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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. None that I know of (I'm in Christchurch, so the forest is only 5mins away for me) - but if you join the Facebook group Dorset Airsoft Community - there's a couple of Techs on there. It also depends on which side of the Forest you live - If it's the Southampton end you might be able to find a tech or shop that can do it in Hampshire. What are you looking to 'upgrade'? Some things such as hop rubber/units/barrels are simple to do yourself, motors are relatively straightforward - depending on the Specna model (Edge grips don't like aftermarket motors much).
  2. In the market for a new ('not-an-M4') RIF and I keep circling back to this one and it's now on my 'short-list'. Question is - how is the Falcon ETU at handling 11.1v LiPos out of the box? How has the unit generally held up with use?
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    WITHDRAWN No Longer For Sale Arrived today from AliExpress. Looks fine, construction is pretty decent - certainly good enough for LARPsoft and BBwarz. Colour a close match to Viper's 'Titanium Grey' and a Viper Vx Utility rig does mount onto it - however the buckles are not compatible with the Viper VX straps - I think they are actually ITW Nexus compatible (and Viper is not) but haven't got any to check. Selling as I can't be bothered to cut off, buy and replace all the buckles.


  4. £150 for a re-sprayed, ex-boneyard gun with missing bits (rear sight and stock battery cap) - that used to be sold (until recently) for £120-140 new.....oh, you also have to cover the postage. There's far better BRAND NEW guns for that money.
  5. Nope. Completely different designs. Army Armament R85: Source: Video V3 Trigger Switch: *Edit* - the Army Armament is a direct clone of the G&G L85 - you should be able to use a G&G switch unit
  6. Are you in some way connected to Minerva? Because your pictures are of the exact same rig as what’s on the Minerva website as used in the product pictures, down to the camo splotch placement on the Velcro and front laser cut Molle panels, the Tan 5.56mm magazines and the pistol mags. Not trying to be funny about it, but there have been hacked accounts of experienced users recently trying to scam people with non-existent products. If you are legit, the please accept my apologies. If I had the cash I would have it off you in a heartbeat.
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  8. Bit hyperbolic, it doesn't actually 'break' your account, but it stops you from using it. I've spent the last 4 days completely locked out of my account because I changed the email address on my profile. Basically, the forum's emails are being blocked by google so verification emails are not coming through to the users - leaving you in a 'pending validation' limbo and unable to post or access your PMs. I was able to contact @proffrink via Discord, and it's now been sorted for me - thanks for that. So..... avoid anything to do with changing your emails in your profile for the time being!
  9. Personally, if I was at NAE or any Airsoft bootsale, I would price up slightly on the expectation that people will want to haggle the price down.
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    SOLD AliExpress impulse order (that took far too long to arrive) but no longer needed. Powered up for a few minutes to check they work (which they do) then put back in their box. Impressive to look at, but frankly the Audio quality leaves a lot to be desired as is common with cheapo AliExpress knockoffs. The electronic audio is loud and reasonably clear, but don't expect them to perform like Peltors, Sordins or Howard Lieghts when it comes to directional awareness. Price Includes Postage and PayPal fees.


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    SOLD AliExpress impulse order but no longer needed - test mounted for a few minutes each but otherwise unused. I have two for sale. £8 Each or £14 for Both. Price includes Postage and PayPal fees.



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    Longshot, I know but wanted: KWA Tanker/PDW stock, as found on some of the KWA Ronin series. I know some people hate them and replace with buffer tubes. Must be in good condition and unpainted but would be happy with any colour of factory finish.


  13. The back of the trigger looks hollow. I would be 3D printing a bump stop and gluing it into the back of the trigger personally, but a chunk of plastic filed to the right shape should also do it.
  14. Oh fucking hell. Better change my password just in case.
  15. Oh, I get it what he's doing. But didn't LBX try to do the same thing? Designing their own (more interesting) patterns specifically for their gear with the help of Hyperstealth. All have been long discontinued. But I'm sure the Novritsch fanbois will be creaming their pants at this new pattern he's peddling.
  16. Meh. I don't like the colouring/pattern on the actual photos. And I don't like the idea of a sole-source manufacturer of a Camo's gear. It seems like it's Novritsch or nothing if you want a matching chest rig, plate carrier, pouches etc further down the line. At least Multicam (in it's various guises and 'similar-but-not' knock-offs), Pencott, ATACs et al gives you options from different kit manufacturers.

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    Balls-up an Aliexpress order - I've just had several M300 clones arrive with tape switches instead of tail cap switches - I didn't read the description properly so my bad. Soooo..... Does anyone have any clone Tail Cap Switches they want to part company with? Must be working and preferably in black. Ta


  18. Was at UCAP Valiant yesterday - and some of the staff playing the day along with some of the regulars and friends. The day's reffing staff made the effort to ensure that there was roughly equal numbers of players with experience of the site on each team. The day went smoothly and the playing staff received their fair share of eliminations from the game throughout. Probably the best day of airsoft I've had in years TBH. So while yes, favouritism does happen, it shouldn't on a decent, well managed site.
  19. Speedbird_666


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    Wrong section. More haste less speed next time.


  20. Never seen one being used by site staff either in all the times I've been there. It's the only site I've never been chrono'd at. Ironically - GZ Urban at Sopley used to be super hot on chronoing - with a strict 328fps (1j) limit. That was fun when every retailer (including Z1) was aiming to kick their guns out at around the 340-350fps mark for woodland use and QD gearboxes were not a 'thing' yet. I saw guys rock up with brand new Combat Machines etc bought from Z1 themselves just a couple days before, unable to use them on the Urban site as they were 10-15fps too hot. Good times.
  21. They can't, not with 300 players, let alone 3000. It's just lip-service.
  22. Not everyone needs drugs and alcohol in their lives to get their kicks, or use as a coping mechanism. I know I don't. And I don't consider myself old at 40. Just the smell of the 'herbs' being smoked is pretty disgusting to me. Never liked it as kid when my parents (and later my siblings) smoked it. I certainly can't stand it now.
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