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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. You think that the other political parties could do any better? I'm not a BoJo fan, but from what I can see he's stuck between a rock and hard place. Between the Scientists, a rabid media (fuck you Piers Morgan), and a pissed off population he will never please everyone. Many errors have been made - no doubt about it - but I very much doubt the opposition would have done any better.
  2. Now that's a gun that punches above it's weight. I should have picked one up last year when trade was free and easy with Poland, but bought a CYMA Ak instead. Still, for £140 notes from UK vendors, it's still a bargain.
  3. Yeh, you're probably right. Luckily PayPal offers 'over and above' buyer protection. It boils my piss that there are sellers out there that will do such a thing though. If I sell something, I'm 100% honest about what I'm selling, warts'n'all listing all potential issues. The buyer can at least then make an informed decision about buying.
  4. But does it though? The seller (rightly) listed other flaws with the gun (i.e. cracked magazine shrouds) - but neglected to mention a big show-stopper for a lot of people. That, IMO, is misrepresentation. Hopefully the buyer will raise a dispute (assuming they used PayPal). I would apoplectic with rage if this had happened to me. This x1000. Absolutely spot on. It should be a rule for using the classifieds.
  5. It should have absolutely been mentioned in the Advert. £800 isn't chump change, I would be livid if I was the buyer. What a dick thing for the seller to say. In fact I'd send the whole lot back and raise a PayPal dispute.
  6. But does fitting a Titan/Perun/whatever to a V3 gearbox sort out the horrible trigger pull (at least compared to a V2)? My AK and G36 have fairly long trigger pulls, I know MP5K's are worse - so what's the point of a fancy pants ETU without a nice, short (sub-5mm) trigger pull? (Yeh yeh yeh, I get it - you'll have the fancy programming bollocks n'all that as well, but so does a Warfet)
  7. Except for that poor bugger with the TSI Tavor unboxing video. You could practically hear his heart breaking when he was trying to review it. Otherwise, you're quite right.
  8. Negative doesn't really review guns - he fixes them as a full-time tech. When he says a gun is Wank, it's generally because he's had quite a few on his bench to fix. Both Pheas and BigBird pay for their own guns/gear, and are fairly honest about their impressions from what I've seen. It's the bigger reviewers that have stuff sent to them for free that I treat with some skepticism. As for ASG, they don't publish a list (that I know of) unfortunately. When you've been around long enough staring at various guns from various manufacturers - you start to recognise the same components being used - enough to put two and two together. Sometimes retailers will say something like 'ASG (made by Lonex)' in their product description. Some guns still have the OEM's name stamped on them (Classic Army M4s). Some guns you won't recognise until the gearbox gets opened and you look at the components e.g. ASG CZ 805 Bren (King Arms). Cyma makes pretty decent stuff these days, but I would stick to their over-£100 offerings. I have both an AK and M4 derivative (SR47) and both are decent, although I've yet to skirmish the SR47.
  9. And potentially expensive. It seems like CYMA have an issue with their mag catches:
  10. The most boring thing to arrive in the post ever - packs of shims: I found a place that sells 0.1mm shims in packs of 50 - I'm fed up with dicking around with different thicknesses (like the airsoft packs you get) - I much prefer just using 0.1s exclusively when shimming my guns.
  11. I thought only Speedsofters and IPSC airsoft shooters need to short-stroke their guns? 😉 Personally, I'd prefer to keep the slide lock.
  12. Is that the technical term for it? 😜
  13. Shortens the cycle time by restricting the rearward slide movement, allows the trigger to reset faster in semi and ups the ROF overall. A lot SS kits preclude the use of the slide lock as the slide cannot cycle far enough back to engage it.
  14. So why do you need our opinion? Generally people ask before buying...
  15. Only one week 'til payday. I think I need one of these in my gear bag.
  16. Some manufacturers are pretty well supported in the UK - for example ICS with Fire-Support. There are a lot of TM spares and upgrades also knocking around with specialist retailers such as Eagle6. You can approach G&G directly for obscure parts, I've heard they will deal direct with customers when they have no joy with local distributors. Chinasoft guns however are a bit trickier and most of the time you will need to look abroad for proprietary parts that cannot be replaced with generic upgrade items. Otherwise, you will have to lookout for other dead guns that you can buy cheap and raid the parts from.
  17. It's a pretty saturated market these days in the Sub-£150 price bracket. I wish I had that amount of choice when I started playing. Back in those days, it was pretty much TM, Classic Army or ICS. And they cost a lot more than £150. Even with the cheap guns from Poland pretty much no longer a 'thing' post-brexit, it's still a great time for newcomers to Airsoft with the sheer variety of guns available.
  18. Problem is, how many 'bad batch' QC Edge V1 guns are still sitting on retailers shelves/walls waiting to be bought by an unwitting new player? I genuinely hope it's not many. Most of the QC issues are easily fixed if you are confident to tech your own guns. But most new players will not be. Apparently Edge 2.0 has sorted the QC issues. If that's the case, great! The 'upgraded' Edge 2.0s are just hitting UK shores (ignoring the rubbish HK416ish Edge 2.0 guns that briefly arrived last year with triggers that didn't work with the Asters) so hopefully we will get some updated reports. Personally, I'm tempted to give the basic (plastic hand guard) £210 model a go, because it's worth it for the parts alone.
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