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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. Definately not normal. You can dump an entire mag in 3-4 seconds with pretty much any TM with no problems. I had a VFC/Stark Arms Glock at one point, I could shoot it as fast as I wanted, but it needed to be run with a lot of lube on the piston head. But it ran a lot better than your gun even without said heavy lubrication. Send it back and demand a refund under distance selling rules. Send your video as evidence in the email. If you paid via PayPal, open a dispute if they dick you around. Wolf Armouries don't have the best reputation for customer care.
  2. My missus absolutely hates strangers coming to the house to buy stuff. She's paranoid that they'll turn out to axe-wielding murderers or something similar. So I can understand that some people have some anxiety about unknown visitors rocking up on their doorsteps. Gotta love a stock TM Glock. I regret selling mine many moons back.
  3. My first airsoft gun was a TM USP Springer that I had to cut out and fill in a form from GunMart magazine and send a cheque to mail order. Took 3 weeks to arrive as the cheque has to clear first before it shipped. I was 15-16 so around 1996-97. We didn't even have the internet at home then. My second Airsoft gun was a TM Glock 17 springer from a Toy Shop in Bournemouth when I was around 17, so 1998 ish. They had them behind the counter, right next to a Sylvanian Families display. Interesting mix there. The first AEG I set eyes on 'in the real' was a TM Steyr AUG in a Comic Shop also in Bournemouth. It was in a glass display case and it looked the coolest thing ever. I got into Tournament Paintball shortly thereafter so shelved any notion of playing Airsoft for 5 years or so as it zapped every penny (and them some) that I made in employment. But those pre-VCRA days were awesome. Good times - life felt so much simpler.
  4. FTFY. Having disposable income seems like such a dim and distant memory to me....
  5. DE&I Training. Where it's bad to even say 'Your hair looks nice today' to a colleague as it could be construed as a micro-aggression. Did my training last month.....🙄
  6. Well, I have a list.... - Rhododendron bushes, bottleneck-narrow tracks and the terrain (hills & bogs) stops game play completely dead at times. One kid with a box mag hiding under one of said bushes can stop 30 players on the other team with little to no effort effort. The bushes are so dense/dark - it's virtually impossible to see where they are hiding. If you are lucky enough to work out where they are camping, there's a low probability of actually hitting them due to the density. By the time you've managed to crawl through the fucking bushes and try to flank, the game is over (Saturday games) or the objective has moved on to it's new hourly location (Sunday games). You could argue this for any woodland site - but GZ takes it to a whole new level. - Deadzones (Sunday games) are fucking miles from the action - you push an objective, get shot, you are out for 20mins or so walking either to or from a deadzone - and you get shot on the way back to the objective? You are back in the deadzone and another bunch of time lost. Games degenerate into flat out cheating because people can't be arsed to deal with the deadzone bollocks. You'll only get 1-2 attempts at an objective if you really want to play them (more later). - Both teams use the same deadzones. So technically you could be lit up the second you step foot out of it by the other person/people you were occupying it with. Most of the time airsofters will do the honourable thing and not shoot each other while leaving until out of eye-shot, but I have witnessed a kiddy light up members of the other team for giggles the moment they stepped out from behind the net. - Sunday games have no flow. It's a big free-for-all single game with hourly (moving) objectives. Might sound fun in theory, but it just degenerates into shooting random people wandering around miles from said objectives. Frankly, only a small percentage of the players actually 'play' the objectives. The others are quite content to set up shop somewhere and take pot shots at passers by or just 'marauding' aimlessly. I find it deeply unfulfilling as an Airsoft experience. - Saturday games are significantly better IMO - they are 'structured' into ~6 traditional games in specific areas of the site rather than a single all-day game covering the whole site . If you want to experience GZ, I would recommend going on a Saturday first. You will only see a small percentage of the site's playing actual playing area on a Saturday though, but they focus the games around the key 'features' such as the village, the trenches, the airfield etc, which are relatively(!) close to the safe zone. - Not a massive issue for me, but no hot-burning pyro on site. Smoke could be extremely useful as a game play tool for this place, but they cannot use at the landowners request - fair enough I suppose. There are some good things: - I've never had a problem with the staff - Sunday games have a mini Z1 showroom on site. Saturday games not so much, mainly just BB's for the punters. - The Shooting range to setup your guns is excellent - a two-storey wooden building that looks like a wild west saloon. - There are some excellent 'features' like the Fort, Chapel or village areas. Just a shame they are fucking miles apart. I've played there on average twice a year over the last 16 or so years mainly for site membership/UKARA. TBH, I have no desire to play there anymore whatsoever. Planning to play Ironsite again a couple of times this year - a bit of a trek for me - but I much prefer playing there. Had great times when I've been before. This x1000.
  7. Fuck that. It's a shit site with 200 players let alone 2000+. Don't get the love for it at all. And I live only 20mins away.
  8. She must have been walking like John Wayne out of the barracks afterwards. Fair play to her. What makes me laugh is the whole 'denigrate women' BS that's coming from the new CO. Surely if she was un-coerced into her actions (31 times!), surely it should be seen as win for feminism and the rights of women to express themselves sexually with numerous partners without prejudice? That's what the blue-haired screamers would want the world to think, surely? I thought the Army was now singing from the same 'woke' song book? What a fucking clown world we live in.
  9. 2.26in?…pfft.. all the cool kids run with 2.91in risers now for Passive NV…. In all seriousness Chris Costa (remember him?) did a very cool video about optic height a couple weeks ago. Well worth a watch. Amazing back garden he’s got too. Tall optic risers make a lot of sense for Airsoft use, especially when it comes to face masks we like to wear. I’ve been experimenting with tall optic risers (2.5in+) for a few months, and I wouldn’t go back to anything lower.
  10. Unless Nuprol changed OEMs very recently, I believe they are still using the same micro switch GB. Patrol Base is listing their in-stock Defenders as using a micro switch at least. Happy to stand corrected if anyone knows different though.
  11. Agreed - although my CXP-16 is excellent, the DE Mxx series is incredible value for money. I wouldn't mind picking one up myself at some point. Not hate as such - but the switch/cut-off is a pretty poor design very prone to failing.
  12. OP wants a new front end/cosmetics. I advised that the existing gun isn't worth upgrading due to the mediocrity of construction from King Arms. Everything is plastic - down to the buffer tube, outer barrel/front sight and controls. For £200 I would be looking at - ICS CXP-16 (£175ish from Fire-Support) - Double Eagle M9xx(£150-190ish depending on model from various vendors) - Maybe a Specna CORE model with a rail system of your liking, along and with upgraded motor and hop rubber/nub There are loads of other options, the above are just the ones off the top of my head.
  13. She was up for it. All consensual and more precisely - legal. I'm sure crazier shit has happened across all the services - just that for the most part they didn't get caught.
  14. If I had the money (and I don't unfortunately) I would have that XM8, even as a wall-hanger. It's so brilliantly ugly that it makes it anti-cool, which is cool in itself.....makes sense in my head at least.....😵 Gotta love that classic early '00s styling.
  15. The CAA guns are OEM'd by King Arms. The budget one (which I'm assuming is the OPs version) that I looked at in the Z1 showroom had a plastic outer barrel that had the front sight molded in, much like an old school Combat Machine. So a hacksaw/dremel might be needed if you don't want to replace the Outer. Personally, I wouldn't bother. As it's front wired you'll either have to invest in a battery box (and associated batteries) or re-wire, along with buying the rail of your choice and probably a new outer barrel. Then you'll still be left with a pretty mediocre gun in terms of external build (almost all externals are plastic, including the buffer tube and charging handle IIRC) and an ok-ish KA gearbox. Sell it, and buy another gun with the rail of your preference, there's no shortage of options these days. Hell, even the new Specna £100 'Flex' series feels better in the hand than the King Arms 'budget' guns.
  16. Used to see Lady Winwoods Maggot on a regular basis when I was a barman at the George in Christchurch. I spent nearly every Friday night in the function room working the live music events. They were one of the bands that caused enough noise complaints from the neighbours that the pub was forced to fit a volume limiter by the council. If the band was too loud for more than 10 seconds, their power switched off. Went down well with the bands and regulars alike….not. Good times.
  17. Picked up a Hera Arms grip and Brighter C off these 'ere forums and a 22TPA motor from @ak2m4.
  18. That'll look gash and kill the resale value though. Tried it with a cheapo ACM rail and unless you happen to have a bandsaw handy it was a pain to get a reasonably flat and clean finish. Loads of cheap M-Lok options on Aliexpress
  19. SRS owner here. No, the rail won't fit without changing the barrel nut. They mount very differently to the gun. Predator: SR series: At least the predator has spanner-flats to remove the barrel nut. The SR series needs a special tool to remove/install without damage: I had to design and 3d print one in the end. In terms of replacing your hand guard - yes it can be done - G&G's receiver threading is standard AEG, so most Airsoft rail systems will work - I would be looking on Aliexpress for a 12in MLOK jobbie. The only issue is that aesthetically, any hand guard you choose might not match the flared hexagonal front of the upper receiver.
  20. Bought loads of stuff from EbayBanned when the exchange rate was $2USD to the £ back in '07 to '08ish. Good times.
  21. Loved season 1 - I've re-watched a few of the episodes a couple of times now. I loved Zima Blue (weirdly), found Beyond the Aquila Drift strangely unsettling (in a good way), thought Suits was cool, and really enjoyed Lucky 13 as I've read the entire series of books (Marko Kloos Frontlines) it was based off. Thought season 2 was disappointing in comparison. I don't think I've re-watched any episodes but Snow in the Desert was OK as it was written by Neal Asher, and I've read most of his Polity books. Thought season 3 was better than season 2, but wasn't blown away by it. Bad Travelling (again Neal Asher) was good, very reminiscent of the Spatterjay series of books, and Night of the Mini Dead raised a few chuckles along with Mason's Rats.
  22. It's the same light unit that you'll find all over AliExpress, but you've paid for Nuprol's laser-etched logo and a some semblance warranty that you curiously didn't utilise. With that in mind, given that the entire weapon light is only ~£25 shipped from Aliexpress, most would opt to bin off the damaged unit and buy another. You can buy an 'upgraded switch' with a removable rail mounted pressure pad for about the same money as a light unit itself. Of course you could try to contact Nuprol themselves and ask about spares. Good luck with that.
  23. 10+ years running a High-Torque/7.4v setup across most of my guns. Never had any issues with 'additional stresses' or such like on my simple sub-350fps guns. Never stripped a single gear, piston or damaged a bushing doing it. Never had any noteworthy FPS losses either. So, for me, it is a solution. A simple one at that. It's just that you don't like it. Pedantry here: Main springs are always compressed in an AEG gearbox, even with the piston fully-forward. 😘
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