capture as many sales as possible, even from those with a questionable 'defense'. It's not for me to judge the ethics and legality of what they are doing, but being 'fair' to existing UKARA-registered players is most likely the least of their priorities ATM. ** I should think that sales boomed during Lockdowns last year, but look at the special offer sales that some of the retailers had to do after Xmas - some of the RIF prices must of been waaay under trade price.
  18. I know the concept of Space Force raises chuckles, but one day, It could look like this:
  19. UKARA is there to support the retailers. And only the retailers. I think the situation is somewhat different in the UK compared to Australia. We are allowed to own devices that can fire projectiles at relatively safe speeds (say, compared to airguns), it's the realistic shape and colour that causes the issue. If RIFs are banned, then Airsoft could continue with Nerf shaped/coloured guns as a hobby. Many would hate it and sack it off, but the basic gameplay concept could continue.
  20. If you are UK-based, good luck with that. Nothing is being shipped from them at the moment. To answer your question, as they don't publish the inner barrel diameter, assume it to be roughly 6.05 to 6.08mm.
  21. So it sounds like you tried to un-two-tone a two-tone gun. Naughty. Honestly, you are looking at around £35 for a new replacement slide, £25 for grips, assuming you want TM OEM. But Neither are in stock with the likes of Fire-Support at the moment. You might have some luck posting a wanted ad in the classifieds. Otherwise sell what you have for spares and put it down as an expensive lesson learned.
  22. VFC....Amazing...Internals. Three words I've never heard said seriously in the same sentence. Take a look through these vids. You'll see that as lovely as they are on the outside, they are pretty gash on the inside.
  23. The SR12 (as per OP) is a KWA OEM and long discontinued. The Proline LMT Defender is Lonex OEM'd, but uses a different stock tube which makes it fine to remove the GB. With the Lonex/BO Dynamics LT595 you have to de-pin or de-solder the battery connectors to feed the wires through a tiny hole. (Source: I owned the Proline which was a doddle to work on, I also own an LT595 which was a PITA until I modded the body to feed the wires through the receiver stub instead.)
  24. My 'Rustys Rigs' SBS-Style SF Extraction Chest Rig arrived this morning. Very pleased for £40. I forgot how practical these style of rigs are. Very nicely made, the straps could be a touch longer, but it still just about fits my slightly rotund post 'xmas and lockdown' figure. Not my pic - Taken from the Rustys Rigs FB page:
  25. I love the front end. But that stock is gopping on an MP5.
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