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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. With the gun bag on table with shotgun.... looks like Giant Kiwi is in training for some other "career" in banking..... just kidding - nice little buy indeed
  2. Raider - the pic is the long version as opposed to short version (*just means the length of barrel) Excellent choice btw So you have a G&G Raider - and yes it is rear wired (I was thinking without specifying model I was assuming it was carbine which is front) You maybe should just call it a Raider (L or S but don't matter) and we will know exactly now look at the rear of it - it comes with a crane stock anyway so I can only presume now that your old crane stock is either: Damaged or 2-toned...... Fitting another crane on there will not really increase you battery options you should already have a crane stock and to best of my knowledge they don't really make jumbo crane stocks - so battery options won't be any different or you could just "ahem" repair the one you have or renew it and stick to nunchuck batteries you probably already using you already have stock tube but if you go for fixed stubby perhaps then you should be able to use most batteries and not need stock tube either But to answer your question - yes just a basic crane stock will or "should" fit on the stock tube you already have - and simply slide off old & slide on new stock (wires remain - or should remain in tube) - no tools required just pull the latch down a bit further to release at end of tube
  3. Hold up a sec - your G&G is deffo rear wired ??? find me a pic or just inform the model coz it should have a stock tube already but that don't mean it is deffo rear wired coz many front wired aeg's of various makes have stock tubes to attach the basic M4 stock's or crane or magpul types.... (Even some front wired aeg's can have a crane stock on there - my crap SRC Dragon has crane but front wired) I know it sounds daft but just checking ya G&G model is rear wired first But yeah if you have a stock tube then nigh any stock or crane stock "should" fit on there (a few really cheap guns have tight fitting stocks on slightly thinner stock tubes but generally they should all go on ok) But I can only presume you have a battery that is rear wired into tube itself if rear wired and no crane already
  4. you mean it is a carbine battery up front handguard? or is it a Raider - rear wired on a crane stock? CM16 is really the ref to the entry level range by G&G CM16 - carbine is front wired like G26 & GC16 Mod0 (i think) CM16 Raider, CM18 (crane stock) & FireHawk are rear wired in tube (VS02 stock) remove the basic rear stock and you most deffo should have a stock tube already to save agro & improve the look you could fit a snide Magpul type stock on there for front wired models if you wish to fit larger stock for larger battery then a crane stock won't offer a great deal over a front wired one - plus if you are front wired the gearbox will need opening & rewire to rear..... once or if you have a rear wired gearbox then you could fit a fixed stubby stock is a good option but you lose the adjustable option - but refitting most size/shape batteries is no longer a chore and most batteries will fit in a fixed stubby very easily.... Cheapo fixed - full or stubby stocks can be bought on fleabay for under £20 delivered from Hong Kong (if ya get ya ar$e in gear coz China shuts down real soon for their New Year - aprox 7 - 10 days) Stock tube is removed for these and no longer needed as fixed just screws on back of receiver/gearbox Or you may have the more less conventional WASP or 100Y variations which don't have stock tubes
  5. suppose you could get these: http://www.screwfix.com/p/bolle-cobra-clear-lens-safety-goggles/9744f but feel the strap might be a little too thin or not so robust for rough n tumbling about so get the others - not welders ones of course they'd be a real bitch for night time skirmish ( who's checking the rear ffs - Ray Charles & Stevie Wonder !!!! )
  6. As they are £13 plus delivery you may be able to buy direct from local screwfix http://www.screwfix.com/p/bolle-cobra-safety-goggles/9484f I just got these as I wear glasses and can really get into my sights (just glasses & goggles mind not tried with lower mask but got in there real close) http://www.screwfix.com/p/bolle-atom-safety-goggles/4516f Will remains to be seen - haa "seen" get it - ahem remains to be seen how much they fog up though when sweating like pig (squealing like one too if truth be known) B U T don't think of getting these: http://www.screwfix.com/p/uvex-ultravision-green-lens-welding-goggles-black-frame/69182 coz you won't see $hit out of them coz they are for welding !!! (max eye protection or what factor 4000)
  7. cool - so "probably" a standard M4 or M4-ish one around that size could work the "rough" chart didn't take long and could come in handy as ref point to check/update against well I'm keeping it to hand, and you can have a little measure up on M4 type nozzles now seen shs red M4 as being 21.47mm in descriptions if that is worth much love G&G
  8. cool - so "probably" a standard M4 or M4-ish one around that size could work the "rough" chart didn't take long and could come in handy as ref point to check/update against well I'm keeping it to hand, and you can have a little measure up on M4 type nozzles now love G&G
  9. oooopsie for double post anyway updated my own list on pc with Lozart's actual Lonex list bound to a good thing to check/measure stuff against.... Can see now the importance of getting right or near as damn it coz they really can vary a bit & possible to lose a good seal/feeding many thanks for info sir
  10. buy slightly cheaper stuff is my motto, I ain't that good yet to warrant a high end TM like just passing ya driving test is my take on almost anything you starting out with yeah you could get a nice new or newish BMW but most of us run with more down to earth stuff first time around Plus if it breaks and you can't fix it or f*ck it up even more - scrap it and start again or cut ya losses with ya old banger motor and get another one slowly working ya way up towards your higher end motor or aeg Would lay money that your first time gearbox service doesn't quite go to plan coz them guys who do it all the time are so good they make it look easy yup - only a few parts in there but my first few box's didn't work too good when I first started tinkering (still got a lot to learn myself but just saying about my take on things - up to you or owner what they do/buy)
  11. I would say most non hit takers in general are hirers but they all new to this and may not quite grasp one shot to elbow or gun is out if no secondary (at least 4 shots in COD - this ain't cod, or elbow ain't fatal - is in airsoft) Hirers don't bother me one bit, turn up at a site with hardly any regulars and you will be glad of any more players to avoid cancelling the day..... One time we had a group of complete absolute f*ckwit noobs that were just so thick non-hit taking was the least of our worries..... They kept lifting up the masks out on the field - not just in dead zone (still keep masks on in dead zone) In the game itself they were half behind cover and raising their masks that other players had to keep stopping to shout over to them and marshals - WTF YA DOING ??? They got bollocked but still one or two kept doing this $hit, even after being made to sit out for a round, but they kinda started to get the message by afternoon though all of us were watching those f*ckwits very closely - thankfully they never returned
  12. Aye most sites prefer if not demand u16 to wear full face It ain't worth the risk or hassle if goggle + lower face don't fit or there is gaps However my site allow my 15yr old to wear both goggle + lower as: He is taller than me and it fits very very tightly plus I give him permission, skirmish with him usually and they can see he is quite mature & responsible (unlike his dad who does still wear full face) Being mature doesn't mean he will be safer - I understand that but he makes sure there are no gaps and will return to safe zone if there ever was a problem with the fit is what I was meaning most sites want younger players to wear proper full face as safety is such a top top priority to all involved so much easier to demand full face than explain to a parent little Jimmy lost a tooth today
  13. I'm not gonna say G&G - damn it I just bought another one http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/ read up here a bit - Ian's guide is good and you do not need to spend a lot if you buy DECENT cheap stuff - you will do more than ok buy cheap crap, well that is where many of us learned the hard way
  14. Onesie - cool I'll try and get a duck one for NAE
  15. Turn up in whatever ya like I guess - though some sites are a little more serious or military themed than others Generally getting a good loadout is very practical and looks the part but not an absolute must - heck spend a fortune if you like then play underground bunker cqb (then peeps can't see f*ck all in front of them let alone if the guy next to them has the "proper" kit on) are you gonna get shot by some 12yr old - yup and he probably has a bright orange 2-Tone pity - nah not really. You could say we are all 12yr old kids trapped in various aged bodies ( nearly 4 x times over moi ) I would bet that you you may not be ultra serious you probably would enjoy the general semi-serious sites out there Your experience may assist you but also so will an open mind to get out there & enjoy yourself The breifing especially safety is important, then go with the flow, watch the regulars and all that They generally know the best strategies and ideas..... You go with the idea to have fun, forget your K-D bollox and enjoy your day out coz you probably get hooked
  16. Not gonna say much except only went once and that was enough expensive, mega ego's (both players n marshals), way too serious "win at all costs" competitive not gonna go on - might just be bad 1st experience but deffo not my cuppa tea I thought
  17. Yeah bad there is a little them/us between rental/younger players........ Must confess I never really notice it much myself - think only the non-hit takers get bitched about (alas this "usually falls into younger nooby rental players" - well if it don't then there is no excuses ya cheating ol' bastids) Hate snobbery in any form - but alas we can all be a little like that and pre-judge from time to time Funny thing is - the snob's probably fail to see the advantages from younger rentals If your site was suddenly flooded one weekend by some proper hard core pro airsofters that completely and utterly wiped the site's floor with those snobbish w@ankers..... Boy - would they THEN have something to moan about..... If "they" were that f*cking good themselves then perhaps they too should man up a little & try next level over 18's only, dedicated players on the way way more serious and tactical sites around Alas though very often in this world people take the pi$$ out of others to detract from people taking pi$$ out of them (me I just take the pi$$ out of myself - get in before anyone else does - jeez its a toy gun game) soz you had the odd bad remark - most of us are not like that and even if you & me are not so outstanding at this sport in reality so often you have to take the noobs with good, as long as they don't throw the game so what ffs ??? I often thought when me & others Vs the more experienced players we was just cannon fodder target practice stuff but those guys were always ok - so your lot are just a few ar$es who probably ain't really as good as they think they are don't worry - heck I would wear a hi vis vest loadout and follow them around like glue if I was on their team just to pi$$ them off, or make a point of camping it out and wait to take that particular bastid out near the base (don't do that - that is being silly but thoughts like this do cross my mind from time to time) Try to stick at it, think if you keep at it they will see you are a little more dedicated, can take the odd bit of pi$$take as well as ya hits, act sensible & mature = basis or start of a good sportsman/team member... if not then go with my silly ideas to really pi$$ them off - no still a joke - try another site
  18. is why I said a new build is perhaps the biggest bollock ache at least if replacing old stuff and its crap after new parts, you can re-try the old stuff (then compare new part to old (wise to check any bits before fitting I guess) On a new build there is no 101% guarantee all $hit will work well together tappet plates - had to trim one at back coz it came very close to hitting bevel gear spindle on a crappy SRC box soz - got it wrong - SPUR gear not bevel - that thing majig one in middle I call it nozzles - jeez there is loads of tiny discrepencies M4's can be 21 to 22 with a bit either way but think SHS M4's are about in middle @ 21.47mm (AK short 19.5 to AK long 20.5) poor sod - I do not envy him one bit coz major trial n error but he is making progress it seems
  19. Must be the Viagra version - smutty chuckle soz derailing post again
  20. Indeed - my two arrived and deffo very pleased many thanks for this squire and doing all the middle-man crap posting and bollox what-not etc..... fanx again
  21. either will do but last one is cheap and "seems" to be in UK BUT - however clicking on tz-electronic says he is/was a member based in China so it "may" not arrive exactly as you might be lead to think That said - I've ordered a couple of bits and they arrived very quickly - under about 5 days from a "UK" labelled china seller so he could of had a warehouse in Manchester say... Only reason I'm pointing this crap out is coz its gonna be Chinese New Year soon and stuff can grind to a halt for 7 to 10 days in the far east so maybe do a little research first if you are expecting it soon any fast type helmet - even a cheapo snidey one will increase your airsoft cred atm (my wife calls me loads of names too - and that is without the bellend "u look like a nob" look)
  22. nozzle does look a tiny bit pointing upwards as Lozart said That is a QD box with microswitch, normally sold as complete units though you can buy a bare APS box with 8mm bearings Just saying coz you are trying to install parts that may or may not be truely compatible with that particular box I would like to see a shs tappet/nozzle and "maybe" head in there as they are quite good all round cheap bits that seem so far go in very well in most boxes..... Yeah the tappet getting mashed like that ain't good - me thinks nozzle might wanna be a tad longer (just coz nozzle length looks ok but the box or end of box "could" be sited sat 0.5mm further back so you may be losing a good perfect seal on bucking) check what others said about checking for absolute airtight seal on nozzle to hop BUT you are getting there - now up to 250 - bastid new builds
  23. It is good to know that even I and may one or two others perhaps jumped on bandwangon a bit At least it is good to know that we all feel quite passionately about protecting the sport we all enjoy & love (ahh bless on Valentines day too - feel the love) All friends still Oh and welcome to forum m8 btw - lol
  24. Google up FAST helmet's they go for about £40 to £60 but you can get from poland/china for about £25ish http://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152206590-FAST-PJ-CFH-Helmet-Replica-Foliage-Green-L-XL-.html Much more - "pro" looking, my son nicked my one and I am left with the "bellend looking" one but hey it protects my receeding hairline bald head from getting scratched to f*ck on branches n stuff
  25. Cool m8 The first line(s) was slightly misleading, we have a lot of "guests" / kids looking for loopholes or how to get RIF's easily which is not good for the sport I said soz for my foolishly failure to absorb the whole facts, like I said one seller on here I would nigh on bet my ar$e fully checked and verified you legit (soz if I jumped to a possible conclusion on the other seller may not of) All the UKARA / VCRA stuff causes friction at best of times but to be fair it really is how the owners of such items conduct themselves that really matters in the long run nice kit - and sorry for pre-judging you and not taking time to read the whole thread first (forgive this old fool that really should know better than judge books by their covers)
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